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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Chris Whiteside nous informe que 3 nouveaux sujets de débats collaboratifs seront ouvert le lundi 17 Février prochain.
Au programme des discussions :
PVE : Comment aimeriez-vous voir les Fractales évoluer ? - Animateur du débat : Chris Whiteside
PvP : Que souhaitez-vous voir à partir d'un système de ligue ? - Animateur du débat : John Corpening
McM : Quels sont les aspects de "La lisère des Brumes" qui pourraient être reportés vers le reste du McM et comment ? Animateur du débat : Devon Carver
Bonus : Global - Professions : Comment aimeriez-vous voir évoluer la profession Ranger (choix issu du vote des joueurs) en terme d'équilibrage ? Animateur du débat : Allie Murdock
Tel qu'établit et annoncé lors du CDI-Process Evolution Phase 2, ces 4 nouveaux CDI ont été choisit par ArenaNet et se dérouleront simultanément.
A cela, n'oubliez pas la nouvelle règle (point n°9) imposée si vous souhaitez vous exprimer lundi.
suppression des messages non liées au sujet du CDI
Hi All,
The next round of CDI topics will be starting on Monday 17th February.
The topics will be as follows:
PVE: How would you like to see us evolve Fractals?- Owner- Chris Whiteside
PvP: What would you like to see from a League system? – Owner- John Corpening
WvW: What aspects of Edge of The Mists do you think could carry over to the rest of WvW and how? – Owner- Devon Carver
Bonus: Global: Professions: How would you like to see us evolve (profession X: voting is currently underway) balance?- Owner- Allie Murdock
The CDI rules are as follows:
1: This initiative is all about discussion.
2: We will not be disclosing information pertaining to what is currently in development.
3: Anger and emotion will have less impact than intelligent discussion.
4: Together we will share and evolve design philosophies which will impact how we develop the game moving forward.
5: Aggression and disrespect to a fellow community member or developer will not be tolerated, and in the extreme could lead to the shutting down of the initiative.
6: The teams primary focus is work toward the development of GW2 and therefore posting of discussion and commentary may not be as frequent as you like. Please do understand that the initiative is taken very seriously by us all and that we will be reading the discussions and joining in as often as it is possible to do so.Finally please note this is not a competition, either between yourselves or the developers in regard to one up man ship. The point of this Initiative is to work together to make the game better.
Note: We will disclose the ideas we do or don’t like as a group but we will not discuss schedules or timing around implementation. If there is still concern surrounding how seriously we take community collaboration then please do take the time to think about how much impact the community has had on the working of this game over the year.
Dernière modification par Neph (14-02-2014 09:54:05)
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Information complémentaire
Tout d'abord remarquons que l'ouverture des nouveaux sujets de CDI a été reportée une première fois au 19 février par Chris Whiteside et qu’aujourd’hui la communauté patiente encore.
La raison essentielle de ce délai supplémentaire est imputable à l'agenda chargé de Chris Whiteside.
Toutefois et parallèlement, un nouveau format à utiliser lorsque l'on souhaite exprimer ses idées et remarques dans les prochains CDI a été, dans les grandes largeurs, établit et soumit à critique
=> CDI Format Proposal
Notez bien la différence des formats qu'il faudra utiliser demain dans les CDI si vous faite une proposition (format structuré) ou si vous ouvrez une discussion (limitation à 200 mots maximum).
This post outlines a suggestion for how CDI members could format their ‘Proposals’ in CDI topics. It also puts forward a suggestion for general discussion post word counts.
Suggested Proposal Format:
Proposal Overview
<A short description of the proposal that is being put forward>Goal of Proposal
<What problem are you trying to solve with your proposal>Proposal Functionality
<How does your proposal work in regard in relation to the current design of GW2>Associated Risks
<What risks or problems can you foresee with this proposal which you would like to have assistance on from other members of the CDI>Please try to be as concise as feasible with your proposal. This however no suggested word count for proposal posts.
Discussion PostsNo suggested format.
Suggested Post Word Count:
I wanted to post this first before putting up the new CDI topics to get a quick read on your thoughts.
Source :https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Format-Proposal/page/2#post3662970
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Lancement des CDI
Les 4 nouveaux CDI viennent d'être ouvert officiellement.
Voici les intitulés et liens vers les différentes discussions menées de front.
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
Titre de la discussion : comment voudriez-vous voir évoluer les fractales ?
Parallèlement à cela, Chris Whiteside a également demandé que la communauté de réponde à la question suivante : "Énumérer les trois principaux éléments à améliorer dans les Fractales".
Nous en sommes à 4 pages de commentaires.
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
Objectif de la discussion : Parmi les nouveautés introduites par la Lisière des Brumes lesquelles voudriez-voir apparaitre sur les cartes "standards" McM ?
Les échanges débutent en douceur... 2 pages de commentaires seulement pour des propositions relativement variées.
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
Objectif de la discussion : Tel qu'indiqué dans la feuille de route de l'évolution des récompenses sPvP, l'un des principaux objectifs à long terme est l'introduction des classements, ligues et saisons. Comment définiriez-vous ce système ? (durée des saisons ? récompenses ? obtention des récompenses ? motivation à participer ?)
Le sujet semble peu intéresser la communauté pour le moment... La 1ere page de commentaires n'étant même pas atteinte.
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
Objectif de la discussion : Obtenir des retours ciblés à propos des modifications que la communauté souhaiterait voir apporter à la profession Rodeur (en général).
Des 4 CDI ouverts, il s'agit la du sujet le plus populaire pour le moment puis qu’atteignant déjà 6 pages de commentaires.
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La fractale des draguerre en prend plein la tête ... et c'est mérité
Plus de drop, plus de gold et de quoi utiliser les reliques .... y'a unanimité sur ce topic des fractales
Quand au topic sur les rodeur, ça fait du bien de voir ce topic, cette classe mérite vraiment une refonte
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Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
8 pages de commentaires au total.
Alors qu'effectivement la Fractale draguerre en prend sérieusement pour son grade depuis le lancement de ce CDI, Chris Whiteside tient à préciser, ceci, je cite : "les préoccupations, commentaires et retours concernant la [fractale] draguerre sont quelque chose dont [ils sont] bien conscients. Merci de donner d'autres renseignements sur ce domaine, mais en tant que CDI, le temps passé sur ce sujet pourrait être mieux dépensé ailleurs."
Des propos que Whiteside a dû, par la suite, re-détailler :
Hi Asko,
I would like to clarify that we are aware of the feedback both from this thread and before. We try to stop on top of all feedback from all aspects of the game. Jumping from this statement to ‘why isn’t it fixed’ is not a topic for this CDI nor any moving forward.
I am simply stating that we are aware of the feedback and therefore our time is better spent discussing other areas of Fractal evolution. I am really enjoying many of the proposals and discussion and would like to see us continue discussing areas that perhaps we haven’t considered before or further drilling into reward design which has been an excellent part of the discussion so far.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3687164
Et comme ce n'était pas encore suffisent, il a même du "mettre les points sur les i" :
Just to clarify: Ideas around Dredge are welcome, regurgitating the same feedback in regard to the fractal is pointless.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3687201
Vous l'aurez certainement comprit, le monsieur en a "légèrement assez" que les joueurs lui "rabâchent les oreilles" avec cette fractale. ArenaNet dans son ensemble est au courant de toutes les plaintes (passées et actuelles) concernant cette fractale et souhaite donc maintenant parler d'autre chose pour faire avancer le débat sur d'autres points.
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
3 pages de commentaires.
Les actuels seuls propos de Devon Carver dans l'échange en cours résument le tout :
* un sentiment global (et partagé par Devon) contre un basculement total de l'ensemble du McM en 3 couleurs. En faveur donc d'une conservation du système en place.
* Possibilité d'envisager une réduction de la durée des matchs McM (8h par exemple), mais cela ne poserait-il pas d'autres nouveaux problèmes ?
I’d say there is a pretty strong sentiment against the idea of collapsing all of WvW into 3 colors, rather than the current world set up. Which I agree with. I think world pride and association is an important part of the way that WvW works currently.
Here’s a possible version of shorter matchups that wouldn’t necessarily sacrifice the long term fight of a WvW matchup currently and wouldn’t involve merging everyone into one of three teams.
Matches last 8 hours, there are 21 matches in a week with the same 3 worlds, the winner of the week is the world that wins the most matches over the course of that time.
This solves some of the problems we see currently, namely the issues that can arise as matches get out of hand towards the end of the week. However, it would still give worlds with better coverage a leg up on their opponents. It also loses the feeling that you’ve had a long term battle for victory.
I’m curious what you all think of that? Does it retain the feeling of victory in WvW right now and solve problems or does it just introduce more issues without solving any core concerns?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3686748
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
La discussion ne décolle (vraiment) pas. A peine 2 pages.
Du petit nombre de participant, la majorité est pour le système de classement, mais qui reste encore à bien définir.
John Corpening s'est quand à lui, pour le moment, contenter de saluer le résumé des idées/propositions faites par un joueur
I’ve read through the first page and I’ve tried to collect the common points among the posts. The longer these posts get the more difficult it is for new readers to add something. If I missed yours, I’m sorry. I am just trying to reflect the general direction that the posts have been going on. For the most part the points will be listed in the order of how popular they seem. I hope a post of this form helps keep posters on topic.Ladder System
Posts have been widely in favor of a ladder system, not an overall leader board. Details:
* Starcraft 2 Style Ladder. Specifically this means different tiers with their own ranks that you can move up and down within, as well as getting promoted or demoted to other tiers. Numbers vary from anywhere from 2-6 tiers.
* A season that is anywhere from 1-3 months long, then a ladder reset.
* Private rating, but public rank.Team or Solo (or both) Evaluation
Just behind a SC2 style ladder, the most discussed issue: Are teams evaluated as a unit or are the individual players? Can we have ladders for both, a la the current team and yoloq system? Here are some good points people have made:
* It can be difficult to get the same group of 5 together, so if a team has its own ladder ranking, it will be difficult to actually play matches.
* If you assume each player is on only one or two teams, this reduces the number of teams in the pool at any given time, making queue times longer.
* If you only determine ladder rank on the individual unit, there is too much variability since you may get unlucky with the team you are on.
* It would unfair to allow premade teams count for individual laddering, this isn’t desirable.
* Having more ladders fragments the player base, making queues longer.On a related note, there is a general consensus that for a solo ladder, a player has a different ranking for each character (or class).
Possible solutions for the above issues that people have put forth:
* Relax the notion of a team. Instead of the same 5 players on a team, have a fixed pool of a players that the team members can be chosen from, or allow up to 2 “adds” to a core 3 person team.
* New gamemodes that are balanced around smaller teams. (I’ll talk about some specific suggestions for this below.)Rewards
* Access to unique rewards based on rank purchased with some currency.
* Rewards given for rank at the end of the season.
* Rewards given for participation, like the monthlies, dailies, and meta-achievements.
