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Au problème récurrent et ancien lié au système de file d'attente, Devon Carver est venu nous préciser hier (Source) que celui-ci serait revu et corrigé en même temps que la nouvelle carte McM "A la limite des Brumes" .
D'ici la, le système actuel restera tel quel.
Queues will be fixed as part of the new map. They will continue to operate as they have since launch until then. The queue does not function as a typical queue and we are fixing it. It will just take some time. It has been a lower priority than the other things we have done and we’ve only now been able to devote the appropriate resources to it.
Signalons également qu'Arenanet travail sur un système qui permettra d'estimer le temps de la file d'attente.
This is something that we are working on as part of the changes to the new map. I suspect it will be part of the testing process. It won’t be exact position/time if I had to guess but approximates. We will be updating some of how the queue works as well to make these approximates more accurate.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3052551
Dernière modification par Neph (21-10-2013 10:25:35)
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