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#1 12-09-2014 08:55:01

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[CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

Source : … cs-and-QOL

Le tout nouveau sujet de brainstorming vient d'être ouvert hier par Chris Whiteside.

Le programme des discussions porte donc sur les Guildes. Et, la phase n°1 des échanges a vocation à répondre à la question suivante : "Comment aimeriez-vous voir améliorer la logistique de Guilde et la qualité de vie ?"
Noter bien ici que ce n'est qu'après avoir terminé cette phase préliminaire que le contenu même (ex : missions de guilde, halls de guildes, GvG, raids de guildes...) sera abordé.

  • Le terme "logistique" regroupe des éléments tels la communication dans une guilde, la gestion des membres, les outils liés, etc.

  • Le terme "Qualité de vie" comprend les idées pour améliorer les systèmes existants dans la fonctionnalité.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Welcome fellow collaborators to the latest round of CDI topics.

Phase 1 Topic Title: How would you like to see Guild Logistics and Quality of Life Improved

Below are some suggested formatting tools that will make the CDI more accessible if followed.

Suggested Idea Format

Proposal Overview
<A short description of the proposal that is being put forward>

Goal of Proposal
<What problem are you trying to solve with your proposal>

Proposal Functionality
<How does your proposal work in regard in relation to the current design of GW2>

Associated Risks
<What risks or problems can you foresee with this proposal which you would like to have assistance on from other members of the CDI>

Please try to be as concise as feasible with your proposal.

Discussion Posts

Suggested Discussion Approach

No suggested format.
Suggested Post Word Count: 200

CDI Rules:

1: This initiative is all about discussion.
2: We will not be disclosing information pertaining to what is currently in development.
3: Anger and emotion will have less impact than intelligent discussion.
4: Together we will share and evolve design philosophies which will impact how we develop the game moving forward.
5: Aggression and disrespect to a fellow community member or developer will not be tolerated, and in the extreme could lead to the shutting down of the initiative.
6: The teams primary focus is work toward the development of GW2 and therefore posting of discussion and commentary may not be as frequent as you like. Please do understand that the initiative is taken very seriously by us all and that we will be reading the discussions and joining in as often as it is possible to do so.
7: Off topic posts will be deleted.

Please note this is not a competition, either between yourselves or the developers in regard to one up man ship. The point of this Initiative is to work together to make the game better.

Note: We will disclose the ideas we do or don’t like as a group but we will not discuss schedules or timing around implementation.

P.S: I may wait a day before starting to post to allow the discussion to evolve naturally. I will try to do summaries (CDI members feel free to help out to if you like that kind of thing) and will be constantly keeping up to date with the discussion. Just because I don’t post all the time doesn’t mean I am not reading it.


A ce stade de la discussion nous en sommes déjà à 8 pages de propositions/idées.
Et, pour le moment, le débat tourne autour du fait de conserver l'actuel système de multi-guildes pour les joueurs tout en cherchant à accroître la fidélité de ceux-ci à une "guilde mère".

JonPeters a écrit :

I see a variety of comments on feeling more attachment to a specific guild and a lot of talk of the # of guilds people are a part of and the fear that is causing a lack of attachment. This lack of attachment keeps players players from being compelled to belong to any of their guilds instead of being compelled to belong to all of them (which was the original intention of this design of guilds as more social groups rather than as exclusive cliques).

I’d love to see some discussion on how we could create greater attachment to a single guild without taking away the current value of membership in multiple guilds.

I think that involves some discussion of the following.

1) What is currently a part of being in a guild that can’t be taken away, and why would it be bad to take it away?
2) Is there anything that is currently part of being in a guild that could be taken away and given to a more focused guild association? What could we do to mitigate some of the negativity of taking away current functionality? For example replace it on all guilds or enhance it for the one guild that it is tied to?
3) What kind of features are there that don’t even exist yet that would really only make sense with a more fixed association with a single guild?

A lot of good design discussions come from answering these questions anyway which I would summarize as what can/can’t we take away? What can/can’t we change? What can/can’t we add? I ask them in that order because it’s generally the order that they are easiest to implement in.


Source : … QOL/page/4

Pour ce faire, Jon Peters pose la question de savoir quels moyens seraient nécessaires pour y arriver.

JonPeters a écrit :

Great points here and I think what I am hinting at is that if there was a way to maintain the current guild functionality of multiple guilds but also add a way to really commit to a singular guild what are the features old and new that you think are important for your basic guilds vs your, for lack of a better term, “home” guild. smile


Source : … QOL/page/4

Notez qu'en parallèle Chris Whitesie se dit :

  • intéressé par un système plus avancé de customisation des canaux de discussion

  • tout comme il devrait se pencher sur le coût d'un calendrier de guilde (et/ou d'un bulletin de guilde)

  • apprécie l'idée de limiter les quantités de dépôts et retraits effectués par les membres d'une guilde dans la banque de guilde

  • apprécie l'idée proposée des alliances entre guildes

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Personally i like the idea of custom chat channels even though this isn’t guild specific.
Source : … QOL/page/5

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

I am going to look into the cost of a guild calendar.
Source : … QOL/page/6

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

This is an interesting idea. What would you do about players who constantly take from thee stock pile, for example hitting limit everyday and not re-stocking. Would this be handled by just cautioning the player or would you design levels of restriction?
Source : … QOL/page/6

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

I do like the idea of alliances. There are a lot of associated gameplay and meta social opportunities.
Source : … QOL/page/6

Dernière modification par Neph (12-09-2014 08:55:37)

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#2 15-09-2014 17:11:57

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Suite des échanges
Le brainstorming atteint aujourd'hui 15 pages.

Tout en continuant à échanger sur les notions de guilde "mère" et "secondaires", Jon Petersn Game Design Lead, a étayé le débat en posant la question de la fonctionnalité des alliances de guildes et du pourquoi les joueurs voudraient y recourrir ?
Ce à quoi il a rajouté sa propre vision de la chose.

JonPeters a écrit :

I see a lot of talk about alliances. Two questions on that front:
1) What functionality would you like to get out of an alliance?
2) What makes you want alliances?

I’ll try to answer them myself.
1) Ability to play content that is made for larger guilds. Ability to connect some of my guilds and have them be able to chat together without the commitment of being in the same guild.
2) My guild is small and there is not enough content for small guilds. I think we could make more small guild content too which would help alleviate the need for alliances.

Source : … QOL/page/9

Le 3e débat ouvert a ensuite porté sur les halls de guilde et plus particulièrement sur quelles sont les 3 choses essentielles (non existantes) que ceux-ci doivent offrir aux joueurs.

JonPeters a écrit :

Ok time for a third topic.

Guild Halls.

I see this subject come up a lot in this thread and while we can talk about other aspects of Guild Halls at some point, let’s try another exercise.

What are the 3 top QOL features you think Guild Halls could provide that maybe couldn’t exist otherwise? Try not to list features that are beyond QOL, but I won’t hold it against you because its hard to do. smile

I’m out for the day hiking at Mt. Rainier but will try and return with my own top three later this weekend.

Source :

A ce propos, c'est la fonctionnalité de pouvoir transférer (sur une zone donnée) un groupe entier de joueur qui a attiré l'attention de Jon.
Mais des précisions doivent être faite sur : la taille du-dit groupe et la zone (exclusive au groupe ou non).

JonPeters a écrit :
Kaz.5430 a écrit :

The biggest QoL feature that I can think of, that ‘only’ a Guild Hall could provide is as a Megaserver Transportation system.

If only guild members (or invitees perhaps) can access the hall, then it would be an easy place to gather a large group together and be sure to all be on the same map. There could be an NPC that each player speaks to, and by speaking to them, megaserver system is able to get an exact count of the number of players wanting to travel together to a particular zone, BEFORE they try to travel.

Rather than each player loading a zone independently, and the system using predictive logic to try and group people together, it would know exactly how many spaces it needs to have on whichever map the collective attempts to load.

While obviously cool there are some details that would be required to start talking about this.
          • How big of a group would be required to create one of these zones?
          • Could you join half empty zones or would you always want them guild exclusive?
          • Would zones created for your guild stay exclusive to your guild?
          • etc.