* Fewer randomized rewards.Types of rewards:
* Armor and Weapon skins not attainable by other means
* Skins that are usable in PvP, WvW, and PvE
* Gold, Karma
* Laurels
* Finishers
* Wall of Champions
* Gems
* Custom Emotes
* Nameplate badges for the highest ranked playersDifferent Gamemodes
Almost all new gamemodes that people have suggested have team size smaller that 5. The descriptions are somewhat involved, so I opted to links for those posts instead.
* 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, Team Deathmatch link
* XvX Tag Team linkNote: Personally, I love the idea that PvP in GW2 might move in a “fighting game” direction. PvP is centered around awesome combos and counters already!
I couldn’t figure out exactly where to put these.
* Spectator mode and PR events for high level games.
* Easier access to a broadcast mode.
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
13 pages de commentaires.
Allie Murdock ayant eu une journée chargée, elle n'a pas encore eu l'occasion de réellement participer au débat.
Et comme cela ne suffit pas, le grand manitou Chris Whiteside a du venir "épauler" sa collaboratrice.
Hey All,
Some great discussion so far.
Adding to what Allie said, please don’t assume that if there hasn’t be a red post that the discussion hasn’t been read by the developers. Personally I read the CDI topics every day and generally spend some time watching the flow of the discussion and formulating my own opinion before feeling the need to comment.
Many of the team read the topics and just by doing so this impacts how we evolve the game. We are all part of the initiative and are all part of the same discussion group and sometimes it really nice to be able to sit back and read the proposals and discussion without feeling like we have to comment for the sake of it. I like that, a lot.
Keep up the good work, you are in great hands.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/10
Cette aparté mise à part, Allie Murdock retient que beaucoup de joueurs souhaitent voir retirer les pièges de la ligne d'aptitudes Escarmouche : la raison étant le conflit inhérent entre "ligne d'aptitude dite de critique" et des "pièges liés à la notion d'altération". Toutefois, compte tenu l'idée même d'escarmouche (survivre plus longtemps pour tailler en pièce l'adversaire), Allie suggère qu'il serait peut-être plus judicieux de laisser les pièges là et déplacer alors les stats vers une ligne différente.
Parallèlement à cela, Allie concède que les devs sont d'accord sur lefait de devoir régler certaines choses liés au pet (tout comme l'idée d'une aura du rôdeur est également discutée).
Enfin, notons également l'intervention de Karl McLaine dans ce CDI, qui se révèle être en accord avec un buff du poison. Chose sur laquelle il y a effectivement discussion en interne.
mtpelion.4562 a écrit :Wilderness experts should be masters of poisons. Therefore, Rangers should have the most potent poisons available.
Great point here and I agree. I would be awesome to see a way to increase poison potency for the Ranger and it’s something we’ve been talking about internally as well. We’ll keep looking into it and see if there’s something that can happen here.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/11
Dernière modification par Neph (26-02-2014 10:58:58)
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PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
La discussion ne décolle (vraiment) pas. A peine 2 pages.
Du petit nombre de participant, la majorité est pour le système de classement, mais qui reste encore à bien définir.
John Corpening s'est quand à lui, pour le moment, contenter de saluer le résumé des idées/propositions faites par un joueur
C'est assez marrant c'est la communauté qui se plaint le plus du contenue qui leur est offert (à juste titre puisque on a qu'un mode de jeu, sur 5 map plus ou moins similaire avec un seul et unique objectif de victoire) mais dès qu'ion leur donne la possibilité de changer ça, y'a plus personne...
Heureux est l'élève, qui comme la rivière, arrive à suivre son cours sans quitter son lit.
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Effectivement Kiwi, mais d'un autre côté, je me pose tout de même les questions de savoir si :
* le sujet en lui-même est-il vraiment le plus intéressant ? Ou tout du moins celui à aborder en 1er dans un CDI sPVP ?
* la communauté sPvP (intéressée par les classements et ligue) est-elle suffisamment grande aujourd'hui ?
* L'existence des 3 autres CDI (ayant visiblement nettement plus d'intérêt aux yeux de la majorité) ne parasitent-ils pas "tout simplement" ce CDI sPvP ?
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Moi je trouve que c'est un peu n'importe quoi ce mode ligue, on aura des finishers et des titres qui nous distingueront des autres joueurs et donc ?
Une ligue reste au final une poule de teamq, donc au final une poule dont la mécanique et le système de jeu resteront les mêmes, à savoir le tricap sur des maps et le score final de 500 points.
Personnellement je recherche plus un mode de jeu différent de celui-ci avec un lord, une base, une possibilité de split, un flag (par exemple) et d'autre mécaniques comme les trebs etc en fonction des différentes map, en gros un GvG quoi
Le mode ligue servira juste au teamq de prendre un peu plus d'importance que maintenant, rien ne changera à part peut être les récompenses mais il n'y aura pas autant de challenge en cours de partie car la mécanique restera la même c'est pour ça que personnellement je trouve ce sujet juste pas intéressant du tout.
A ce moment la si c'est un mode ligue avec un mode de jeu différent pourquoi pas intervenir mais encore une fois c'est trop vague, il n'y a aucune info je soupçonne même le fait qu'ils ne savent même pas ou aller avec ce mode ligue.
Imo je pense qu'il faudrait aussi enlever cette barrière des serveurs NA/EU en pvp surtout, car il n'y a pas autant de team que ça, on rencontre parfois 2-3 fois la même team en une soirée c'est assez chiant et je trouve que ça serait super intéréssant de jouer contre les ricains parce qu'ils ont des gameplay totalement différents, notamment avec un ingé zerk grenade qui roam avec un thief.
Dernière modification par Erika (26-02-2014 18:23:42)
Otist Team [To]
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Ne maitrisant pas personnellement suffisamment la question, ton explication Erika (et corrige moi si je me trompe) me fait comprendre d'une certaine manière le manque d'intérêt flagrant des joueurs sPvP pour ce CDI : le choix même du sujet abordé est "trop large/vague" et/ou "non prioritaire".
Aborder, par exemple, la question des "modes de jeu" aurait semble-t-il suscité plus d'intérêt pour vous autres.
Dernière modification par Neph (26-02-2014 18:34:08)
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Oui c'est ça Neph enfin c'est mon point de vue la dessus et celui de mes guildeux et d'autres guildes fr avec qui on tournoite parfois.
On dispose déjà d'un ladder, même s'il est mal fait je vous l'accorde, grosso modo on voit nos parties gagnées, perdues ainsi que notre ratio.
Je pense que pour un ladder teamq c'est largement suffisant on a pas besoin de savoir autre chose. La ils vont mettre en place un mode ligue, qui remplacera ce ladder si j'ai bien compris et qui sera plus conséquent au niveau de la compétitivité entre équipes. Certes c'est une très bonne idée de faire ça, mais bon pour un "tournoi" compétitif, il y a l'esl qui se déroule tous les jeudis dans lequel les deux premières équipes sont récompensées en gemmes.
Après c'est toujours les mêmes teams qui gagnent l'esl eu à savoir les Cheese Mode ou les 55hp monks.
Le mode ligue servira juste à attirer encore une fois plus de joueurs en pvp et de convaincre les moins intéréssés à participer a celui-ci et investir de son temps dans le pvp.
Au final cette maj va être exactement la même que la précédente en pvp, à savoir offrir des armures et armes de haut rangs pour tout le monde afin d'attirer plus de monde en pvp.
Concrètement, le pvp n'a pas besoin d'un nouveau mode de teamq a 5 basé sur du triple cap, c'est justement ce système de tricap qui pose problème à la plupart d'entre nous, dans certains matchs on peut très bien marcher sur une team pendant les teamfights et se faire pourtant battre par elle (avec un ingé décap par exemple).
Ils vont encore mettre un gain de récompenses attrayant comme les légendaires pour donner l'envie à certains de faire du mode ligue.
On ne peut même pas appeler ça un mode ligue parce que à ce moment là il faudrait parler d'un mode de jeu différent, c'est juste une Ligue Teamq, genre un Teamq a plus grande échelle, donc aucun intérêt.
C'est dommage que l'équipe des dev chargée du pvp ne se rend pas compte que le mode tricap pose problème a pleins de joueurs, quand on fait bien attention, toutes les grosses teams ayant participé à la PAX l'année dernière ont arrêté le pvp ou complètement le jeu, le pvp se vide de plus en plus et s'ils ne font pas quelque chose, il n'aura plus aucun intérêt pour personne.
Dernière modification par Erika (26-02-2014 19:06:01)
Otist Team [To]
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J'avoue que les combat reste souvent répétitif.
A cause des faibles possibilité stratégique offerte par le tri-cap.
Quand on part en guilde, la plupart du temps je passe mes 5-6 parties à faire le même boulot en boucle (sans compter qu'on tombe logiquement contre des compo quasi-identique).
et comme tu le dis Erika, on a beau rouler sur les ennemies pendant les combats, le résultat du match se joue principalement en fonction de si tu as un meilleur décap ou non qu'en face...
Mais pour moi le tri-cap n'est pas l'unique problème, le format également, on joue à 5, mais avec des objectif qui t'oblige à split, donc quand tu as un groupe de 3 joueurs ensemble c'est le maximum.
Dans un jeu ou la richesse du gameplay se trouve dans les combot et le timming et l'utilisation intelligente de certaines compétences, c'est assez moche quoi, parce qu'a 3v3 en fight tu fais rien d’intéressant, tu bastonne et ça ressemble plus à 3 duel l'un à coté de l'autre duel où forcement certaines profession taillé pour son plus opti que d'autre, tout skill personnel mis à part.
Pour moi les combat en plaine avec effectif moyen (environ 10 de chaque coté) que l'ont trouve en McM ressemble d'avantage à du PvP que ce que l'ont trouve en JcJ...
Le problème c'est que le McM n'est pas fais pour ça, et que les combat sont souvent déséquilibré (t'as rarement pile poil le même nombre de chaque coté), t'as des pick up qu'y s'en mêle et foutent ta strat en l'air, t'as des armes de sièges, t'as des bonus divers non accessible par tous, et surtout la seul stratégie réside dans le combat lui même, ça reste de la bash d'ennemie sans objectif secondaire immédiat, donc pas de split, pas de "défense" de position ect...
Bref un format 8v8 (ho tiens comme dans GW1 !) avec des map à objectif offensif-défensif (qui à dit un lord ?) avec 2-3 objectif secondaire (treb, canon, buff divers), bref un système de jeu ou chaque fight organisé gagné te rapproche un peu plus de ton objectif de victoire, en plus du système tri-cap serait assez urgent à installer !
Heureux est l'élève, qui comme la rivière, arrive à suivre son cours sans quitter son lit.
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Pour moi les combat en plaine avec effectif moyen (environ 10 de chaque coté) que l'ont trouve en McM ressemble d'avantage à du PvP que ce que l'ont trouve en JcJ...
Le problème c'est que le McM n'est pas fais pour ça, et que les combat sont souvent déséquilibré (t'as rarement pile poil le même nombre de chaque coté), t'as des pick up qu'y s'en mêle et foutent ta strat en l'air, t'as des armes de sièges, t'as des bonus divers non accessible par tous, et surtout la seul stratégie réside dans le combat lui même, ça reste de la bash d'ennemie sans objectif secondaire immédiat, donc pas de split, pas de "défense" de position ect...
