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#1 30-08-2013 08:05:51

Rédacteur en Chef
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Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories



Les Golden Joysctik Awards, aussi connus sous le nom de People's Gaming Award est la deuxième plus ancienne cérémonie de remise de prix mondiale pour les jeux après les "Arcade Awards". Cette cérémonie, par le biais des votes du public, récompense les meilleurs jeux vidéo et jeux d'ordinateur de l'année.

Ainsi, à l'occasion de la 31e édition de cette cérémonie qui aura lieu le 26 Octobre prochain, la liste complète des jeux présélectionnés et des studios a été dévoilée (jeux sortis entre le 25 Août 2012 et Septembre 2013).

Liste complète sous spoiler :

Spoiler :     

A cette occasion, nous découvrons donc que Guild Wars 2 est nominée dans les catégories :
* Best Online Game
* Game of the Year

Si vous désirez voter pour vos jeux préférés, il faudra vous rendre sur le lien suivant et vous enregistrer :
=> … mepage.php

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#2 25-10-2013 16:33:09

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
Inscription : 19-12-2012
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Re : Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories


La 31e cérémonie des Golden Joystick Award vient tout juste de se terminer.
=> … -here.html

Le grand gagnant cette année est The Last of Us, quand GTA 5 a remporté le prix le plus prestigieux. Parallèlement Ken Levine et Call of Duty ont été honorés pour leur contribution à l'industrie du jeu vidéo.

Game of the Year
    GTA 5

Most Wanted
    Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Namco Bandai)
Best Indie Game
    Mark of the Ninja (Klei)
Best Newcomer
    The Last of Us (Sony)
Best Handheld Game
    Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (Ubisoft)
Best Gaming Platform in association with Digital Spy
    Steam (Valve)
Best Storytelling
    The Last of Us (Sony)
Best Mobile/Tablet Game of the Year
    XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2K Games)
Best Online Game
    World of Tanks (
Best Multiplayer
    Payday 2 (505 Games)
Innovation of the Year in association with T3
    Oculus Rift (Oculus)
Studio of the Year
    Naughty Dog
Best Visual Design
    BioShock Infinite (2K Games)
Best Gaming Moment in association with Absolute Radio
    Far Cry 3 – The Definition of Insanity (Ubisoft)
The YouTube Gamer Award

Et oui, comme nous pouvions nous y attendre, GW2 na rien eu du tout.

Pour clore cette news, voici une interview donnée par Colin Johanson avant la cérémonie.

Creating an MMO is tough, but NCSOFT's Guild Wars 2 did the job of revitalising the genre in distinct  and interesting ways. The game is up for Best Online Game at the Golden Joysticks, as well as Game of the Year.

In line with our Nominee, Knowing You posts - thank James for the rather brilliant word play - we spoke to Colin Johanson, Game Director on Guild Wars 2 about his thoughts on Guild Wars 2's critical success, and also managed to get some really interesting unknown facts about the game!

What does it mean for your studio to be nominated?

To everyone here at ArenaNet, this is a really big deal and we're extremely excited to be nominated. Development and production for Guild Wars 2 has run for nearly 7 years now from when we began production! That's a really long time to work on any one thing, let alone a video game before you're able to finally find out once and for all if it's going to be successful. So many years of sweat, tears, passion, and putting aside other life priorities to make the best game we could went into GW2. To have our work recognised by being nominated just helps validate all those years of sacrifice everyone here made to make this game we love. Our fans in the UK and Europe are incredible and being able to share this with them is extremely exciting as well. We like to think they are as much a part of the success of this game as we are for all they've done to spread the word about GW2, share their passion, and give us feedback to try and make it an even better game.

What do you feel has been the single strongest influence behind the nomination?

I think above all else the biggest influence on that has been our never-ending strive to create a game that isn't comfortable saying something is "good enough" and trying to move on. We've attempted to push the boundaries on what an online game – and most importantly questioned what an online world – can really be. We've increased the rate of our updates to the game to a pace of one update every two weeks, providing a narrative that ensures the story of our game world constantly continues and evolves. With this, we've seen the over-all momentum and growth of the game continue to expand, setting records as the fastest selling massively multiplayer online RPG in the history of western gaming. We're drawing on the inspirations that make television shows and entertainment successful and attempting to bring those concepts to the world of online gaming through a compelling ever-changing world and a storyline that continues every two-weeks; and we're doing all of that for free as part of the experience when you purchase GW2. The concept of a game or storyline that doesn't end when you beat it, but constantly grows and evolves like other types of entertainment media is very unique in the field of gaming, and something we think helps separate Guild Wars 2 from the rest of the genre.

What’s an unknown fact about your studio or team?

When creating Guild Wars 2, the audio team...

• Recorded over 700GB of sounds, that's equivalent to 140,000 MP3s
• Recorded over 60 feature films of voice dialogue
• Stood two feet from a fully grown hungry lion
• Froze in a 2 degree wind/snow storm
• Recorded 45 second impulse reverb in a nuclear reactor tunnel
• Swung a handmade 1 foot diameter ball of Kevlar rope dipped in gas on fire to get "fireball" sounds.
• Recorded a 2 million pound chain test machine and the chain that would go in it
• Made custom shoes for different character and foot types
• Smashed a TV or two

Source : … ars-2.html

Dernière modification par Neph (25-10-2013 16:51:11)

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#3 25-10-2013 17:28:04

Ichi Sumeragi
Serveur : Place de Vizunah
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Re : Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories

Quelle blague la contribution de cod à l'industrie noel


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#4 25-10-2013 18:09:33

Sous-fifre (6)
Serveur : Mer de Jade
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Re : Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories

Vu le nombre de cod vendus ça rapporte une grosse contribution financière ! tongue

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#5 25-10-2013 18:19:23

Ichi Sumeragi
Serveur : Place de Vizunah
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Re : Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories

Ca va pas bien plus loin en tout cas  noel

Enfin bon,j'avais voté y'a quelques jours,j'ai trouvé les choix trop restreints pour vraiment faire un vote correct,par défaut quand rien ne me plaisait plus que ça j'ai fait mon fanboy (j'ai voté GW2 parce que dans la catégorie c'était le moins pire quoi...),mais globalement j'ai trouvé ça un peu dommage.


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#6 25-10-2013 20:32:25

Pseudo IG : Joey W
Serveur : Place de Vizunah
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Re : Golden Joystick Award 2013 : GW2 nominé dans 2 catégories

Game of the year : GTA V... Ce monde est définitivement fou roll

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