I’d love to see your thoughts on the details of this proposal to talk through some of the issues and see if it is in fact realistic, knowing that obviously you don’t know how the server infrastructure for megaservers works but I’ll try and be here to guide you. smile

Source : … OL/page/14

Jon Peters toujours a également proposé à lire son top 3 des éléments "qualité de vie" en lien avec une guilde :
1/ Pouvoir, dans un lieu donné, récolter en guilde
2/ Une représentation plus physique des améliorations de guilde
3/ Un lieu, encadré par une guilde, pour pouvoir y réaliser des activités (à la manière du concept des arènes PvP)

JonPeters a écrit :

Since I started it let me list my top QOL improvements from guild halls.

1) Some way for the entire guild to physically gather in a location.
2) A more physical representation of guild upgrades allowing the upgrades themselves to take on forms that are more physical as well.
3) A place where you can do in game activities in a space controlled by your guild (technically custom arenas offer this for PvP already but the only activity you can do in them is conquest PvP.)
Source : … OL/page/14

Enfin, rajoutons que les éléments les plus récurrents dans les propositions faites par la communauté se résument comme suit :

Niquechelle.2015 a écrit :

This is just a short summary of the most mentioned things in this Thread. I hope it helps a little

Guild mail
-ability for the guild leader so send mail to the whole guild at once

Guild halls

Guild capes
-visible representation of own guild

-8v8 match between two guilds

Guild recruitement boards
-possibility to post facts of own guild for guildless ppl to read at one place

Guild event calendar
-ingame event calendar to post guild mission dates and other events

Auto upgrades
-set specific upgrade times for guild buffs e.g. every friday

-ability for guilds to group up for guild missions and other events

Guild tags
-commander tag only visible for guild members, for organizing guild missions and other events

Guild bank changes
-separate material slot
-donations possibility
-finer tunement for member rights e.g. view only, moving only of items

Divisions in guild roster
-ability to group members by activity

-access to ad ability to edit guild info and rooster outside the game

-make MotD more visible for members

rename Guilds
-allow renaming of guilds

Guild chat
-allow guild chat for all guilds, not only the one who gets represented

Guild missions changes
- mission in instances
- missions can only be started with given permission

Account guild
-new toons rep one choosen guild automatically

Guild UI changes
-make it harder to leave guilds by accident
-show player join/ last representing date
-more ranks

Dernière modification par Neph (15-09-2014 17:14:03)

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#3 15-09-2014 18:37:23

Sous-fifre (6)
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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

On entre dans le vif du sujet big_smile  Allez, d'ici 9 mois on aurra peut être un hall de guilde. Après si ca coute 400 or et 50 trucs à débloquer dans la branche architecture ...

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#4 19-09-2014 08:09:22

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
Sur la base du résumé de l'ensemble des propositions faites à ce jour par les joueurs (Cf. topic d'Orpheal.8263) Chris Whiteside demande aux joueurs de lister leurs 3 principales améliorations des Guildes.

Si le sujet vous intéresse, pensez à exprimer aujourd'hui vos souhaits.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi All,
Please find below Orpheal’s summary for the CDI below: … ost4419141
What are the top 3 improvements you would like to see to Guilds in regard QOL and Logistics.
Once we have a good idea of folks favorites we can have a final discussion.
Source : … OL/page/16

Ces tops #3 permettront alors de définir au mieux le cadre des prochains et derniers échanges.

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#5 19-09-2014 08:23:34

Silver Eternity
Marmiton (5)
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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

je suis d'accord avec toi. D'autant plus pour les petites guildes. Je ne comprends pas qu'elles soient si désavantagées...


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#6 26-09-2014 09:11:20

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Brainstorming transverses sur le Monde contre Monde

En raison de problèmes personnels ces derniers jours, Chris Whiteside n'a pas pu continuer de participer activement à son CDI. Celui-ci remet donc à lundi prochain le bilan des propositions faites autour des guildes et ce avant d'ouvrir "officiellement" la prochaine phase portant sur les Halls de guildes.

Cette période a toutefois été mise à profit par John Corpening. Ce dernier ayant ouvert alors deux autres débats en lien avec le Monde contre Monde. Deux discussions prenant toute leur importance en cette période de tournoi.

  1. Siege Troll Discussion

  2. Solution to fix the population imbalance

Comment régler le problème des trolls utilisant les armes de siège et le ravitaillement
Le 1er brainstorming McM a donc porté sur les comportements anti-jeu (création d'armes de siège excédentaires, utilisation des ravitaillements non efficient, etc... le tout ayant pour but de nuire à un serveur) et les solutions envisageables.
Loin d'être simple à régler, ces problèmes sont toutefois bien pris en considération et de nouvelles pistes de réflexions sont ouvertes, telle que l'introduction d'une pénalité (impossibilité temporaire de poser des armes de siège).

John Corpening a écrit :

I was about to toss out the exhaustion idea altogether because of the legitimate concerns of small groups that a good number of you have brought up but this post gave me another perspective on it. I’m going to merge some of the ideas you guys have put forth into a new iteration on the design you and I have been working out.

Here is the new proposal based on your ideas:
Siege Dismantling

  • You DO NOT get exhaustion from placing siege

  • If you own a piece of siege:
            • There is a skill on the skill bar called “Dismantle” that will drop the timer down to one minute

  • If you do not own a piece of siege:
            • There is a skill on the skill bar called “Vote Dismantle”
            • If a piece of siege gets 5 votes:
                  • The timer on the siege drops to 5 minutes
                  • The player who placed the siege gets a stack of exhaustion
                           • In this proposal this is the only way to get exhaustion[/*

  • When a siege timer is reduced to 0 it is dismantled
            • All siege that is dismantled drops 25% of the supply it took to construct


  • A player who has 5 stacks of exhaustion can no longer place siege until they have 0 stacks of exhaustion

  • A stack of exhaustion is removed:
            • After 5 minutes
                  • For commanders this time is reduced by 2 minutes for each member of your squad for up to 20 minutes
            • For each enemy player defeated
            • For each objective taken

This proposal has these properties:

  • Play is not affected at all for anyone unless they repeatedly place siege that is repeatedly voted down

  • Players are encouraged to clean up their siege to get a refund and to prevent their siege being voted down

  • Players can police themselves by voting down bad siege

  • Players who get exhaustion incorrectly can easily remove it by playing WvW normally

  • The more siege that gets placed that is left unattended the easier it will be to lose the privilege of placing siege.

  • Commanders who actually have people following them can bypass the bulk of the penalty and should easily remove the rest through normal play

For other topics, there seems to be general agreement that some sort of labeling or filtering will help with siege that is dropped onto the area you are trying to build in. Also, I agree that build sites could have a smaller footprint.

Again there were a lot of really good suggestions! I am reading every single post in this thread (and you guys are keeping me busy smile) so I really appreciate those of you who have stayed constructive, on topic and within the guidelines that were set down. It is really helping us think out possible ways together of how we could address this problem in a way that would work for everyone.

So now…


Source : … ion/page/7

Comment régler les problèmes de déséquilibre de population
Depuis deux jours maintenant, John Corpening échange avec la communauté pour tenter de trouver des solutions au déséquilibre de population existant en Monde contre Monde.
Cet autre problème peut être abordé sous plusieurs angles : celui des limites de population, de la fusion de serveurs et enfin des groupes de bataille.

John Corpening a écrit :

You guys beat me to it. After last week’s positive discussion on siege trolls I wanted to bring up the topic of population imbalance and ideas that you have on it.

There are a couple of ideas already going in this thread:

  • population caps

  • merge servers

  • Battle Groups

I’d like to join in this brainstorm with some questions on these. For merging servers, how do we determine who gets merged? Where would we merge them to? How do we maintain any sort of world pride or identity they have? How do we handle potentially merging with your mortal enemies?

For population caps, how do we deal with the longer queues on the worlds that can field enough people? If it is dynamic, would players be able to manipulate it? For example, our world is ahead so we all agree to not play WvW so the other worlds are capped down and can’t counter us.

For Battle Groups, Asglarek mentioned more details are on the way. I’d love to hear more.

I’m approaching this as a brainstorm. The topic is “Approaches to correcting overall population imbalance”. I know there is a related topic of 24 hour coverage but I’d like to keep that as a separate conversation for now.