Je suis justement contre ce pseudo gvg que les joueurs pratiquent en mcm. Déjà qu'en 4v4 avec 2 rangers spirits et les explo des guerriers hambows, c'est brouillon alors j'imagine même pas en 10v10.
Je pense que le format 5v5 est justement le meilleur format équipe qu'il puisse y avoir dans ce jeu, par rapport au gameplay, animations et aussi rotations des maps mais si jamais ils font des map un peu plus grande avec un nouveau mode de jeu comme le gvg, pourquoi pas monter a 6v6 ou 7v7 mais plus je pense que ça fera trop brouillon.
Sinon par rapport au mode ligue comme je l'ai dit je pense pas que ça attirera d'autres joueurs, déjâ qu'en top 100 hier soir ma team est tombée 7 fois d'affilée contre celle de Bruho autant vous dire qu'on s'est éclaté...
Otist Team [To]
Hors ligne
Je suis justement contre ce pseudo gvg que les joueurs pratiquent en mcm. Déjà qu'en 4v4 avec 2 rangers spirits et les explo des guerriers hambows, c'est brouillon alors j'imagine même pas en 10v10.
c'est juste une habitude à prendre.
Et puis c'est pour ça que je parle de 8v8 (et pas 10) avec des objectifs secondaires où t'es obligé de split, comme ça t'as du fight en duel/2v1/2v2 sur les "bonus" avec toujours ce gros combat a ~6v6 à la manière d'un gvg gw1 pour gagner du terrain sur l'adversaire.
D'ailleurs dans ce format tu joue pas un rodeur spirit et tu balance pas tes explo n'importe comment, et puis dans ce genre de fight il faut un lead (tiens donc comme en gvg sur gw1) et s'il fais bien son boulot il mène le combat dans les endroits clean où y'a pas masses aoe/effet, du coup c'est pas brouillon sur ta zone de fight et c'est ça qui est important.
Heureux est l'élève, qui comme la rivière, arrive à suivre son cours sans quitter son lit.
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A propos des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
Le débat continue d'être intense et atteint aujourd'hui 22 pages.
Sans rentrer dans tous les détails, les échanges entre joueurs et devs peuvent se résumer ainsi :
* Accord commun sur l’inefficacité de l'intelligence artificielle des pets du rôdeur
* Clivage, voir même réelle "déception" entre la philosophie du rôdeur pensée et proposée par ArenaNet (ie : l'idée de "survie") et l'envie des joueurs de disposer de builds 1) pouvant offrir un DPS acceptable (ie : build viable de type burst) et/ou 2) Encaisser réellement les burst de dégâts des autres classes (ie : toutes les autres professions surpassent de trop le rôdeur).
A propos du pet :
Hey everyone,
Before things get out of hand, I want to address the aspect idea so we can move on. First of all, it’s a great idea, but there are many current issues with the profession that need to be addressed first. Our priorities to make the pet a more viable option will likely remain higher than giving an option to “permastow” the pet.
We recognize there are a number of issues with the pet AI and general functionality, so that is something that will come first. Rangers are first and foremost a pet class, but they are also great skirmishers and some of the best sustained long range damage.
I don’t want you to think we’re going to ignore the idea or the feedback around the pet, but it could very well be the case that fixing some of the major nagging issues with the pet would make it a more desirable aspect of the Ranger.
That said, if you would like to consider discussing the aspect idea, I ask that you start a thread outside of the CDI to brainstorm.
Thanks so much for all the great, constructive feedback everyone! Let’s keep it coming!
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/16
That is exactly my point. We want to make sure we’ve done everything we can to make the pet desirable before we consider any options for those that don’t want to play with the pet as much.
A propos de la philosophie du rôdeur : Survie vs Critique
The Ranger isn’t expected to do burst damage. By sustained, we mean that the Ranger should excel at surviving (resilient) through burst while still doing enough damage over time to take the opponent down.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/16
I realize that many classes have high burst right now, but our intent is to limit power creep as much as possible. Just because the Ranger’s damage is more spread out, doesn’t mean it does less damage than the burst of other classes. Does that make sense?
For example: One class could, in the span of 30 seconds, do 15k damage in say 5-10 seconds, but then their burst skills go on cooldown so they have to wait out the rest of the time before they can try again. A sustained class should be able to do that same amount of damage in that same amount of time, but the damage is more spread out (hence sustained). This can be better in certain situations, and allows for the sustained class to fill a hole in a team comp.
I’m not saying this is a perfect system or that it’s even fully functional in the game, I’m just trying to explain why doing burst shouldn’t necessarily be better than doing sustained damage. It depends on the situation.
We also know that some classes right now are better at burst than others, and those are things that we look to address in balance patches so there isn’t a surplus of any one class.
Toutefois (et histoire de minimiser les réactions négatives causées par cette clarification sur la philosophie de la classe), Allie Murdock a tenu a concéder qu'il existe bien des défauts dans la conception même de la survie et du burst dans GW2. Et à ce propos ceci doit faire l'objet d'équilibrage évident.
Yes, like I said about the sustained vs burst, it’s not necessarily fully functional in the game. This is one of those things that we would have to balance with bringing other classes down a bit as far as damage output. Burst damage needs to have risk involved, and we know that right now many classes don’t have that associated risk.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/17
We’re seeing that power creep is a big problem in the game right now, so bringing the Ranger up to snuff would only exacerbate that. When we do balance patches, we like to look at every class and where they are at so we can balance appropriately throughout.
Of course, it can be hard to account for certain things when doing these patches, which is why we’re trying to do the patches less frequently so we can properly gauge what needs to be done (that’s not to say that we won’t hotfix any major issues that arise).
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/18
I didn’t say Rangers are in the right spot. I just meant that we have to be very careful of the power creep.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/19
Signalons aussi que le game designer Roy Cronacher est intervenu pour indiquer que le rôdeur manque effectivement d'aptitudes pour supprimer les altérations, ceci limitant la diversité des builds.
I agree that the ranger profession lacks active condition removal which limits build diversity. It is definitely something we are looking to improve upon in the not too distant future. =)
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/11
Enfin, et à titre de "clarification" Allie Murdock tient à nous dire que les devs ne feront aucun commentaire sur jusqu'où ils seront prêt à refondre cette profession.
To those asking how far we would redesign – I can’t really comment on this specifically, but I can say that you should share your ideas because sometimes they inspire things to happen. Does that make sense?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/17
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
10 pages de commentaires au total.
Les échanges se sont déplacés vers l'ajout de contenu "lore" aux fractales.
Sur ce point notons le rejet, par Colin Johanson, de l'idée de fractale "mode histoire". Le temps et les ressources pouvant être alloués ailleurs pour des choses plus bénéfiques pour l'ensemble du jeu et des joueurs.
Peut-être faut-il alors plus se poser la question de savoir comment l'histoire du jeu et ses traditions peuvent elles être mise en valeur via le système actuellement en place.
Romo.3709 a écrit :How about Story Mode fractals, where you could pick a fractal you want to experience. Then upon arriving to said fractal we could experience the story behind thus level hence learning more about the history and idea behind the design of each and every fractal. To make it actually rewarding we could have a achievement system in place for each level, so everyone would play it at least once. And maybe a reward at the end (30s should be sufficient as it would be much shorter than a regular dungeon story mode) and some experience. It would also help new players get a hang of fractals a bit more understanding the layout and mechanics behind every level.
We could do something like this, but when ends up happening is the work involved ends up being a lot of additional work to basically build something people play one or two times and then are done with it. In that time, we could have probably half built another real fractal, which I think probably would be better for the game over-all. Maybe the real question would be → How do we try and get across better lore and stories with the current fractal system?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ion/page/9
A cela ajoutons aussi que Chris Whiteside apprécie l'idée que les fractales racontent leur propre histoire (champ de bataille urbain) ou évoque une histoire que les joueurs peuvent s'imaginer eux-mêmes (ex : flanc de falaise)
This is a really good point:
I personally think a well made fractal either tells its own story in the case of the Ascalonian city fractal, or allows you to conjure up a story in your head for it. The cliffside fractal does this to perfection for example.
And one we should always aspire to regardless of additional exposition of law.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/page/10
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
5 pages de commentaires.
Devon Carver a désiré revenir sur le design du combat pour le Château de Brumepierre (en CBE) : serait-il envisageable et intéressant d'introduire des points de captures à contrôler pour en prendre possession (afin de casser la mécanisme du zerg/blob) ou serait-ce trop difficile à tenir en jeu ?
I wanted to pivot to something that Luna mentioned early in the thread, the idea of a more complex fight for Stonemist.
Would it make Stonemist feel too difficult to capture if the assaulting team had to capture and hold 3 capture points? Here are some of the problems I see with it.
1) It would encourage everyone defending to just blob up on one point and hold out as a group.
2) It could be so difficult to actually accomplish that it becomes nearly impossible to flip Stonemist.
However, I think it would be an improvement to the current rush the middle of the room scenario.
Do any of you think this version of Stonemist would be an improvement or does it not really make any positive changes in your mind?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … sts/page/3
Interesting, I hadn’t considered using the 3 of 5 system there. Do you think that would really force groups to fight it out or would people just turtle up to prevent capture?
A cela rajoutons le résumé de la discussion effectué par Devon Carver lui-même :
* l'event scaling des mobs a ces partisans
* l'ajout de verticalité (ie : rapport au terrain) a également été soulevée
* le sujet le plus controversé a été le retrait ou non des mondes au profit d'un système de couleurs. Même si l'idée est plus ou moins rejetée, Devon Carver voudrait savoir comment serait-il possible de rendre les lettres de noblesse aux Mondes (ex : alliances ?)
* envisager une modification de la durée des matchs. Exemples : 8h OU semaine + WE = 2 matchs distincts.
* comment rendre le combat pour brumepierre plus intéressant
A short recap of the first few pages of discussion.
There have been a number of interesting proposals of ways to take some of the things from EotM into the other maps. Scaling creatures have some supporters, verticality without it being excessive is a something that has also seen support. There is definite push and pull between people that feel like any changes from EotM would be counterproductive and people who think there are some good parts.
Probably the most contentious issue has been the talk of getting rid of world’s and replacing the system with just the three colors. I think there is some merit to the idea, although I believe the worlds have a lot of value. I’d be curious to know if the folks who argue against and world pride feel that way because of being on underperforming worlds or not. I also wonder if there isn’t some work that could be done to restore that world pride without completely overhauling the WvW system. Someone mentioned alliances, which I think would work fairly well. If the less populous worlds were grouped together, does that seem like something that could reinvigorate them?
From my perspective, the discussion around changes to the matchup length are interesting. I originally proposed 8 hour matches, but someone else suggested a version that I think would be really interesting which is basically that the weekend is one matchup and the weekdays are another. I’d be curious to hear what people think about that.
