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Salut à tous !
Sorti le 26 avril 2005 en Amérique du Nord et le 28 en Europe, Guild Wars fête maintenant ses 10 ans !
Tandis que sur le jeu original, la fête bat son plein avec quelques nouveautés, Arenanet lance un jeu concours pour gagner quelques goodies sympas.
Vous pourrez y participer par ici : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/s/NQ8P7LD
Bon anniversaire, Guild Wars
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Un superbe article retraçant les 10 ans de la franchise Guild Wars : https://www.guildwars2.com/fr/news/the- … uild-wars/
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Alala c'était le bon temps GW1 ..
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RIP FoWsc, UWsc, SoOsc etc etc... :') (SF )
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Our ten random winners in the Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Contest have been selected and were notified by e-mail today. Winners were drawn from all those who correctly answered all 10 questions.
We look forward to hearing back from the winners within 72 hours so that we can start preparing their prize packages. If we do not hear back from a winner by May 20, we will randomly select a new winner and contact that person via e-mail.
So check your mail folders (including spam and junk just in case the e-mail was mis-directed by your mail provider) to see if you’re a winner of the Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Trivia Contest!Thanks to everyone who participated!
Vérifiez donc votre boîte mail pour savoir si vous avez gagné l'un des prix ^^
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