Please keep this friendly, constructive and on topic. We had a really good discussion on the siege troll thread I’m hoping we can kick around some ideas and have another great discussion here. Feel free to add additional ideas that I didn’t list out but please make sure they are on topic.


Source : … ance/first

A ce jour, une synthèse de ces échanges a été réalisée et des pistes de réflexion ont été soumises (Cf. citation ci-dessous).
Ainsi donc en l'état actuel, John Corpening entrevoit une solution -parmi d'autres- au déséquilibre par le biais des alliances (NdR : ce qui renvoie indirectement donc aux échanges ayant déjà eu lieu dans le CDI de Chris Whiteside).

En plus d'apporter une solution aux serveurs à faibles populations, les alliances permettraient selon ses propos de conserver une "cohésion" nécessaire entre joueurs (cohésions d'appartenance à une guilde, une alliance et donc un serveur).

Les alliances se devraient aussi de suivre une certaine limitation (à définir) tout comme un cycle de jeu (hors saison -> Tournoi -> Restructuration -> Créer de nouveaux mondes -> Redistribuer les alliances) et ouvriraient ainsi la possibilité de créer de nouveaux mondes regroupant les affrontements d'alliances.

John Corpening a écrit :

Yowzers that was a lot to read! You guys have been busy. I dropped that line that I needed to get caught up and then the size of this thread more than doubled! I’ll apologize in advance for not calling out who some of the ideas in this post are coming from but there were too many posts to keep it all straight.

There are a number of great ideas circulating attacking the problem from different angles and with varying levels of magnitude of change. One note though, I really feel that scoring is a separate issue that needs to be addressed on it’s own. We will discuss that one after we wrap this one up. Even if we were to overhaul the scoring system population imbalance will still be an issue.

From reading through this thread I think we can agree on the following goals:

  • We want a thriving and vibrant WvW community in each world. That is to say, we want people to play with and against.

  • We want to continue to play with our friends and the communities that we have developed already.

There were a number of other goals but I think those are the two big ones. I’m going to combine a number of your ideas to attempt to address this problem with a proposal and see what you guys think.

First off, as many of you have pointed out, it will be impossible to create equal populations without moving people around. As several others have pointed out we don’t want to break apart communities. This has been a really tough one for all of us. I know all about server pride. At the risk of having people scream “MATCH THREAD” and red card me off the forums, I’ll let you know that I have been known to pipe up in meetings with “SBI TILL I DIE” because it’s where I play with my friends and family members. So I’ve had the same reaction that many of you had when merges have come up in discussion. Through Adopt-A-Dev I’m now repping the DR crowd and I’ve learned that these guys on DR don’t all have three heads and eat puppies (unless they are really cool) and while it did feel a little dirty to fight SBI last week it was still great fun.

Anyway, this discussion made it clear it is who you play with that’s important and a number of ideas in this thread preserved that without restricting the number of people who could play at a time. These have had a number of names but for the sake of discussion I’ll go with Alliances. The idea that I liked for Alliances is that it is a group of guilds and people that are guaranteed to stay together no matter how things are rearranged. There would probably need to be a size limit on Alliances and several of you pointed out that whatever limits are put in place it should be based on WvW participation.

A few of you noted that things will always be changing over time so the system would have to be dynamic. There are a couple of ways of addressing this discussed in this thread. An idea that would be a small incremental change to how the game plays would be to create a new set of worlds then fill them up with our Alliances of guilds and players that are guaranteed to always play together. This would happen at regular intervals, the intervals were all over the map as were the size of the worlds in this thread so I will propose this cadence:

  • Off Season

  • Tournament

  • Restructure
      • Create new Worlds
      • Redistribute Alliances

This cycle would take a few months given the cadence of tournaments we have had which is about the time that we would want to rebalance populations. After the restructure, players could transfer like they do now if they so desired.

Alliances would provide continuity for the community. I see the server pride of today becoming Alliance pride because of that continuity. But I also see the off season as a time for the newly formed world of alliances to develop their own identity as they head into the tournament. Keep in mind that if an alliance was big enough to fill a world that mapping becomes one to one. If that became the case maybe the world could just take the alliance name. It’s interesting because that time together gives everyone involved a chance to see if they all want to ally together to truly solidify into a world. If not, you are still playing with your community for the glory of your alliance in the next restructure. But your community would be playing with other communities new to you and maybe this new bunch is a better fit for you and an opportunity for your alliance to grow.

The pieces for this idea comes from a number of posts in this thread. There are also some thoughts in there from some discussions I’ve had with several guild leaders. I just glommed it all together into something that I think could be a workable solution. I do want to emphasize though that this is all brainstorming smile

Let me know your thoughts and thanks again for all the great and constructive discussion!


Source : … ce/page/10

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#7 30-09-2014 16:36:41

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Résumé des échanges de la phase 1
Chris Whiteside a mis à un terme il y a quelques heures à la première phase de discussion concernant "les améliorations logistiques de Guilde et la qualité de vie".

Au total, 31 propositions ont été mises en avant par la communauté, mais seules les dix premières sont reprises par Chris Whiteside.
Il s'agit donc des 10 principales évolutions/nouvelles caractéristiques (par ordre décroisant) souhaitées par la communauté. Celles-ci seront donc transmises à l'équipe de conception du jeu pour analyse.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi All,

Thank you for being so patient with me, the awesome discussion and brain storming as well as doing some of the logistical work on the CDI (I appreciate this more than you can know)

There have been a huge amount of proposals and these have been compiled by Drakth to your favorites through the 1,2,3 priority system. The proposal below covers the Top 12 features, and evolutions you would like to see. I will be forwarding the link to the design team who have been keeping a watchful eye on our discussion and who will take the info and pertinent discussion and arm themselves with this knowledge as we move forward and evolve the game. The full list can be found here: … 20CDI.xlsx

CDI Proposal Phase 1: Guilds QOL and Logistics

This is a proposal put together by the CDI group specifically for the Anet development team to read and discuss. This is not a commitment of work.

More detail on each feature/evolution can be found (Thank you so much for doing this Orpheal): … ost4419141

1: Alliances: The ability for guilds to ally and work together to progress through the main guild activities in GW2.

2: Guild Calendar: The ability for guilds to through customization of the in the calendar tool organize their events and activities.

3: Guild Halls: The ability for guilds to have halls that allow them to make a statement about their Guild and customize their halls. Guild Halls would also bring activities for guilds with the CDI groups wanting to see GvG be part of this (GvG will have it’s own phase in the broad CDI about Guilds. The CDI group also wants to see Guild Rewards that advertise their guild and make them stand out such as Guild Capes.

4: Multi-Guild Chat Window: A way for players to easily see chat in the other guilds they are part of and switch to that chat channel with out making the social UI panel to busy.

5: MOTD/Bulletin Board: A system that displays the MOTD when the player logs in and display the MOTD on a bulletin board where other player’s can post about info pertaining to their Guild Mates.

6: Guild wide messaging/mail system for leaders: A system that allows those with the appropriate permissions in their guild to mail their guild mates as we all as a separate mail system and channel for guild leaders.

7: Guild Bank, Security and Functionality: Increased functionality (Accessibility etc) for Guild Bank and Security (permissions etc)

8: Guild Chat Upgrades: Alliance chat, officer chat, profession chat and much more!

9:Roster Improvements/General Guild Improvements: Too much to summarize please see Orpheal’s CDI Summary link above.

10: Guild Recruiting tools:: Recruiting tools allowing those with permissions to better manage the logistics of Recruitment as well as functionality for better exposition of recruit status etc.

Note there are in fact 31 proposals put forward but as discussed I am only listing the top ten.

I am going to leave the thread open for a while (few hours) and then sticky it on the CDI section at which point the much anticipated deep dive into Guild Halls will begin!

Once again thanks to you all. You are great!


Source : … OL/page/20

Phase 2 du CDI sur les Guildes : Halls de guildes

Source : … uild-Halls

La phase 1 étant terminée, Chris Whiteside a donc ouvert le second brainstorming autour du concept des Halls de guilde.

Le but ici est de tenter de répondre à la question suivante : "Comment aimeriez-vous voir la fonction halls de guilde si ceux-ci faisaient partie de GW2 ?"