I also wanted to continue discussion about changes to Stonemist that might make it a more engaging place to fight over. I think a move to multiple capture points could make it a more difficult place to capture and add some variety to the way the fight plays out.
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
Toujours bloquée sur 2 pages.
Toutefois et visiblement Colin Johanson a voulu donner un coup de boost au débat en soulevant la question des récompenses par catégorie de joueurs.
A voir si parler des "carottes" fait plus réagir la communauté...
So an open question to add to the brainstorm, when considering leagues rewards is always going to be an important component to driving participation. There is some great ideas in this thread on rewards already, but it’s worth delving deeper into what type of rewards will motivate different types of players in the league structure. Top tier players might be motivated only by $$$ for example, while lower tier players may be driven primarily to earn levels/gold. (These are just random examples)
With that in mind, what rewards would you like to see for a pvp league structure based on player categories who would be motivated by those rewards at different tiers?
I’ll give myself as an example: I consider myself competitive casual. I will never join a top PvP team to compete in tournaments to be the best in the world, I will however play in any solo play league or rated solo play if the rewards are compelling enough. I generally play hot join and custom arenas as my core game mode type.
For me, unique skins for my character that I can only earn from participating in a league structure would be the biggest motivating factor. This would allow me to show off to others that I was there, and also feel like I earned something unique and exciting for my time spent. Similarly, any rewards that help speed my progress towards building a legendary would provide a large amount of motivation for me. And gems would always be nice, can I always seem to be finding more on the gem store I want to buy than my wife will be ok wit
Dernière modification par Neph (28-02-2014 11:21:26)
Hors ligne
Pas assez de buff damage pour la team en rôdeur ? Et l'esprit du froid c'est quoi ?
Ce qui manque à cette classe, c'est une plus grande mobilité, moins de glitch entre les rotations du skill 1 épée qui le rendent carrément injouable, p-e réduire le reload de quelques skills (l'élite qui met la swiftness, le skill au cor qui met la swiftness), rajouter la possibilité de se déplacer en utilisant le tourbillon à la hache pour permettre de remplacer un gd ou un mesmer par un rod, revisiter certains skills utilitaires qui sont complètement inutiles et surtout comme ça a été dit lui rajouter des antis condis... L'espadon/hache/épée/cor sont des armes jouables en donjons, elles trouvent une utilité en tout cas. Les arcs sont pour les kékéboyz et les pr0farmers de world bosses, mais à la limite c'est pas grave ça, on peut toujours pull avec .
La profession qui a besoin d'une vraie refonte en PvE opti c'est le nécro: il n'apporte rien à la team ou moins bien que toute autre prof, et surtout contrairement au thief/rodeur, il n'a aucun moyen d'être efficace en full berz... C'est une classe qui repose quasi uniquement sur les alté, et les alté c'est clairement de la merde dans ce meta PvE.
Dernière modification par Rhonk' (27-02-2014 12:07:29)
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@Rhonk' : Il faut plutôt comprendre que dans ce CDI les joueurs qui s'expriment se plaignent très largement du fait que la profession ranger en PvE+PvP+McM :
* atteint "difficilement" un niveau soutenable et comparable de DPS à ceux des autres professions du jeu,
* ne dispose que de trop peu de techniques/moyens pour échapper/encaisser/supporter les dégâts que les autres classes peuvent lui faire,
* en plus d'avoir un animal qui fonctionne mal et meurt beaucoup trop vite.
La logique de team -PvE opti ou non- n'est pas (malheureusement) souvent prise en compte dans la plupart des argumentaires des joueurs. Le débat tourne autour de la profession en tant que telle, et sous tous les aspect du jeu (ie : PvE+PvP+McM), et très/trop peu de sa synergie avec les autres professions.
De l'avis de la majorité : la classe est à revoir totalement en raison de l'IA défaillante du pet, d'un DPS jugé faible comparativement aux autres et d'une manque de techniques permettant de survivre face aux dégâts.
Quand aux professions ayant besoin d'une refonte le vote réalisé dernièrement à effectivement placé le Necromant en seconde position (derrière le ranger).
Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
Le débat devient de plus en plus un recyclage d'idées déjà évoquées, de commentaires confus ou contradictoires... et part inévitablement dans tous les sens sauf celui de faire réellement avancer une discussion.
Aujourd'hui, les joueurs continuent à décortiquer les moindres détails de la classe qui pose problème à leurs yeux mais le débat dérive dangereusement vers le "rôdeur est à revoir totalement mais ANet ne le fera jamais et ne nous écoute toujours pas depuis 2 ans"...
En 3 jours, nous en sommes à 27 pages de commentaires. Ce qui en fait une discussion monstrueuse à gérer par une seule personne... D'autant que beaucoup de frustrations y sont exprimées.
La faute à un manque de cadrage ? Un manque de présence d'Allie ? A la vision d'ANet du ranger et exprimée dans le topic qui ne correspond pas aux attentes des joueurs et/ou au meta pure dps actuellement en vigueur sur le jeu ? A un trop plein de frustration des joueurs ?
A suivre...
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
12 pages.
Chris Whiteside voudrait également obtenir les idées des joueurs à propos des mécanismes d'un classement pour les fractales (système initialement prévu puis reporté par manque d'intérêt d'information qualitative à fournir)
Hi Folks,
Good discussion. I am enjoying it. The discussion about re rolling is very insightful.
I would appreciate it if you could put some ideas forward for Leader-board mechanics.
Specifically in regard to the fact that I was unhappy with us putting out Leader-boards in their previous functionality (having lots of folks sitting at lvl 50 was not ideal) and therefore the feature was held back.
Obviously we have given Level 50 Leader diversification a lot of thought but it would be awesome to hear your proposals. Note there are a lot of logic problems in the solutions in this area so please do think about associated risks.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/page/11
Signalons aussi le fait que Chris Whiteside aimerait voir les fractales accueillir des groupes de joueurs de taille supérieur à 5.
MokahTGS.7850 a écrit :I also would like Fractals (and to a lesser extent, Dungeons) to evolve to allow for 2-5 player scaling. I know they are currently designed for 5 people, but I’d like to see the balance code reworked in such a way that 2 people could run through a fractal and be rewarded for that level scale. Obviously 5-man fractals would reward more, but I personally just want to run through them with my wife…currently that isn’t possible.
Call it “Casual-mode” for Fractals.Personally I would like to see Fractals be able to be 5+ as well with associated risk/reward mechanics.
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
6 pages de commentaires.
Devon Carver propose d'aborder la question de l'intérêt des goulots d'étranglement (d'un point de vue stratégie de jeu).
I think there has been good discussion around the concepts of world pride and how the changes in EotM affect that. Let’s pivot to a different concept from EotM and how it could apply to WvW.
I’m curious what you all think about choke points as strategic ideas. I don’t think we’d ever want a map that was just a bunch of canyons, this isn’t Sparta or Thermopylae, but having areas that make it harder for large groups to get through if they are well-defended creates gameplay. Think of a tower that guards the only pass through a canyon, rather than bridges everywhere. Is that something that, in moderation, could provide for more varied and strategic gameplay?
For the purposes of the question, think in terms of building a new map from scratch, rather than retrofitting the current maps.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … sts/page/5
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
3 pages.
La dernière intervention est de Colin Johanson. Celui-ci donne à lire la définition -d'ANet- des catégories de joueurs sPvP. Catégories servant donc potentiellement de base pour définir les récompenses et la structuration des ligues.
I think you’re using a different definition of competitive, and casual/hardcore than I would, so by your definition I agree with you, but using my own definitions I do not
We tend to think of our players in various categories, and one of the goals of any league system (or PvP in general) is to try and engage as many of those players as possible, because today’s casual player can be tomorrow’s top tourny player – if they reach the top.
My definitions, and why I think you need to think of rewards that motivate each of these groups to help encourage their participation, since they are often motivated by different things are:
Competitive Hardcore (the guy I set next to at work) – Want to win, and want to be the best. They fight for the top of the ladder, want to win tournaments, and be the best in the world.
Competitive Casual (Me) – Wants to win, don’t care bout being the best in the world and will never have time to do so, won’t ever be on top of the ladder. However, I want to be the best among players of my similar levels of interest/time, so any league that allows me to compete with people of similar skill sets/interest is one I’d participate in. If I have to also fight against the competitive hardcore, I likely wouldn’t participate. Has the potential to someday become competitive hardcore.
Casual (the gal who sits behind me at work) – Wants to play to unlock rewards, doesn’t really think they have a chance of winning or being very good and openly recognize it. Will play as long as the rewards exist, for example there are people who play PvP each day and get their daily, then run off to their next goal some place else in the game. Has the potential to someday become competitive casual.
And ideal league structure would provide motivation for people in each of these groups (by my definition of what they are) to maximize the player participation, and increase the odds that players in each category might move to a more dedicated category of player at some point.
Hope that helps explain in a bit more detail what I’m saying when I say competitive casual, and also what groups I think need to be included in a league structure – and why they may need different rewards based on their different motivations.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ons/page/3
Dernière modification par Neph (28-02-2014 11:28:31)
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
La "discussion monstre" a grossi de 5 pages supplémentaires pour atteindre les 33 pages...
Et aucune intervention d'Allie Murdock, et donc aucune ligne directrice du débat, n'est à signaler depuis la page 19 (!)
La seule et unique prise de parole officielle (depuis la page 19 !) à noter est celle du game designer Roy Cronacher qui tombe d'accord sur le fait que forcer les joueurs à choisir un attribut pour recevoir les effets actifs des sceaux n'est pas judicieux. Un travail d'équilibrage sur les sceaux et attributs fait donc effectivement l'objet de discussions en interne.
We have also been discussing this internally and agree that it is awkward to be forced to take a trait in order to receive the active effects of signets. Obviously some balance work would need to be done on the signets as well as redesigning the trait. Definitely a good idea and something we are thinking about. =)
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/30
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
16 pages.
Tout d'abord signalons que Chris Whiteside a indiqué, dans un cadre purement conceptuel et ne relevant d'aucune promesse réelle, que des Fractales jouables à plus de 5 joueurs seraient, à ses yeux, des entités bien distinctes des autres (et donc équilibrées en conséquence).
From a brain storming standpoint I think 5+ fractals would be their own entity within fractals and thus be balanced for 5+ only.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3703680
Le second point remarquable est le fait que Chris Whiteside cherche actuellement a obtenir des joueurs un "ordre de priorité des changements requis" pour les fractales.
Par exemple, une refonte de la fractale draguerre est-elle plus "prioritaire" que de travailler sur le "roulement" des fractales (ie : la variable aléatoire qui empêche de savoir quelles vont être les fractales dans lesquelles les joueurs vont être propulsés) ?
Just a quick note to let you know i am up to date.
I am assuming that you all feel that for example a Dredge rework is higher priority than say a rework to rolling?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3703687
Troisième point à retenir : Chris Whiteside devrait se rapprocher de l'équipe en charge des récompenses pour leur parler de l'ajout de minerais de dragonite en Fractales.
dutchiez.7502 a écrit :spoj.9672 a écrit :Adding dragonite into fractals would be nice. Atm dungeon runners are forced to do wvw or open world to get their dragonite. And they have no shortage of emp fragments and bloodstone dust.
