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Suite à une discussion ouverte sur le forum officiel (Source), Anthony Ordon, designer technique, évoque le fait que les développeurs pensent à retravailler les avantages Défiance et Inébralable
Pour sa part, Anthony Ordon n'aime pas le système actuellement en place concernant ces avantages, et préfèrerait par exemple y introduire des fenêtres temporaires lors desquelles des crowd-control pourraient être appliqués.
En outre, même s'il s'agit d'une refonte importante dans le système de jeu actuel, cela est bel et bien présent sur leur liste de chose à faire.
Ainsi, la discussion est entièrement ouverte aux propositions. Libre à vous d'y participer.
Lots of nice comments here. I, too, have a strong dislike for the Defiant/Unshakable system. Internally we’ve kicked around a lot of ideas about how to change it. The problem is that making large sweeping changes to the game is a bit like moving a table that you built a Jenga™ tower on—it takes time, planning, and a lot of care to do it.
We’ve made big changes before, though. This one is on our list to address.
In the mean time it’s great to see some discussion over alternatives as well as some specific examples where existing alternatives work.Personally (by which I mean not representing the entire development team) I’d like to see at least one boss with a sort of reverse defiance. Generally immune to CC except in windows during one or two keys attacks with a long warmup. I think the theory behind Defiance would work well if everyone knew exactly when to interrupt. This is a troublesome prospect for the ad-hoc groups that GW2 promotes in various settings, so maybe shifting the responsibility to the boss (which everyone is already paying attention to) would work out a little better. “He’s winding up for super-mega-attack, everyone stun now!”
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost4188516
Dernière modification par Neph (10-07-2014 17:58:14)
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