Comme d'accoutumé, les règles pour exprimer une idée et/ou un point de vue ne changent pas. Et, libre à vous de prendre part ou non à l'échange ayant lieu en ce moment.

Dernière modification par Neph (30-09-2014 16:37:57)

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#8 01-10-2014 10:00:20

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Informations complémentaires
Alors que la discussion se déroule en ce moment même autour des Halls de guildes, Chris Whiteside indique déjà qu'il s'agit en l'état de, je cite, "l'un des meilleurs CDI à ce jour en termes de qualités de propositions, brainstorming et solution au problème".

En outre, Chris Whiteside confirme bien qu'une autre phase portera sur le GvG.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

We will have a CDI phase on GvG.
Source : … alls/first

Noter également que John Corpening continue de lire les propositions faites autour des déséquilibres de population en McM.
(Un topic atteignant déjà 21 pages)

John Corpening a écrit :

Hey Guys,
Just a quick note to let you know I’m not dead I took a day off to celebrate a birthday for a special little dude in my life. Now I’m back and waaaaaay behind!
I’ve had some thoughts based on some feedback you guys have given on the proposal I posted. I’m going to try to get caught up on this thread then see how we can adjust things to cover some concerns.
Source : … ce/page/20

Dernière modification par Neph (01-10-2014 10:04:46)

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#9 04-10-2014 12:54:14

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Alors que le 18 Janvier dernier Regina Buenaobra nous informait que les halls de guilde n'étaient pas à l'ordre du jour pour GW2 ("As we have said in the past, we do plan to have guild halls one day, but it’s not a feature we’re currently actively working on.” - Source), Chris Whitedise et Jon Peters semblent bel et bien être aujourd'hui plus ouvert sur la question.

A l'heure actuelle, le CDI sur les Halls de guilde atteint aujourd'hui 13 pages.

Voici un résumé du "concept général" retenu par Chris Whiteside :

Halls de Guilde

Que sont-ils ?
   Peuvent être un bâtiment sur une île flottante, un dirigeable, un bâtiment dans une instance distincte ou un bâtiment sur un carte principale (ex : terrains à bâtir).

Comment sont-ils ?
  Le souhait exprimé dans de nombreux messages est que les halls de guilde doivent être personnalisable. Nous ne connaissons pas l'étendue des possibilités de personnalisation, mais l'idée générale va de la "mise à niveau" du hall de guilde par diverses méthodes à la construction entière de ce dernier "bloc par bloc".

Ce qui est certain, c'est que nous voulons que ce soit une nouvelle forme de progression pour les guildes, qui devrait pouvoir être obtenu par diverses méthodes, très diversifiées, à la manière dont les guildes peuvent être elle-mêmes diverses (petites ou grandes, orientées pve ou pvp).

Qui devrait être en mesure d'en acquérir ?
Les opinions varient. Certains (les petites guildes) veulent des halls de guilde sans impôt, sans coût de maintenance, ou sans frais lié au mérite. D'autres veulent que ce soit des récompenses de long terme, nécessitant un effort organisé, demandant par exemple de rassembler des ressources variées via les différents modes de jeu (ex : utiliser les parcours de récompenses pvp pour rassembler des ressources), et qui devrait avoir un coût d'entretien et être un moyen de montrer aux autres la puissance, l'organisation et le dévouement d'une guilde. Les halls de guilde pourrait aussi relever du prestige.

Quelles autres choses les halls de guilde devraient ajouter au jeu ?
Ce qui est le plus souvent mentionné, est que les halls de guilde Halls doivent ajouter de la commodité en plus d'être un lieu de rencontre, comme par exemple : un accès à la banque de guilde, des armuriers, un lieu de réparation... Certaines personne ne sont pas favorable à l'ajout de stations d'artisanat dans les halls de guilde et ce pour ne pas dépeupler les grandes villes, ainsi certains services devrait rester exclusifs à certains endroits.

D'autres systèmes plus complexes sont également évoqués :  arènes pour les duels, mini-jeux, nouvelles activités liées à la guilde. Et ces ajout devrait aussi être optionnel -toujours dans l'optique de différenciation des guildes existantes et de leur besoins.

Source : … lls/page/7

Même si pour le moment rien n'est définitif, notons également que Chris Whiteside est, d'un point de vue personnel :

  • Favorable à l'idée de customisation des halls de guilde

  • Favorable à la créations d'items reflétant les éléments forts d'une guilde et de son statut. Pour lui, les Halls de guildes incarne la fierté d'une guilde

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi Tor,
This is beyond scope but thanks for asking. This said players should absolutely be able to customize their Guilds Hall.
Source : … lls/page/8

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

From my point of view i think that Guild Halls personifies pride in your guild and that means any chance you get to where your colors is an opportunity for expression. So in my opinion it would be cool to have items that advertise your guild and status.
Source : … ls/page/11

Parallèlement, bien évidement, la question de la création d'un éditeur (pour les halls de guilde) n'a pas tardé à être mise sur la table par la communauté.
Une idée d'outil qui demande encore d'être précisée : que pourrions nous être en mesure d'éditer ?

Sur ce point particulier, et après que plusieurs participants aient exprimé leurs idées, Jon Peters a effectué une première compilation et poser de nouvelles questions :

JonPeters a écrit :

On the editing topic I’ve seen a few things listed.

  • NPCs

  • fixed placement

  • grid placement

  • free form placement

  • upgrading placed things

Assuming everything has a cost:
Some questions with sample answers:
Q: what kind of thing would you be ok with static placement?
A: a giant stone carving of Colin.
Q: What kind of things do you think work fine with grid placement?
A: A theatre where my guild can roleplay how angry we are with the guild hall system in game.
Q: What stuff would you want to have free placement?
A: Statue of Chris Whiteside


Source : … ls/page/10

En outre, et afin de faire progresser le débat, Jon Peters souhaite également avoir d'autres retours sur les avantages/inconvénients des halls de guildes dans des lieux instanciées/non-instanciées.

JonPeters a écrit :

I wanted to dig into the instanced vs non-instanced debate a bit. Here are 4 questions I’ll pose:

  • What do people see as the benefits of instanced?

  • What do you see as the benefits of open world guild halls?

  • How could we get the benefits of instanced guild halls in a system of open world guild halls?

  • How could we get the benefits of open world guild halls in a system where guild halls are instanced?


Source : … ls/page/10

Des questions posées auxquelles Jon Peters a souhaité faire quelques précisions pour démontrer jusqu'où le système pourrait être poussé (dans son imaginaire) :

JonPeters a écrit :

Going to quote myself for some clarity here. I have some answers to these questions that I will try to get down here but see if you can be specific. I’ll try to give examples and I hope you understand that this is probably even more blue sky than what you are thinking but I want to set the bounds of how crazy a system COULD be, not what is technically feasible.

Benefit of instanced: Your guild could control permissions on the map.
Benefit of open world: Your guild could control and improve something in the world that benefits more than just its members.
Benefit of instanced that we could get in an open world system: Guild Halls are air ships that attach to places in the world improving that area for a while, but move around and have many attachment points. Access to the ship itself is controlled, but you still are in the open world.
Benefit of open world that we could get in an instanced system: Guild Halls are still halls but have functionality that lets guild create temporary content that attach to open world maps.

The point of this question is to first generate wild ideas before discussing details of those designs and figuring out what problems/edge cases those details create that must be solved.


Brainstorming transverse sur le Monde contre Monde
John Corpening considère que la discussion autour du déséquilibre de population en Monde contre Monde doit aujourd'hui être fermée.
En effet, après toutes les propositions constructives faites à ce jour, ce dernier considère qu'il est temps pour lui de faire un point d'étape directement auprès des équipes de développement d'ArenaNet.
En outre, la question du déséquilibre de population ne doit être considérée que comme un aspect -parmi d'autres- à ajuster pour le mode de jeu McM. La solution globale ne pouvant bien évidemment pas venir que de cet aspect.
Un autre débat portant sur le "scoring" ne manquera donc pas d'être ouvert prochainement.

John Corpening a écrit :

Hey guys,

It’s been an incredibly busy week for me and I’m not fully caught up yet but I am noticing patterns in the posts that I have been able to read. A lot of people are also saying that they can’t keep up so I think it is a good time to close this discussion out.