God yes! Please add dragonite as a reward to fractals or dungeons in general, so the dungeon runners who don’t enjoy zerging content but do enjoy having BiS gear can stop grinding temples!
I will discuss this with the rewards team and find out their opinion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3706393
A cela rajoutons que certains joueurs sont directement intervenus dans le CDI- Fractal Evolution de Chris Whiteside pour lui signifier que le CDI-Ranger Profession d'Allie Murdock partait complètement à vau-l'eau (!)...
Ainsi Chris Whiteside a du certes concéder un manque de ligne directrice dans cet autre CDI, mais ce dernier a surtout précisé qu'il soutenait le travail effectué par sa collaboratrice tout comme re-préciser que les devs n'ont pas pour vocation à répondre à tout ce qui peut être exprimé par les joueurs.
Randulf.7614 a écrit :Chris apologies to post in this thread about a sep issue but, it might be worth post weekend some additional attention in the Ranger CDI. The community is trying to keep discussion moving, but it has lost direction and management. Could really use the “pep ups” this thread has had since inception.
Hi Randulf,
Thanks for the heads up. One thing for sure is that it is a much bigger thread (-:
Personally i think Allie and the team are doing a good job. I know the team has been discussing the proposals and discussions that they have seen in the thread.
Please note that I agree with their needing to be a guiding hand but do remember that the devs consider themselves peer members of the CDI group and thus there really shouldn’t be an expectation for them to comment all the time. Like me, they probably read, digest and evolve their own design philosophy based on the discussions. And at its core that is the huge value the CDI brings to GW2.
One thing I would like to point out is that whilst I spend portions of my weekend on the CDI that does not mean that this is expected of other team members. If anything my behavior is bad because as it sets an example to the community that they then expect to see replicated by other staff members and thus puts undue pressure on the team.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3706496
Enfin, notons qu'il transmet tout de même l'idée à Allie Murdock d'indiquer plus systématiquement où cette dernière en est dans sa lecture des suggestions effectuées sur le Rodeur.
Tout comme signalons que Chris Whiteside se dit d'accord sur le fait que la Fractale draguerre aurait besoin d'être revue (mais cette position n'est pas une promesse pour autant) et, concernant le "roulement" des fractales, celui-ci se dit encore "à l'écoute" des propositions.
videoboy.4162 a écrit :Chris,
Perhaps it would help the Ranger thread, if Allie were able to periodically make a post similar to yours: “I’ve just caught up on pages 7-13, now to discuss these pages with my team!”
I think most posters know she’s doing a great job, but a small post like that to show she’s still around would probably calm the masses, by reminding them that she really is there and paying attention.
(In a slightly related note, I will gladly beg you to run the future Elementalist CDI. =D)
Back to this thread:
Do you have any thoughts/opinions/suggestions on the Dredge or the re-rolling issues being discussed so much in this thread?Hey Videoboy,
I will mention your suggestion to Allie. At the end of the day though it is up to the CDI Topic owners to connect with their CDI group in their own way.
Regarding your questions. As a player I think Dredge could do with some work and I agree with many of the proposals that have been put forward in this area (note this is a not a statement around development in this area).
Regarding the rolling discussion. I am less opinionated about this particular topic and am still reading through the groups proposal’s and discussion points.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3706656
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
7 pages de commentaires.
Rien de nouveau si ce n'est que Devon Carver précise seulement et simplement apprécier les idées émises par les joueurs. La discussion portant sur la communauté, l'identité... a été instructive. Ainsi, celui-ci invite donc encore les joueurs a s'exprimer toujours plus sur le sujet.
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
3 pages toujours (sic)...
Notons ici que Colin Johanson a du rappeler (NdR: justifier ?) l'intérêt du choix du sujet abordé dans ce CDI : même si discuter des modes et types de jeu PvP demeure une bonne idée, cela a déjà été fait par le passé. Le but essentiel ici est de définir comment motiver au mieux (et donc via les récompenses) les différentes catégories de joueurs PvP.
While I agree we still have a lot of work to continue to improve the PvP experience as well, this is a thread dedicated entirely to talking about leagues and how they would function, and my entire post was focused on the discussion of rewards within those leagues.
As for competitive and casual and my definitions, we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one! Regardless, I think the more important discussion and the entire point of this thread is: What players do we have who play PvP and how do we make leagues that motivate them, and what players do we have who don’t currently play PvP who would: and how do we motivate them.
While I understand your point and think discussions around game modes and types that can succeed is a great topic for us to continue to discuss, since we’ve done so once already, I’d encourage you to remember the goal of this CDI discussion. Remember, this is your chance to discuss leagues (and in particular, my question was rewards for those leagues) not everything else you have concerns with.
I will add a fun fact: When rewards were updated in December, PvP saw a 40% growth in player numbers that has stayed solid ever since, the largest single jump in player participation in any game content type as a result of an update we’ve ever seen. This growth was almost entirely players who didn’t play PvP before, who suddenly became interested once it was rewarding, and I’d argue it’s not even that rewarding yet. To discount rewards as meaningless might be true to you as a player, but we consistently hear very different feedback from other players, and they make this very clear in their actions. We need to make sure players who truly care about prestige and being the best are catered to, and we need a way for players who aren’t that yet can become excited and invested and someday potentially become part of the first.
I’d encourage you (in this thread) to focus your brainstorming and ideas around how we can make leagues that you’d be excited to play in, since that’s the entire point of this discussion! If prestige/fame is what motivates you for example, tell us what kind of prestige and fame systems you’d like to see in a league?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3699860
Suite à ce rappel Colin a rédigé un résumé des idées retenues jusque la dans la discusion
Hey guys, below are notes summarizing ideas put forth from Merkator’s awesome summary up to now.
Thanks for your continued input and amazing ideas!
1-week sprints leading for points
WvW League style
Guild based teams
Automated Tournaments
1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 8v8, and biggerRewards
Rewards unlocked as you climb the ladder.
Things that PvPers missed out on
Unique items
skins, weapons, armors
Specific item for achievements
Rank Points
Ascended items
Account bonuses
CashEarning Rewards
Reaching a ladder threshold
For straight up rewards
For the ability to purchase rewards
Complete achievements
Being at a certain ladder position at the end of the season
Winning a post season tournament
Winning tournamentsSeason Duration
2 weeks
8 weeks
2 months
3 months
4 monthsPersonal Motivations
Finding a good group
Just love playing on a ladder
To improve skillsAll Skill Level Motivations
Ease players into itOther
Balance Patch Mid-season?
Reduce wait time for matches
Pre-match player confirmation
Include new game modes in the random selection
Need ways to judge skill and player improvement
Ranking per character rather than account
Map selection
Can’t be on leaderboards until X games have been played
Live events
Sell items that contribute to cash prize pool
Give each person a Solo and a Team rating
Average decides team tierAlso I want to give special thanks to Phantaram’s incredibly insightful post about the importance of the competitive casual group of players. It is inspiring to us to see one of the very best players in GW2 looking out for the up and coming top tier players. Looking for ways to get this group involved in league play is an important goal of this discussion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3700020
Dernière modification par Neph (03-03-2014 11:17:15)
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
41 pages (!) Des propositions en veux-tu en voila, sur tout et son contraire, intéressantes ou non.
Allie Murdock est (enfin !) réapparu, par deux fois, à la page 36.
Puis, de nouveau, plus de son ni d'image...
Voici donc ce que cette dernière nous donne à lire :
- les développeurs ne retiennent pas la suggestion dite "permastow" (ie : build sans pet) pour le rôdeur
- l'idée d'offrir au rôdeur un "aspect de_________" va faire l'objet d'une autre discussion séparée
- l'IA du pet a besoin d'être remaniée (et des changements visiblement sont prévus dans le patch à venir)
- des excuses personnelles pour son silence, et un rappel que les devs lisent bien les propos de la communauté
- une précisions comme quoi la refonte de la profession rôdeur ne touchera pas uniquement le pet (même si c'est l'une des priorités)
Hey all,
Sorry I haven’t had time to comment in here. I went through the past 10 or so pages and tried to grab some of the issues that have come up and address them. The balance team has been keeping up with the thread, but they haven’t had as much time lately to comment on specific ideas.
Re: “Shot down” ideas
The only thing we are not open to is a real permastow option that would essentially take away the pet completely (ie an option that said always stow).
We kicked around the idea of giving the ranger an “aspect of _______” which we moved to a new thread because it is elaborate and should be a single topic in itself. The idea is that it would give the pet more utility with swapping/stowing, but it wouldn’t retire the pet completely.
We want to fix issues with the pet AI and general usability before we consider doing something to this extent.We acknowledged that Pet AI does need help, but we did not say we would not be doing this. You will see some changes in the coming feature patch that should help with the pet’s usability.
Re: Lack of participation
I apologize that I had been absent from this thread for a few days. I had to produce Ready Up last week and a number of other things came up that took priority (including getting a virus that meant I left early for the week). Also, I don’t work on the weekends.
Just because we’re not responding doesn’t mean we’re not reading.
Sometimes we just don’t get the time to respond, but we’ll try to get better about this.Re: Fear that we will only work on pets
Don’t stress about this. We wanted to look at the class as a whole with you. We didn’t make this thread specifically to get feedback on the pets. It just happens to be one of (if not the biggest) the top issues with Ranger right now.
Source :https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/balance/Collaborative-Development-Ranger-Profession/page/36
A cela rajoutons enfin que la touche/commande F2 du pet du rôdeur va être effectivement modifiée.
That is perfectly valid feedback. Like I said though, we do have some changes coming that should help with this. Particularly with the one you noted (F2).
Thanks for your constructive thoughts!
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
21 pages.
Chris Whiteside a dernièrement répondu à quelques questions qui lui étaient directement posées par un joueur.
Ainsi ce dernier a précisé ses désires en tant que joueur (et qui ne sont pas des promesses d'ajouts futurs) :
- Injecter plus de lore dans les fractales
- continuer à concevoir et proposer des combats stratégiques impliquant un travail d'équipe
- voir les fractales offrir plus de récompenses (notamment en termes d'équipements élevés)
- n'a pas de problème avec le système actuel de roulement
- voir quelques modifications apportées à la fractale draguerre
Nike.2631 a écrit :Maybe we can get some insight from our Host:
Chris, what do you see as the long term value proposition of Fractals? Not necessarily the company policy, just your take as a well-informed designer. Why should players keep coming back after getting their rings & backpack and/or getting to level 50? What is the lasting appeal of this content? You’ve mentioned a blue sky dream of large-group fractals. Any other outside-the-box wishes that might help us better grasp the scope of changes this discussion might precipitate?Hi Nike,
I am hoping that we can inject more lore and epic moments into the fractals. That we can transport player’s to even more iconic periods of Guild Wars history.
What if we could send players forward in Fractal time?
