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That_shaman, que l'on commence à connaitre pour l'ensemble du data-mining du fichier .dat de GW2 qu'il nous donne à découvrir régulièrement, nous avait annoncer le 23 Mai dernier qu'il partagerait avec nous son outil permettant de trier la base de donnée du jeu.
Et bien c'est chose faite. Voici donc l'outil avec lequel il travaille : Gixxcel
Afin de ne rien omettre dans le mode d'emploi, je vous donne à lire tels quels ses propos :
(Nota : les termes en gras correspondent à des liens externes internet)
Hello my fellow explorers!
As you might have noticed I've mined a lot of gemstore items the last couple of weeks. A lot of people asked me how I obtained this information and the answer would be: Gixxcel, a custom build tool that decodes the GW2 strings and archives them.
I've spend a bit of time cleaning my messy code and decided to release it as an open source project. (Don't expect proper error handling or safe thread calling, it just does the job). Because I don't want to host binaries (executables) a simple how to get started:
Everything is written in C#, so make sure you have at least Visual C# Express 2010 (or higher) installed.
Download the source via your favorite SVN tool (if you are not familiar with SVN take a look at this)
Extract the string files from the dat archive (gw2browser)
Open the files in Gixxcel and you are ready to go.Some basic instructions:
You can change the language and perform a basic search in the upper right corner of the toolbar.
Data will be stored in Appdata / Local / GixxcelLinks:
Project page
Based on research by rhoot
ScreenshotSVN Link:
svn checkout http://gixxcel.googlecode.com/svn/ gixxcel-read-only
Link if you are using the Download SVN tool:
(And yes, my SVN trunk structure got a bit messed up, maybe I'll fix it later)
Les intéressés apprécieront.
Dernière modification par Neph (10-06-2013 07:18:16)
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Je me suis toujours demandé comment il faisait pour extraire ce genre d'infos à partir de la base de donnée du jeu. Thx pour le partage
- Brooklyn, XO.
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Mise à jour de Gixxcel
* Fixed a time sorting bug in the grid
* Added a proper new search function.
* Added a filter button.
* Files will now be placed in memory before parsing (significant speed boost).
* Grid data will load in a separate thread.
* Language selection has been moved to the file menu.
* Screenshot of the updated interface.
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