I think we have some good general ideas for me to take back to the team and discuss their feasibility. Thanks again for another constructive discussion. This has been incredibly informative!

I agree with those of you who have pointed out that population imbalance is just one aspect that needs to be adjusted and that the overall solution isn’t just in one area. So I’d like to kick off a discussion on scoring next week.

See you then!


Source : … ce/page/23

Dernière modification par Neph (04-10-2014 12:57:28)

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#10 04-10-2014 16:16:02

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Ca avance, ça avance smile Avec un peu de chance ça devrait arriver d'ici 6 à 8 mois big_smile

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#11 05-10-2014 11:40:43

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

1/ Comme d'habitude Chris Whiteside a du faire la piqûre de rappel nécessaire auprès des participants et lecteurs du CDI : Les propos tenus ne relèvent que d'un libre échange et ne doivent pas être considérés comme des promesses faites par les développeurs.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

As stated many, many times before, absolutely nothing in the CDI’s should be taken as a promise of any feature to come. These are simply here for us to talk with the developers over ideas we have for the game, nothing more.

Correct Inquisitor


Source : … ls/page/13

2/ Comme déjà exprimé précédemment, Chris Whiteside réitère le fait que l'actuel CDI sur les Halls de guildes est d'une qualité encore jamais atteinte dans l'histoire des CDI pour GW2.
En guise de (d'auto ?) satisfaction, celui-ci nous renvoie même aux 2 nouveaux articles de presse spécialisés qui abordent la démarche en cours.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi Collaborators,

Once again congrats on what is probably the most professional, and collaborative CDI to date. It is an absolute pleasure to read and the discussion and team approach to problem solving is frankly on par with many design team’s best working practices that I have experienced in the past.

I am up to page 11 and have skimmed through the rest. There is clearly still a lot of discussion to be had and frankly when a CDI is this good there is no point rushing things.

I am going out with my family today and will be joining the discussion tomorrow.

Meanwhile here are some articles about the fine work you are doing: … ild-halls/ … uild-halls

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend and I am looking forward to chatting with you all tomorrow.


Source : … ls/page/13

Jon Peters de son côté continue de pousser le brainstorming le plus loin possible avec de nouvelles questions :

  • Quels aspects actuels des guildes devrait-on changer afin de les intégrer dans les halls de guilde ?

JonPeters a écrit :

Something I haven’t seen much discussion on that I thought would be interesting. Not saying you have to go this way but.

What current aspects of guilds would you change to integrate them more with guild halls? If you would change something, how would you change it to work more with a physical Guild Hall?


Source : … ls/page/14

JonPeters a écrit :

I don’t remember saying locked. I said how would you change some of the current functionality to be more integrated with guild halls? I don’t think functionality has to go away to do this and I’d like to see what value you all might envision a guild hall could bring to things like Guild Missions, the current Guild upgrade system, etc.


La prochaine phase de discussion portera sur le contenu raid des guildes
Il y a exactement 3 jours de ça, ArenaNet publiait une nouvelle offre d'emploi, intitulée "Game Designer: Raid Content", sur le portail des opportunités de carrière du site de NCSoft .
Cette offre d'emploi a tout de suite laissé penser la communauté qu'ArenaNet se prépare donc (plus ou moins) activement à introduire du contenu de type "raid" dans GW2.

Mais que cache exactement le terme "raid", à quoi devons nous nous attendre ?
En lisant de plus près l'expérience souhaitée du candidat dans ladite offre d'emploi, nous apprenons :

• Previous game development experience creating the following: large scale bosses and encounters, repeatable group content for a live game, large scale rewards systems, combat systems for multiple players

En sommes ArenaNet recherche un nouveau collaborateur ayant de l'expérience dans la création de contenu de rencontres à grandes échelles.

Parallèlement rappelons aussi nous qu'en tout début du CDI actuel (il y a 24 jours exactement), les raids de guilde ont été annoncés comme futur sujet de discussion.

Chris Whiteside  a écrit :

We will be discussing ideas around Guild Raids
Source : … ost4393615

Et, il ya quelques heures maintenant, Chris Whitedise nous a annoncé que la prochaine et 3e phase de discussion autour des guildes portera bel et bien sur les raids.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know that we will be discussing raiding in the next phase of the Guild CDI. Feel free to carry on discussing here, and just wanted to let you know that i am reading this thread.

Il ne reste donc plus qu'à patienter que l'actuelle, très riche en propositions, phase 2 se termine avant de voir débuter une 3e phase tout aussi intéressante et prometteuse (!)

Dernière modification par Neph (05-10-2014 11:49:03)

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#12 07-10-2014 09:28:01

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

Bien que d'un point de vue dialectique cela reste intéressant d'échanger (en toute liberté) avec les développeurs du studio autour de différents concepts ; il n'en demeure pas moins tout aussi important de connaître -et/ou d'établir- le cadre autour de ces réflexions ; ie : qu'elles sont les limites/contraintes à prendre en considération dans l'élaboration des idées ? Quelles sont celles que l'on peut outrepasser et ne pas dépasser... ?

En sommes jusqu'où le débat théorique peut-il être poussé raisonnablement, et sans rentrer en conflit avec les contraintes inhérentes au studio ?

A cette question Jon Peters répond que les contraintes internes au studio sont, en plus d'être éloignées de ce que nous pourrions penser, volontairement non précisées dans le brainstorming actuel.
Toutefois, d'ici quelques jours, certaines idées déjà proposées seront de nouveau débattues de manière plus poussée et au regard de questions liées plus pointues/fines.

JonPeters a écrit :

this is a great point. I have not explicitly said what the box is on purpose but I’m happy next week to take an idea and really ask all the hard questions to try to boil it down more so that you can all see how this works more clearly on our end. One thing is the constraints we have are rarely what you all imagine they might be so I think it will be good to break down an actual problem that way.
Source : … ls/page/15

Concernant les dernières échanges d'idées, Jon Peters a soulevé de nouveaux questionnements :

  • Les catégories du système actuel d'upgrades de guilde doivent-elles être remises à plat / repensées dans le cadre de halls de guilde ? (Ndr : au vu des échanges, la réponse est "OUI")

  • Puisqu'il existe différentes tailles de guilde, comment doit-on envisager la mise à l'échelle des coûts des upgrades ? Quels aspects devraient être travaillés spécifiquement pour les "grandes" guildes et qui ne pénaliseraient pas, en parallèle, ostensiblement les "petites" ?

  • Quel est, raisonnablement, le nombre maximum de joueurs pour un halls de guilde ?

JonPeters a écrit :

Actually it hasn’t been talked about at all. I’ve seen a lot of basic suggestions, but what I am suggesting is that we flesh something out here in this thread. I’m choosing the upgrade system because someone actually started breaking it down. I think the first question(s) I have is:
Are the current upgrade categories the ones we would use or would we break it up differently? If not, how many categories would you think make sense? Specifically what would your categories be?
Source : … ls/page/16

JonPeters a écrit :

I think one solution to the scaling problems is to create different aspects that work on different scales. For example some aspects can be time gated and therefore don’t favor any size guild. Some can be based on straight up farming which favor larger guilds, and some could be driven by activity and favor guilds with active members. Think of it like the 3 branches of government, and the aspects within that. The senate favors states, the house favors population (or gerrymandering at least  sad), etc…
I think in that way the question that comes to mind is what parts of Guild Halls would you want to have work in what different ways so that we can reward big guilds for those areas but not punish small guilds for the things they really want…

JonPeters a écrit :

I’ll chime in a bit here. It is a good question. I think there would be some conflict here but that there would also be some technical wiggle room. I think we can safely assume that 500 players from a guild being logged in is not the common case. What is a “reasonable” maximum # of members in the guild hall to you? 150? 200? 400?
Source : … ls/page/17

En plus de ces questions Jon Peters souhaite débattre plus précisément autour de la remise à plat du système des upgrades de guilde et ce afin de trouver une "solution" à l'insertion en jeu du contenu que sont les halls de guildes.