I am hoping that we can build on the strong foundation that we have with base Fractal mechanics and continue to build challenging encounters through strategic gameplay and strong ‘team’ centric inter-dynamics.
I as a player also hope that we can make fractals more rewarding, especially in regard to ascended acquisition.
I hope this answers some of your questions. Fractals are one of my favorite parts of the game and these are some of my wishes for their evolution.
Edit: I was also asked what my thoughts on rolling are: As a player i have no issue with that particular system as it currently stands.
I was also asked about Dredge: As a player I would love to see some work done on dredge.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3709729
A cela, Chris Whiteside a ajouté apprécier l'idée d'ajout d'objectifs secondaires dans les fractales.
I can’t find it now but there was a post talking about secondary objectives and rewards for completion of said objectives.
We do this with the Grawl Shaman and I would like to see more of this in the fractals.
Essentially stretch goal objectives that add more optional difficulty but reward the players for completing the more difficult content.
The larger the sense of discovery and accomplishment the greater the overall experience in my opinion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3714304
Ensuite, afin de faire progresser le CDI, Chris Whiteside a posé plusieurs nouvelles questions.
- Les instabilités sont-elles un bon système pour enrichir l'expérience de jeu en fractale ?
- Préférons-nous avoir 30 nouvelles instabilités ou 1 fractale totalement nouvelle ?
- Quelles sont les instabilités que nous aimons, n'aimons pas ?
Et, parallèlement à ces questions, ce dernier tire déjà quelques autres conclusions issues des échanges :
- le contenu supplémentaire est généralement bien accueillie (créatures, environnement)
- les modification de combat le sont moins
- les modifications de stats le sont encore moins
- il est plus intéressant d'offrir de nouveaux builds que de "casser" les anciens (ex. : rendre les dégâts par altération plus important que les nier totalement)
Ensuite, est venue la question de la redondance de difficulté des fractales. Si ce n'est l'idée d'une difficulté qui s'échelonne (ie : qui augmente), que faudrait-il ajouter pour donner un sentiment de progression dans les fractales ?
Et enfin, l'ultime question posée : Quelle est la place prise par l'aléatoire dans les fractales ? Et quelles sont les inconvénients de ne pas avoir d'aléatoire ?
Ainsi, à supposé que le roulement des fractales soit supprimé et que la fractale draguerre soit revue et corrigée, cela ne créerait-il pas de nouvelles limites au concept de fractale/difficulté/instabilité/composition de groupe ?
I have a few questions for the thread. Sorry I’m a bit late (though I have been reading)!
First, I want to stir the pot on Instabilities. It’s been brought up a few times but never really discussed. In the conceptual phase they seemed like a great way to add replayability to the Fractals. Simple math seems to concur. Even though we built roughly 90 Instabilities, we were only able to ship about 20 because QA had to test approximately 300 configurations of content. That seems like a lot of variety, but obviously there’s some problems. Admittedly, some aren’t very good and they’re sorted in a less-than-stellar manner. They might have been more appealing and/or made more sense had we been able to implement to full plan. But then again, maybe not. I’d like to know what you think. Is this a good system? Does it add to the Fractal experience? Would you rather have 30 new Instabilities or 1 new Fractal? Which ones do you like/dislike? From reading the feedback, I’ve already been gathering some assumptions:
Additive content is generally well received (extra creatures, environment effect)
Slightly less popular are combat modifiers (exploding enemies, flanking)
Stat modifiers are the least interesting. Specifically DPS reducation is a terrible idea.
It’s more interesting to make builds instead of break them. For example, make condition damage more important than negate it.Next is the difficulty/progression question. Personally I’ve always felt that the difficulty scaling in Fractals is a bit redundant. After all, once the creatures have started to one-shot you, does it continue to matter that they keep hitting harder? I know this has been commented on, but I’d like to hear some thoughts on alternatives. If not difficulty scaling (or supposing difficulty scaling simply stopped at a certain level), what else would add meaning to progressing through higher level Fractals? How does that align with your goals, whatever they may be (rewards, defeating hard content, discovery, etc).
Finally I have sort of a meta-question which is: what place, if any, does random have in the Fractals? While it’s easy to dismiss it because of the drawbacks, I think it’s important to talk about the drawbacks of not having it (or having another system) would be. Assume we solve re-rolling and make Dredge more reasonable, does random fractal selection add or detract from your satisfaction of playing in the Fractals? Was it more interesting at one time than it is now? Can we compare that with Instabilities, which are very predictable? Imagine if we completely strip random out everything possible and conjure a system where you complete specific sets of combinations of fractal/instability/difficulty to build specific items. Does that entice you or sound like a big grind?
Thanks in advance for reading and I look forward to continuing the discussion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3714522
Les réponses qui s'en sont suivit proposent majoritairement l' "ajout de nouveaux mécanismes" dans les combats pour refléter une progression dans la difficulté. Mais, et bien que cette réponse soit "la plus logique", techniquement cela serait très long à mettre en place.
It’s no surprise that the “add more mechanics” idea comes up a lot for difficulty scaling. Not only does it sound really great, it was also the original plan. Unfortunately it’s just about the heaviest approach we could take because it implies that every boss in the fractal needs to be updated and rebalanced for every tier that we add. Assuming 2 bosses per Fractal (and we never added new Fractals), every time we add a tier of difficulty we have to do this 30 times. I’m not saying we can’t do it; I’m saying it would be slow. Much slower than say, adding one or two new Fractals per tier with entirely new content.
What I actually don’t like about that approach is that it has a lot of filler progression. Hypothetical levels 51-60 would effectively all be the same. We thought the advantage of assigning an MI to every level was that it literally made every level unique and also avoids the re-rolling problem that fractal selection has.
Back on randomness/replayability/rewards: I think the intent has always been to make the Fractals a very replayable experience by using random to create semi-unique iterations through the content. But the extrinsic reward motivators work to the contrary, making random unfavorable for optimal gain.
I’d like to see more speculation on middle ground solutions which both add meaningful variety to the Fractals without forcing players to feel like they’re trudging through non-optimal reward paths.
Also, this is all just speculation. I’m not advocating or declaring an official re-work of any system here. Just exploring possibilities for the evolution of this and future content.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3716117
Notons ensuite que Chris n'a pas "répondu" de manière satisfante à une ancienne réclamation portant sur une "compensation que les joueurs les plus avancés se verraient attribuer pour leur perte de niveaux de fractale suite au patch Fracture". Celui-ci se contenant de supposer que Isaia y avait déjà répondu par le passé.
Les interventions des joueurs sont alors parti en tout sens... et Chris Whiteside a du recentrer le débat.
L'on regrettra ici de ne pas avoir le fin mot de l'histoire...
Romo.3709 a écrit :Also, Chris.
I’ve been trying to avoid the question for a while now, trying my hardest to contribute to this CDI as much as the time lets me, while trying to push this question to the back of my mind. It never seem to be a good time to ask it, but then again I don’t think it’ll ever be a good time to. But you once said that you will give your opinion on fractal reset after you gave it some thoughts. I was wondering if you got anything for us. Will we ever be compensated for levels we lost and those over multiple toons? Just stating if it’s not even a viable thing for discussion anymore would suffice.I am pretty sure Izzy responded to this question a few months ago. I will check with him.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3721528
Ok as I thought my post has completely derailed the conversation. Please let’s continue discussing how to evolve fractals for the time being.
Thank you,
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/3722232
Au final, la denrière intervention notable est un résumé des sujets qu'il faudrait encore discuter (le lore, les scénarios d'évolution des fractales...) et le ait que Chris Whieside a bien noté les commentaires concernant le roulement, les récompenses et le systèmede classement.
In regard to topics I would like to see (if that’s ok):
- Continued discussion about lore in fractals.
- Suggested scenarios (boss, encounter and level design) based on current mechanics and systems in fractals.
- Anything else that takes your fancy.
I am pretty well versed in all of your thoughts around rolling, rewards and leader boards now.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3722290
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
8 pages.
Aucune nouvelle prise de parole de développeur.
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
3 pages.
Discussion totalement au point mort.
Dernière modification par Neph (06-03-2014 14:53:00)
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
45 pages.
Notons aujourd'hui un total de 7 prises de paroles (Allie Murdock et Chris Whiteside),toutes à la page 42 de ce CDI
Tout d'abord notons qu'Allie Murdock s'est excusée -de nouveau- de son manque de prise de parole, et a du fermer temporairement le CDI fin que les devs puissent analyser/suivre toutes les propositions faites par les joueurs jusqu'ici.
Hey everyone,
I know we haven’t been as responsive as some of the other CDIs, but part of that is because we have double the amount of posts as the next one down and we’re spending most of our time reading and discussing the issues internally.
Given that, I’m going to lock the thread for now so that the team and I can catch up and discuss/summarize the feedback we’ve gotten.
Thanks so much for keeping it going!
Second point important à noter est le résumé, fait par Allie Murdock, de la plupart des commentaires que les devs ont reçu.
Il s'agit ici de notes prises par Allie et transmises notamment à l'équipe en charge de l'équilibrage.
Toutefois, ce résumé ne constitue pas (uniquement) tout ce qu'ils ont effectivement lu et/ou retenu des 40+ pages.
Je vous le livre tel quel.
Hey everyone,
I’ve tried to summarize most of the feedback we’ve been getting. Most of this are the big points that are being made and the high level with a few smaller suggestions and tweaks for inspiration.
Now, many of you might disagree with some of the feedback that others have been giving, but if you guys are going to take the time to write it, we’re going to take the time to read it.
These are some of the notes that I’ve been passing around to the balance team. Please know that this is not all of the feedback we’ve seen from you or from this thread.
Remove spirits. They clutter up the map and provide less strategic value with target changes.
1. Instead, apply an aura to the pet that does the same thing spirits currently do.
1. Obviously, this would be a huge rework and would require changes to spirit traits.More than any class in the game, Ranger requires a significant investment in traits before a large number of their utility skills are even work slotting.
Ranger heals should match their purpose more.
1. Reduce cooldown of Troll Unguent/add condi removal
2. Increase radius of Healing Spring & increase cast time
3. Reduce cooldown of Heal as one or reduce cast time.Beastmastery & Pets:
Pets need stat scaling.
1. Stats could scale based on the Ranger’s stats and the pet’s family, with a weight on specific stats based on the individual pet
2. Beastmastery should improve the pet stat scaling.Pets should take less damage from AoE and one-shot mechanics.
1. Pets should take 30% damage from AoEs, be immune to one shot mechanics and take 25% damage from cleaves when not the selected target.Pets can’t keep up in combat.
1. Melee range should be increased to 600 to accommodate the “run>stop>begin attack>cancel attack>run>stop” type mechanics you see throughout the game.
2. Increase pet movement speed by 10-15%. Replace Agility Training with Vigorous training
3. Pets have a hard time sticking to their target because they can’t attack and move at the same time. Increasing their speed could help increase their damage by just allowing them to keep up with their target.