JonPeters a écrit :

My box is guild upgrades. I want us to brainstorm how we could revamp the upgrade system given the introduction of a feature such as guild halls.
Source : … ls/page/18

A ces questions, Chris Whiteside (NdR : absent du débat depuis quelques jours en raison de la perte de son chien) a tenu lui aussi à connaître les avis de la communauté sur la question de la "taille minimale requise pour qu'une guilde ait accès aux halls de guilde".

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Morning All,
Due to recent events I must confess that I am only properly knowledgeable up to roughly page 12 but I want to jump in and start discussing things with you. I hope that is ok.
I want to emphasize that my questions, thoughts, and brain storming are theoretical and should not be taken as a given. With that said I want to start at the foundation.
Ok lets assume that in the world of the CDI Guild Halls have a lot of horizontal progression such as the ability to create buildings, upgrade them and customize the whole experience. What is the smallest guild size that this would be suitable for. Even more specifically is it ok to have a ton of progression in this Guild Hall example and have small guilds work through it.
An idea I wanted to throw into the mix would be could small guilds have a shared Guild Hall with an Alliance?
Source : … ls/page/17

Et, en l'état actuel, voici ce que "pense" Chris Whiteside concernant différents points soulevés :

  • Les petites guildes doivent pouvoir atteindre facilement les bonus basiques ; quand les grandes atteindront logiquement et plus rapidement les bonus les plus élevés

  • Pour les halls de guilde créés par des alliances, chaque membre de l'alliance possède une instance propre du hall de guilde (et emploi le terme "instance" car Chris Whiteside est fan du concept)

  • Il est contre l'idée d'introduire un "limite" difficile à atteindre pour créer un halls de guilde

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

All good points and this one is very valid:
‘I think, for smaller guilds, the basic bonuses should be obtainable easily. Examples like a guild armorer merchant or something. But the bigger, longer, and higher stuff should stay the bigger and longer. Yes, big guilds will reach it faster than smaller guilds, but that’s the nature of the beast. Bigger guilds are going to get to the bigger and better stuff sooner.’
This is also a very acute point:
‘As for guild alliance halls. They could work, and would be neat. The only issue would be, what happens if the alliance breaks apart? who gets the hall?’
Initial thoughts are that members of the Alliance would each get an instance of the shared guild hall. And yes I am aware I said instance. This is purely because I am a fan of instance over open world (-:

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

FYI I would not put a hard gate on number of guildees required for Guild Hall creation. That is my personal opinion.
Source : … ls/page/18

Enfin, signalons que le thème de la 4e phase des discussions autour des guildes portera sur le GvG.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

GvG will be discussed after we discuss raiding.
Source : … ost4469798

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#13 15-10-2014 17:35:24

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

Le CDI consacré aux halls de guildes atteint désormais 28 pages (et, semble-t-il, s'essouffle).
De nombreuses nouvelles interventions de Chris Whiteside sont à noter mais relèvent, peu ou prou, toutes d'une volonté de focaliser la conversation (et donc d'étoffer les propositions faites) sur les points déjà évoqués précédemment tel que par exemple : "comment établir la progression des halls de guildes".
Il n'y a, en outre, pas eu de nouveau condensé de propositions réalisé par un membre d'ArenaNet.

Notons toutefois que pour éviter de complexifier le débat, les alliances de guildes ont été volontairement mises de côté dans la conversation autour des halls de guildes.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

To be clear as discussed earlier not having alliances as part of Guild Halls in this discussion does not stop small guilds from being able to progress in this area. The idea for alliances came about in regard to potential faster progression.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about this so for the time being lets take alliances out of the Guild Hall discussion as we are just spinning our wheels.


Parallèlement signalons que VodCom.6924 a tenté de compiler, page par page, l'ensemble des propositions faites à ce jour par les joueurs :
Guild Hall CDI - The condensed thread (19/27)

Brainstorming transverse sur le Monde contre Monde
Tel qu'énoncé précédemment, après avoir abordé la question des déséquilibres de population, John Corpening a ouvert dernièrement un débat sur le scoring en McM sur fond de problèmes liés à la couverture horaire, aux déséquilibres et sentiments de stagnation dans les affrontements.
Source : … sion/first

John Corpening a écrit :

Hey Guys,
I’d like to kick of a discussion on scoring in WvW.

Here is a summary of what you guys have brought up in our previous discussions:
•24 hour coverage
       •How do we make play time in off hours valuable without blowing out the score?

       •How do we give worlds a fighting chance throughout the duration of the match?

       •How do I feel continuously challenged when my world is ahead?
       •How does my world break the hold that other worlds have on me when I’m behind?

These are all very much related and solutions are not just in one area but I’d like to keep this discussion focused on scoring. Also, if there is another aspect to scoring that we should consider that I’m missing please feel free to bring it up as we kick off this discussion.

We’ve had some great discussions so far and I want to thank you for keeping it constructive and friendly. I’m looking forward to what you guys bring to this discussion too.

Source : … sion/first

Les solutions proposées/discutés ont été rapidement nombreuses et résumées par ses soins :

John Corpening a écrit :

Great start guys! There are a lot of good ideas already.

Here is a high level summary (not a proposal) of what is currently being discussed:
•Some sort of point scaling based on population or prime time hours
•Break the day into scoring periods. The match is decided on the scoring periods not PPT.
•Consider score for taking objectives either in conjunction with or in place of PPT
•Add score for kills
•Boost the outnumbered buff (in a number of ways)
•Consider adjusting score based on placement
•Adjust score of objectives based on upgrade level
•Create special objectives/achievements that occur when you are behind that give you a special reward for completing them

Someone had a question on this one from Phys that I wanted to answer:
•Break the day into scoring periods. The match is decided on the scoring periods not PPT.

Doing this would greatly buffer runaway score. If it is off hours and one world can cap most everything because of greater coverage they still just win the scoring period rather than rack up triple score all night. It means off hours play time still has value without creating blow outs. In conjunction with some of the other suggestions it has potential. I thought that was a pretty interesting suggestion from Phys.

Lots of great ideas guys, thanks for getting this rolling!


Suite aux échanges quelques consensus globaux ont pu être fait :

  • Concept retenu de périodes de scoring : les victoires sur plusieurs périodes permettant de mieux définir les vainqueurs d'un match

  • Ajout de nouvelles opportunités pour marquer des points (ex : objectifs spéciaux)

Et la vidéo suivante (datant d'octobre 2013) a été reprise de nombreuse fois comme exemple d'amélioration souhaitable

John Corpening a écrit :

Hey Guys,

So from reading through the posts by far the most common proposal is to create some sort of scoring periods. There are multiple different approaches that have been presented but it’s clear that winning scoring periods and tallying up those wins to determine who wins the match is generally accepted as a good way to improve scoring.

Several people suggested keeping the map state across scoring periods so that the investment you make in upgrades and effort you take in conquering objectives but the scores will have far less of a chance of running away when the victory points come from the scoring period not the PPT.

A few other suggestions that came up a bunch were additional scoring opportunities, special goals for servers that are behind, increasing the importance of the outnumbered buff and points per kill. Points per kill had quite a lot of discussion around it.

The video from TeamBattleAxe was also brought up by several people. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, it has some great suggestions about how to create teams that share scores across their matches.

There were a bunch of other really interesting ideas that can’t easily be summarized so if you get a chance you should peruse this thread. It’s full of good suggestions.

A couple of people have said that this discussion is falling into a pattern of general consensus. It certainly does seem like a few good ideas have emerged from this. I’ll keep my eye on the thread a little longer in case anything else comes up.

Thanks for taking the time to engage in this discussion!


Source : … ost4477498

Enfin terminons par dire qu'à ce jour, la discussion autour du scoring n'est certes pas clôturée mais n'avance plus (par vraisemblablement un manque de participants et/ou nouvelles idées).

Dernière modification par Neph (15-10-2014 17:36:14)

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#14 17-10-2014 15:16:39

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Chris Whiteside clôturera le débat sur les halls de guilde lundi prochain par un post compilant l'ensemble des 3 priorités exprimées par la communauté sur ce sujet.

Pour sa part, il s'est dors et déjà exprimé personnellement (cf. ci-dessous), à vous d'en faire autant si vous le désirez.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Ok cool let’s start it of then Donari:

Note these are my personal top three priorities:

1: The ability for guild members to be able to show of their prowess and achievements through Guild Halls and their own avatar customization.
2: The ability for players to work together in a fun way to build something different and exciting.
3: The ability for smaller guilds to enjoy guild halls.


Source : … ls/page/29

A cela ajoutons que mardi 21 sera vraisemblablement le jour de l'ouverture de la 3e discussion sur les Raids.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :


We will wait a few more days for folks to post their top three priority’s. Could those who are doing summaries please post them (Orpheal and Vod)

Then on Monday I will put our proposal together and then on Tuesday we will begin Phase 3: Raiding!!


Source : … ls/page/29

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#15 29-10-2014 11:08:44

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Clôture des échanges
Chris Whiteside a mis à un terme à la discussion concernant les "Halls de Guilde".

Sur les 31 pages de la discussion, voici donc le top 5 (par ordre décroissant) des souhaits émis par la communauté.

  1. Personnalisation et identité : La possibilité de personnaliser le hall de guilde d'une manière qui permet à la guilde d'avoir sa propre identité ainsi que d'avoir accès à une grande variété de progression des halls.

  2. Les petites guildes : la possibilité pour les petites et les grandes guildes de profiter de la progression et des avantages des halls de guildes sans rendre la progression trop facile ou trop difficile (éventuellement par mise à l'échelle)

  3. Activités de guilde : La capacité à faire progresser les halls de guilde par le biais d'activités (de guilde) de types différents.

  4. Accès GvG et fonctionnalité : Sera discuté après les raids.

  5. Commodité des villes : La possibilité d'avoir des services de ville dans les halls de guilde. (Chris Whiteside n'est pas "fan" de ce dernier point en raison des déséquilibres que cela pourrait occasionner)

Ceux-ci seront donc transmis à l'équipe de conception du jeu.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hey All,

Thanks for being so patient with me. And thank you for what has been the most productive and collaborative CDI to date. Long may it last…

I will be forwarding the link to the design team who have been keeping a watchful eye on our discussion and who will take the info and pertinent discussion and arm themselves with this knowledge as we move forward and evolve the game.

Right so here are the top 5 wishes for Guild Halls if they were to be included in GW2:

CDI Proposal Phase 1: Guilds QOL and Logistics

This is a proposal put together by the CDI group specifically for the Anet development team to read and discuss. This is not a commitment of work.

1: Customization and Identity: The ability to customize your guild hall in a manner that provides your guild with it’s own identity as well as a wide variety of guild hall customization progression.

2: Small Guilds: The ability for small guilds and large guilds to enjoy the progression and benefits of Guild Halls without either making progression to easy or two hard (potentially through scaling)

3: Guild Activities: The ability to progress Guild Halls by taking on activities of varying types with your guild.

4: GvG Access and Functionality: We are discussing this after Raids.

5: Town Convenience: The ability to have town services in the Guild Hall. (I just want to point out that I am not a big fan of this due to the impact it could have on our current Cities.)

I am going to leave the thread open for a while (few hours) and then sticky it on the CDI section at which point we will jump into the next phase discussion Raiding!

Once again thanks to you all. You are great!


Source : … ls/page/31

Phase 2 du CDI sur les Guildes : Raids de guildes

Source : … ds-Raiding

Chris Whiteside a donc ouvert le troisième brainstorming autour du concept des Raids de guilde.
Comme d'accoutumé, les règles pour exprimer une idée et/ou un point de vue ne changent pas. Et, libre à vous de prendre part ou non à l'échange ayant lieu en ce moment.

Le but ici est de tenter de répondre à la question générale suivante : "Comment aimeriez-vous voir la fonction raids de guilde si ceux-ci faisaient partie de GW2 ?", soit en d'autres termes, à quoi ceux-ci devraient-ils ressembler dans GW2 avec les bases actuelles du jeu ?

Pour ce faire, et en premier lieu, les échanges débutent par chercher à exprimer au mieux l'idée que chacun se fait dans GW2 d'une : "instance coopérative de groupe pour du contenu avec challenge".
Le design à garder en tête dans les suggestion/propositions est :

  • accessibilité

  • prendre en compte les fonctionnalités existantes du jeu

Parallèlement Anthony Ordon, Technical Designer, a reprécisé le système de "scaling" existant dans GW2 notamment pour les évènements dynamique.
Ici donc, il faut bien retenir que l'échelonnement de la difficulté diffère lorsque l'on parle d'ennemis ou d'objectifs.

AnthonyOrdon a écrit :

On scaling: it is true that we have a certain amount of “magic” scaling in the game, commonly seen in dynamic events. The intent of that system is to keep difficulty consistent across a variety of player counts. The sticking point for myself on raids and scaling is that while we can scale enemies, it is far more difficult to meaningfully scale objectives.

To elaborate, in a 10-player raid, each player is responsible for approximately 1/10 of challenge. As you add players, that challenge share diminishes, so in a 20-player raid, the individual role is about half as important as it would have been with 10 players (challenges of coordination aside).

Of course, group content is rarely so singular and for a good reason. If we have 3 objectives, we divide the focus of the group and your ownership of a 20-player challenge goes from 1/20 to 1/6ish.

Is it possible, then, to just scale objectives along with the player counts? Perhaps. But it seems that would equate to just making many tiers of the content which, to me, sounds like a good way to diminish the total amount of content we could build. What do you guys think?

Source : … ing/page/2

Dernière modification par Neph (29-10-2014 11:09:20)

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#16 29-10-2014 11:56:47

Ichi Sumeragi
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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Ah,des raids,ça c'est ce qu'on veut voir. Je ne me permettrai pas de franchir le pas entre le dernier épisode de la S2 de l'histoire vivante,le domaine de l'angoisse et un raid. big_smile


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#17 30-10-2014 11:51:16

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

Signalons que la Game Designer, Crystal Reid, qui a travaillé sur les Fractales, Tequatl/Triple Trouble et Boss Blitz prendra elle aussi part au brainstorming sur les raids (Source).
Et, sa première intervention est de posée une nouvelle question : les raids doivent-ils être accessibles à tous OU limités à des guildes ayant atteint certains objectifs (en termes d'activités/monnaie) ?

Crystal Reid a écrit :

Should raids be restricted to the guild level that require some form of guild activity/currency to activate/enter, or should they be accessible by anyone? What are your thoughts on that specific?
Source : … ing/page/6

Ce à quoi cette dernière à rajouté sa définition personnelle d'un contenu raids :

  • Un type de contenu de fin de jeu (*)

  • Un type de contenu nécessitant des joueurs maîtrisant leurs professions et les mécanismes du jeu

A laquelle Chris Whiteside rajoute :

  • Un contenu accessible uniquement au niveau 80 (*)

(*) Attention : Toutefois, tous deux précisent bien que la discussion n'a pour vocation à ce que les joueurs définissent ce qu'est un "contenu Endgame", ni n'a pour vocation de brider l'imaginaire en imposant des restrictions quelconques !

Crystal Reid a écrit :

This is a good question. This is really more of a personal question and the answer is going to differ quite a bit between individuals.

If you want my personal take on this… Raiding for me is a type of end game content I like to partake in with a group of like minded individuals that requires us to master both our classes and the mechanics in the encounter. Nothing in an MMO is more exciting to me than killing a boss we have spent weeks and dozens (if not hundreds) of attempts mastering.

Remember this is just my personal opinion. There are going to be differing opinions in this thread. We want to hear all of them, and not discourage anyone from posting if they think we are going in a direction that is not for them.

So to get back to your question… Let’s assume that because raiding would be a very new type of content for the game that it’s possible for us to re-write the principles of the game that we have seen so far. So having said that where do you feel raiding falls (end game VS horizontal)?

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Personally I would also want to see raids as end game content and by that I mean level 80 only.
Source : … ing/page/8

Dernière modification par Neph (30-10-2014 11:56:19)

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#18 07-11-2014 17:43:07

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Offres d'emplois chez ArenaNet
Nous en parlions précédement, signalons aujourd'hui qu'Arenanet a retiré tout récemment du portail des opportunités de carrière le poste de "Game Designer: Raid Content".
En outre, deux autres offres d'emploi ont également été retirées : "Game Designer: Content" et "Game Designer: PvP and Balance".
La société aurait-elle trouvé les bons candidats (peut être du côté des ex-salariés de Carbine Studio) ? Ou a-t-elle simplement repoussé ces recrutements ?
Le temps nous le dira.