4. Allow pets to attack while moving.General QoL changes.
1. When the pet is stowed, the Ranger should gain “aspect of the <pet name>” effect which provides unique buffs based on the pet family and specific pet.BM trait changes
1. Signets should always affect the Ranger and require a beastmastery trait to also affect the pet.
2. Use new UI symbols for each pet type and combine Rending Attacks, Stability Training and Intimidation training into one trait.
1. With these traits the way they are, it discourages mixing pets and hurts build diversity.
3. New trait: Master: Cleansing Swap: When you swap pets, you lose 2 conditions (ICD of 10 seconds).
1. Counterplay – when ranger swaps pets, the pet loses boons
2. Gives Rangers a good option for mobile condi removal.
4. New trait: Grand Master: Camaraderie: When you swap pets, the inactive pet gains the same boons as the active pet (boon values are capped).
1. Counterplay – if you swap when your pet is dead, there are no boons to copy.Weapons:
Ranger weapon sets are currently lacking in focus and should be redesigned so that weapon selection synergizes with specific playstyles.
1. Longbow: Reward max range and synergize with pet.
1. Vulnerability instead of damage increase with range (s1), cripple (s2), immobilize (s3), knockdown (s5)
2. Pet might (s3), swiftness (s2), regen (s5)
2. Shortbow: Condition Damage
1. Burning (s3), Torment (s4), s3 should be s5 w/ leapback + confusion
3. Sword: Power
1. Dodge overrides animation (s1), s2 jumps reversed (first goes in, second goes out), s3 cast time reduced to better time evades
4. Warhorn: Group/Pet buffs
1. s4 gives Protection, Regen and Vigor to nearby allies
5. Torch: Condition application
1. S4 sets location of target on fire (small aoe), s5 causes burning and blindness
6. Axe: Multiple target/power
1. Base damage could be increased slightly
2. S3 causes chill at target location (small aoe), s5 shouldn’t cancel movement, but speed could be reducedSkirmishing:
Remove traps from this line.
1. They simply do not make sense here, because they are largely condition based but skirmishing is the crit line. That, or swap the stats of the skirmishing line altogether.Improve traps in terms of utility, damage and group oriented play.
1. Give Rangers the option to fire off traps manually.Wilderness:
Wilderness experts should be the masters of poisons. Therefore, Rangers should have the most potent poisons available.
1. Rangers should be given some trait options to improve poison in various ways (extended duration, improved healing suppression, higher damage values, bonuses against poisoned foes, etc.).PvE
Beastmastery & Pets:
Pets die easily in dungeons because they can’t dodge telegraphed skills.
New Grandmaster minor: Companionship – Pet gains +7% stats bonus from the player.
IV. Compassion Training – Heals for 30 at 300 range when you activate your pet.
VIII. Stability Training – Urcine, Porcine, Devourer, Armor fish provides 3s stability at 300 range when activated in combat
Rangers need more group utility. Particularly in the upper tiers of dungeons
Give them something similar to shouts.
III. Keen Edge – Critical hits do +1% damage.
IV. Signet Mastery – Grant power similar to Necro Signet Mastery.
VII. Spotter – Should be moved to Skirmishing as Gradmaster minor.
1. Rework to 5% crit chance & 3% crit damageChange VII to Hunter’s Tactics – +3% increase damage on disabled enemies (stun/daze/knockdown/fear/immob)
IX. Beastmaster’s Might – pet does +1% damage for every boon on enemy
X. Eagle Eye – Include shortbow. Provides 200 range and +5% damage on longbow and harpoon gun. (no range bonus for shortbow)
XII. Remorseless – Next attack applies 3 stacks of vulnerability for 6s. 16 sec cooldown
Nature Magic:
VIII. Evasive Purity – Dodging removes 1 conditions from you and your pet. (10s cooldown)
Skirmishing:Should focus on weapon swapping, stuns, dazes and mobility in combat.
Tail Wind – Provides +20% movement speed while in combat.
Some changes to Axe should be made to make it a more desirable weapon.
1. Ricochet – Bounce your axe between foes, dealing heavy damage to the first target, and reduced damage to subsequent targets. [Vulnerability x2] 5s (With a buff to the base damage)
2. Splitblade – Throw a spread pattern of five whirling axes that bleeds foes and grants swiftness if foes are hit. [Bleeding x5] 6.25s and *[Swiftness] 5s
3. Winter’s Bite – Throw an axe that removes a two boons. Your pet’s next attack inflicts Chilled. [Chilled] 3.25s (Increase the base damage by a bit)
Beastmastery & Pets:Pets are overpowered in condition builds
1. Cats give condition builds high direct damage burst, while direct damage builds don’t get stronger with different pets.
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
22 pages.
Nous apprenons que ce CDI devrait prendre fin le mercredi 12 mars prochain, pour enchainer sur un nouveau "CDI d'évaluation"
titanlectro.5029 a écrit :Just a quick procedural question.
When will this CDI thread cycle end, and when will the next thread to discuss the CDI process start?That a good question. I am really enjoying the current conversation and ideas so I think until at least Wednesday next week and then the process evolution will follow shortly after.
I am going to be afk for a few days from tomorrow morning as I will be in hospital but as soon as I start feeling better and more awake I will catch up again on the thread.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/page/21
Comme à l'accoutumé aucune information n'est divulguée sur le planning des changements qui seront apportés aux fractales.
Zelyhn.8069 a écrit :A quick question:
Are we going to see changes to Fractals anytime before November?Hi Zelyhn,
Sorry I cant answer this question. We don’t give out development/schedule details as noted in my original post.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … on/page/22
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
8 pages.
Aucune nouvelle prise de parole de développeur.
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
4 pages.
Aucune nouvelle prise de parole de développeur.
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
53 pages.
Essentiellement des propositions de joueurs.
Retenons seulement la dernière intervention en date d'Allie Murdock (en page 46) qui a réafirmé l'utilité du pet du rôdeur dans son concept originel établit par ArenaNet (comprendre qu'un rodeur sans familier n'est plus un rodeur. Et, oui l'IA de l'animal doit être revue sans que cela ne signifie repartir totalement de zéro).
I’m not saying this isn’t possible, but I want you to understand exactly what that suggestion means. It would mean completely rebalancing the Ranger.
The Ranger is designed to have a pet. If the pet was taken away or didn’t do damage, then it wouldn’t be a Ranger anymore. Does that make sense?
The only reason Rangers lose damage is because the AI is not currently what it ought to be. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we should completely redesign the Ranger and get rid of the pet.
Think of it this way: You’re building a house and a 2×4 breaks while you’re trying to screw it in to something. Do you scrap the house and completely rebuild it because that one piece broke, or do you grab a new 2×4 and use that instead? Which do you think would be more efficient?
What I’ve been seeing a lot of is that you guys don’t necessarily dislike pets. What you dislike is how they act and how they are controlled. It seems to me that these are feelings that have been built up over time, and have culminated into “pets have to go” because you guys haven’t seen the improvements that should be made to pets to make them desirable. I certainly don’t blame you for getting to this point, but I do want to know the core of the problem before we start talking about rebalancing an entire class.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/46
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
23 pages.
Le CDI devrait se terminer lundi et si vous avez des dernières remarques à effectuer c'est le moment.
L'on retiendra également que Chris Whiteside :
- Rappelle, une fois encore, qu'il existe bel et bien une place pour le lore et la difficulté de contenu dans les fractales. Les deux concepts ne sont pas à ses yeux antinomiques.
- Considère l'ensemble des débats de ce CDI comme bon, mais pas exceptionnel. Trop de commentaires postés sans réelle réflexion et de trop "autocentré" ; n'ayant donc pas vocation à contribuer à une démarche globale de progression.
Enfin notez qu'un résumé du CDI-Fractal Evolution devrait être publié prochainement.
Hi Folks,
The team is now up to date with the thread and we will be asking anymore questions we have in the next few days. Meanwhile if you have anymore comments or suggestions I would suggest putting them forward as I think we will close this CDI on Monday.
One final note is as I have said before that there is room for both Lore and challenging content it is all in the content and therefore any argument in this area is pointless. Specifically Star Aces points are particularly well made.
I will be putting a summary up of our discussion before we close the thread.
Thanks all for the insight, proposals and discussion. I think this particular CDI has been pretty useful.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3740268
I am so tempted to be hyper critical on this post but I won’t, as it isn’t this single comment that has been frustrating but instead a culmination of posts in the CDI.
Suffice to say this post emphasizes why this CDI has been pretty good and not great. In my opinion there have been to many posts that have either not been well thought out or the poster has not taken the time to get educated in the discussion before putting pen to paper, and more specifically too insular in terms of goal resolution instead of thinking about the broader audience.
I will leave it at that.
I am still interested in continued discussion around your boss/encounter mechanic ideas, Rewards and ways in which the fractals could be evolved moving forward to provide new types of challenge.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3740354
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
9 pages.
Devon Carver s'excuse de son absence et indique avoir bien lu les différentes remarques faites jusqu'à présent.
Afin de relancer le débat ce-dernier voudrait désormais avoir l'avis des joueurs concernant les points passage présent sur la carte de la Lisière des Brumes (un unique par camp et impossible à capturer). Quel est l'impact en jeu de ce concept ? Et quelles seraient les conséquences d'une transposition de ce concept aux cartes frontalières et au champ de bataille éternel ?
Firstly, I’d like to apologize for being out of this thread for so long, I’ve been reading your posts and think there are a lot of good points in here and just a lot of thoughtfulness in general. I do feel like the thread has kind of wound down, so I’d like to ask one more question and see if that brings up any more ideas.
Edge of the Mists has a whole host of differences from the WvW maps that we built before launch. One of those differences is the number of waypoints. Not only does each side only have 1 waypoint, but they can’t even capture and use the waypoints at enemy keeps. Do you think that the amount of travel that you have to put in makes the maps feel better? Does it feel like there is a consequence for dying and that you can whittle down an opposing force?
I’m curious what your thoughts are and if you think it would make the fighting better or worse in the borderlands and EB.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3737942
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
4 pages.
John Corpening tente de relancer le débat en posant de nouvelles questions
- Comment mieux incorporer les guildes dans le classement ?
- Quelle serait la forme que devrait revêtir une "fin de saison" sPvP (Combien d'équipe en "finale" ? Des récompenses différentes ou alors la source des meilleures récompenses du tournoi) ?
- Dans le cadre d'une saison de tournoi, à quel moment devrait arriver les mises à jour d'équilibrage des classes ?
A few of you guys have mentioned better incorporating guilds into the ladders. I’m curious what your thoughts are on how to achieve this? Would you let any member of your guild affect guild standing? If so how would you track ladder standing for the guild? Would you create one or more guild teams? If you could create teams within your guild what sort of functionality would you want or need to manage those teams? How many members would need to be present to represent? Would you allow alternates?
Do you envision any sort of guild wide reward for fielding a winning team or should only the team be rewarded? For example, if your guild has a PvP team and they come out on top of the ladder maybe they get some special reward for being the top team but the whole guild gets something for having the number one team. What could a reward like that be?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3738671
Excellent feedback on guild participation. I especially like the “map star” icon that Vamp Rock suggested and I really think that Phaeton hit it on the head when he talked about getting players outside of PvP involved through guild wide rewards.