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

Le brainstorming atteint aujourd'hui 33 pages.

Signalons dans un premier temps la nouvelle initiative de VodCom.6924 qui, tout comme pour la discussion sur les Halls de guilde, à tenter de compiler l'ensemble des propositions faites par les joueurs ainsi que les réponses significatives des développeurs participants à la discussion.
A ce jour, seules les 4 premières pages ont été traitées.
=> Guild Raiding - The condensed edition (4/24)

Concernant le brainstorming lui même, la discussion a été riche et dense en propositions/idées de qualité ou non.
D'un côté l'on retiendra que celles des guildes TTS et DnT mais aussi des joueurs guardian.6489 et TPenny.5071 ont attiré l'attention de Chris Whiteside alors que parallèlement d'autres propos, totalement hors-sujet voir même parfois déplacés, ont du nécessiter l'intervention de la modération (suppresion pure et simple de commentaires).

Il en a donc résulté que Chris Whiteside a du recadrer à de très nombreuses reprises la discussion, rappelant inlassablement que la discussion portait essentiellement sur les concepts de progression (discuté avec Crystal Reid et comprenant les loots et les trésors) et les mécanismes fondamentaux des raids (discuté avec Chris Whiteside). Toute autres considérations (UI, DpS, taille des groupes de raid, types de récompenses (ie: armures légendaires)...) devant être écartées pour le moment.

Et, ce dernier à même du se fendre d'un "rappel à l'ordre" alors même que, plutôt dans la discussion, il se félicitait de la maturité des échanges dans ce CDI.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :


I am replying to you but talking to all those as well who have been frustrated with the lack of collaboration and maturity in this CDI.

We take the CDI very seriously and it is clear that whilst most CDIs have been extremely valuable and born lots of fruit that the maturity and professional levels required can not be ensured by the guidelines I have set.

I am therefore going to request that the CDI moving forward have its own area where anyone can enter and join in the design sessions but that those who find it hard to focus on the spirit and rules of the CDI can be locked out.

This is the only fair approach because the rules of our forums are different to those of the CDI and thus behavior that would be deemed acceptable on the forums may not be in the CDI and thus one should not be held to the same rules across both areas.

I will update when I have more info. Thanks to all those who participated and followed the rules and please understand that tons of useful info was gleaned and that your efforts were not wasted.


Source : … ng/page/31

Et a du bien admettre que la discussion avait de trop déviée vers des commentaires non-appropriés et que le CDI devenait purement et simplement mauvais.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :


Ok I have been up all night reading the posts and thinking about this CDI.

To be frank this is not a good CDI, specifically because whilst some folks are trying to be collaborative and have valuable discussion others are just bullying with their different agendas.

I have always said that if a CDI loses its value on both sides that it will be stopped.

So I am at some what of a loss. I can’t tell anymore if it is of value to this group. Whilst it certainly has been valuable for us it has been extremely time consuming to get to the good stuff.

So I will leave it up to you folks. If you feel you can work more collaboratively then by all means let me know that you want to carry on.

If you feel that it is a lost cause then I will ask for everyone’s top three priorities for raiding and call it a day.

I want to say thank you very much to all those who tried to follow the rules of the CDI and who had a healthy discussion. I also wanted to say a big thank you to TTS and DnT. We appreciate your feedback.


Source : … ng/page/30

Ceci étant dit, voici quelques prises de paroles notables :

Pour Crystal Reid, les raids n'offriraient pas le cadre à une nouvelle progression de l'équipement. Une alternative au sentiment de progression resterait donc à trouver.

Crystal Reid a écrit :

I’m not the one who makes decisions on gear tiers, but it’s very unlikely raids will have a new gear tier with new stats. We would attempt to find other avenues to reward players, and create a sense of progression within the raids instead.

You mention a “raid-focused progression track”. What do you think that might look like?
Source : … ng/page/11

Pour Chris Whiteside, l'agonie ne doit pas être incluse dans le contenu raid de GW2.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Regarding Agony. Personally I would not want to use it for Raiding. I would like us to focus on the core combat and movement mechanics of the game and then build on that as a foundation to how encounters and mobs interact with the player and group.
Source : … ng/page/22

Ci-dessous, des exemples parlant de concepts de raids exposés par Crystal Reid :

Crystal Reid a écrit :

Entirely up for debate. I’ll use two extreme examples here with some hypothetical made up assumptions:

  • A raid could be as small as a singular dungeon path that takes 4 hours to learn, but can be completed in as little as 30 minutes on farm.

  • A raid could be as large as the Eternal Battlegrounds with many different paths/encounters that takes upwards of a month(s) to learn, but can be completed in as little as 4 hours on farm.

And ultimately, and here’s a totally crazy idea (because I love brainstorming)… Why can’t raiding be both?

  • If we have a singular story to tell, can it just be a one off instance that tells one story and has one final boss at the end (imagine if we rebuilt the Marionette to be a 15 man encounter in a raid instance and that’s the entire instance)?

  • If we have a much larger story to tell, can it be a full sized map complete with multiple encounters and hidden areas to explore (imagine if Dry Top was a 15 man instance and you progressed through the map learning the story of how a huge sand storm is coming, and the final boss is some sort of magical sand storm giant that summons chickenados as its minions)?

Ainsi donc, aujourd'hui, le débat sur les concepts des fondements des raids dans GW2 est plus ou moins laissés en suspens à cause du manque de maturité de certains participants, et plutôt que de fermer ici totalement la discussion, Chris Whiteside s'est décidé à proposer quelque chose de plus simple pour cette discussion : proposer aux participants d'exposer simplement leurs 3 priorités personnelles vis à vis des raids dans GW2.

Et, à titre personnel voici, par ordre décroissant, ses choix :

  1. La connaissance

  2. La compétence

  3. La composition du groupe de raid

ChrisWhiteside a écrit :

Hi All,
Please list your top three priorities for raiding (Challenging, Instanced, Cooperative, Content)
Mine are:
1: Knowledge>
2: Skill>
3: Raid Group Setup

I will leave the thread open until folks have had a chance to put there top three forward and then I will put forward a proposal on behalf of the CDI group to the team.
Source : … ng/page/31

Dernière modification par Neph (21-11-2014 08:55:52)

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#19 21-11-2014 08:41:04

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Re : [CDI] Développement collaboratif #6 : Guildes

Récapitulatif des derniers échanges

Depuis 14 jours maintenant le CDI sur les Raids de guilde est, pour ainsi dire, "au point mort".

Par manque de temps et très probablement à cause du manque de qualité dans les derniers échanges, Chris Whiteside n'a toujours pas pris le temps de compiler les 3 priorités des joueurs vis à vis des raids dans GW2.

Dans ce contexte, et au lieu de faire progresser plus avant les discussions engagées et celles à venir, ce dernier vient de faire une nouvelle annonce concernant les "initiatives de débats collaboratifs" elles-mêmes : une "restructuration" est prévue.

Chris Whiteside a écrit :

Hi All,
We are building a new home for the CDI and once it is complete we will finish of the Raiding CDI and move on the GvG CDI.
Source : … ost4575075

En guise de petites précisions, Gaile Gray nous indique ceci :

  • ArenaNet cherche à offrir, à la communauté, les CDI d'une autre manière et ce, en modifiant probablement les messages postés et en recherchant plus d'efficience dans l'analyse des commentaires des joueurs

  • La "restructuration" envisagée prendra un certain temps

Gaile Gray a écrit :

We’re looking at a different way to offer CDIs. Fully as welcoming of involvement, but perhaps with a few modifications to normal posts that will allow Chris and his team to more efficiently analyze player input.

This is going to take some time and research, but thanks for sharing your suggestions. I don’t think they derail the thread, because I’ve been reading it, and I can’t tell you how much I like bullet post lists and brief details. (And I don’t even work on this stuff, I’m just an observer. smile)

Source : … ng/page/33

Reste donc à patienter un peu plus afin de découvrir la future nouvelle forme / présentation / moyen de communication que prendrons ces changements.

Dernière modification par Neph (21-11-2014 08:52:53)

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