The idea of an end of season tournament has popped up a couple of times. I wanted to get you guys to touch on that a bit. What would the structure for this be? How many teams? Is this where the top end rewards for the season come from or should these have a completely different rewards structure. For example, it could be that the top of ladder simply qualifies you for the end of season tournament and the true champions of the season are the tournament winners. Or, the ladder just ensures that we have the very best teams for a tournament that is apart from the season.
I’m also curious about how much time do you think you will need between the end of the season and the tournament start. For example, Let’s say the season goes for 8 weeks. Would you need a week from the end of the season to get ready for the tournament? Two weeks? A couple of days?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3741230
Ah ha, you brought me to my next question xantosnightwish, when should balance patches come in relation to the season? If we had our perfect world, how often would balance patches happen and how would that affect the duration of a season? Some people have suggested fairly lengthy seasons which is at odds with more frequent balance patches. If a balance patch comes out should there be a waiting period before the season begins? If so, how long?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3741852
Dernière modification par Neph (10-03-2014 15:11:41)
Hors ligne
Il est beau le e-sport sur GW2. Tout le monde s'en fout, ou plutôt personne n'en fait et donc personne n'est là pour en discuter. Et il y en a qui vont quand même dire qu'ils font du PvP en JcJ ...
Hors ligne
ben niveau PvP ce qu'offre le McM est bien au dessus du JcJ même si dans un tout autre registre.
Le jour où ces 2 mode seront sur un pied d'égalité là on pourra discuter.
Au point où s'en est on est pas loin de devoir tout raser, saler la terre et reconstruire plus loin, si on veut quelque chose de jouable et agréable.
Leur système de tri-cap est juste bancale, faut qu'ils se tourne vers autre chose selon moi.
Heureux est l'élève, qui comme la rivière, arrive à suivre son cours sans quitter son lit.
Hors ligne
Il est beau le e-sport sur GW2. Tout le monde s'en fout, ou plutôt personne n'en fait et donc personne n'est là pour en discuter. Et il y en a qui vont quand même dire qu'ils font du PvP en JcJ
Le PvP est bien présent en JcJ, il ne faut juste pas se baser sur le hot join et le soloq après même si le système de tricap n'est pas la meilleure mécanique pour ce pvp, je pense qu'il y a quand même moyen de faire de belles rencontres/stratégies en hl et c'est uniquement en hl ou alors en rencontre ou le niveau des deux teams en compétition est égal que l'on peut parler de réel pvp.
Leur topic intéresse personne car on voit clairement qu'ils ne savent même pas ou se diriger en pvp, avec leur mode ligue et autres ils sont complètement perdus et demandent soit disant l'avis des joueurs pvp pour connaître leurs envies SUR le mode ligue, mais le truc qu'ils ont pas compris c'est que tout le monde s'en fiche du mode ligue
Le pvp se vide, les Cheese Mode, 1ere team eu a récemment disband car aucun intérêt ni de renouveau dans le pvp, il faut qu'ils se réveillent.
Otist Team [To]
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
67 pages.
Toujours et essentiellement des propositions de joueurs avec quelques (rares) interventions d'Allie Murdock qui soit recadre le débat, soit clarifie des propos tenus.
All fair points. It seems a lot of people feel the same way. I have made sure, and will continue to, point out that the community wants a class that is like Ranger (archer) without pets, or even with more reliable pets.
I get the biggest issue seems to revolve around pets. I’ve also seen a couple others (utilities not being viable unless spec’d into them, burst vs sustain, traps, spirit clutter, etc.).
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/54
Ok guys, just wanted to clarify a few things.
Permastow is not impossible. I never meant to give that impression, so I apologize if I did. However, as far as priorities go for the Ranger, it is not high on the list. Why? Because it would require an entire re-balance of Ranger, but if we re-balanced, then the players that do play with the pet would be OP. See the dilemma there?
The reason why I latched onto the aspect idea was because it was an option that seemed we could maybe work around. Rather than having to rebalance the whole class, we’d just have to balance the aspects to be similar to what the pet does damage-wise. That seemed a little more viable.
Do keep in mind though, I am not a designer. I am a community coordinator. It is my job to help promote constructive discussion and make sure the devs know about how the community is feeling.
I will say this, though. I have seen some ideas blossom in the game that came directly from the community. We do listen to your feedback. Sometimes we modify and tweak the numbers a bit, but we definitely listen.
You guys really inspire us with your constructive feedback, which is why I’m always trying to emphasize the importance of it.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/57
Also, I don’t want this thread to be entirely about pets. We’ve seen a ton of great feedback about them, and I would like to hear more about utilities that need help (and aren’t viable unless spec’d into) as I haven’t seen as much on that front!
Thanks all
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/57
Hey all,
I just wanted to clarify since we saw some confusion about this, both in this thread and on Reddit. The summary I posted was a summary of feedback I took from you guys in this thread and sent to the devs. It is not a reflection of changes that are or will be made (necessarily).
That doesn’t mean we aren’t doing anything about the feedback in the summary, it just shouldn’t be considered “Balance update notes”.
Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … n/page/62]
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
30 pages.
Beaucoup de petites "prises de paroles/réactions/réponses" de Chris Whiteside sur de nombreux points et plus particulièrement sur les suivants :
1) A propos d'une introduction de plus d'éléments "puzzle" dans le décor des fractales.
En tant que joueur, Chris Whiteside n'est pas un "grand fan" mais reconnait volontiers que cela ajoute une certaine dose de variété aux fractales, ce qui est apprécié par certains joueurs. Toutefois, et visiblement, il ne désirerait pas voir des fractales axées de trop vers le "puzzle-jump".
Notez aussi qu'un compromis entre variété et difficulté des combats doit demeurer.
Thanks for the feedback Spoj. Personally I am not a huge fan of puzzles but I tend to be a bit of an impatient gamer who just likes to smash things. What does everyone else think?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3750963
Personally I don’t mind the combat based puzzles, it is the environmental puzzles that I find frustrating sometimes. This said they do add variety and I know lots of player’s like them and therefore perhaps it is just a case of a careful balance.
I think the idea of different ‘types’ of fractals is really interesting. This said anything that is to divergent from the core will lead to polarizing opinion in the community I think.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3752502
I was thinking about option A while i was writing my response. I don’t think that we plan to change Fractal accessibility functionality at the moment but your option would certainly be something to think about if we did.
I like option B and i think this is the direction we need to move closer to in regard to variety through a mix of environmental puzzle and strategic combat where appropriate. A paradigm we will definitely be thinking about moving forward.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3752617
Personally I feel the environmental puzzle aspects of Underwater are a little to much. The fractal itself adds variety in regard to the mix overall but I think it is better to get the balance right with any given fractal than have fractals themselves swing to far in any given direction.
I would prefer the Jellyfish to be more challenging also.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3752922
2) A propos de l'introduction d'un système de succès offrant des récompenses d'apparences fractales.
Ceci constituerait effectivement un bel objectif.
ZeftheWicked.3076 a écrit :I can bet this has been touched upon 100 times but just in case:
Make fractal achievements (like 100 fractals done) etc reward fractal skin boxes where you pick your skin. RNG is bad, especially with fractals. There should be sure rewards for those who aren’t blessed by RNG star.I agree this would be a great goal for us to have.
Source :https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Fractal-Evolution/page/24#post3750977
3) A propos d'un "système global de récompenses de donjon".
Même s'il existe certaines limites/inperfections dans les propositions faites par les joueurs, l'idée globale a été transmise à l'équipe en charge des récompenses (idées : ajout de vendeurs par paliers de fractales atteint, tokens PvE/Fractales et mix possibles, etc.).
Retenons dès lors que cette équipe apprécie le concept, tout comme elle apprécie l'idée -évoquée il y a plusieurs jours- de voir ajouter des minerais de dragonite en récompense des fractales.
Zok.4930 a écrit :It would be cool if Fractal rewards, like the relics, could be combined with tokens from other dungeons in order to get cooler prettier gear. Then people could farm combos of old dungeons and lower fractal levels (assuming they have no AR) in order to get special skins. It could improve the reward, get people into old dungeons, and provide a new (updated) path to acquire skins.
For example, instead of just 180 tokens from CoF for gloves, you instead need 180 CoF tokens, 180 SE tokens, 500 Fractal Relics and 20 Ectos. Now people are doing multiple dungeons and fractals to get gear, and doing multiple steps to get a piece of armor that is more unique and challenging to acquire. I think that would boost FoTM for casual players and get them interested in it as well because gear is attainable for casual players through relics.Yeah a global ‘Dungeon’ reward system is an interesting idea. I will pass this on to the rewards team for their thoughts.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3751009
This is a similar idea to the previous posts about the Global ‘Dungeon’ Rewards with a slight twist on the system. I passed the feedback onto the Reward team and they like the idea. Like you say perhaps skins you don’t need could be converted to Tokens, this is a good idea.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3752530
Interesting idea about the vendor. I would add to it with the idea of perhaps their being vendors every 10 levels where appropriate that sell items and skins but the higher level the vendor the cheaper the items become and new items are added to higher level vendors etc.
‘Keep a human perspective! Don’t just look at the statistics’
I think this is a very well made point and we should always keep that front and center when thinking about rewards.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3752547
4) A propos d'un ajout "d'armures fractales".
Chris Whiteside a transmis l'idée à léquipe en charge des récompenses. Dans un premier temps, après discussion, il s'est avéré que la demande générale pour de nouvelles armures est trop forte pour n'en réaliser que pour les fractales.
Toutefois, une seconde proposition sur ce même thème doit être encore discutée.
A suivre.
Mad Queen Malafide.7512 a écrit :Is the reward team also looking into Fractals-armor? I would love to save up for a Fractals specific armor, like we used to do in FoW and UW back in GW1.
I shall pass this on to the reward team. Note the reward team doesn’t always have the chance to read this thread, many other teams do though hence me passing on suggestions etc.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3757693
So we discussed this idea. The fact of the matter (and I should have been easily able to answer this) is that armor is in high demand across the game and thus for the time being it would be unlikely that we would see a fractal only set.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3758213
Zyphent.2967 a écrit :Thats fair, just something else to put forth.
What about doing it like the Achievement armor, tying it to specific tiers.
For example, beating fractal 50+ lets you buy the helm, 60+ lets you buy the Gloves, etc.
This would both allow the team to take their time making it (release 1 piece with 10 Fractal levels in a single patch), as I doubt they have time to make and model a full armor set at once, while also providing more incentive to climb higher in Fractals.Hi Zyphent,
I will discuss the idea with the rewards team, specifically in regard to a slow burn creation of an armor set.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3758230
5) A propos d'une statistique liée au compte "agonie"
Chris Whiteside a transmis le message à Isaiah Cartwright
Faux.1937 a écrit :To bad Anet you put into the game the +1 agony Res items.
I would have loved to see all Items that give agony taken away and just have AR as a reward for your account for more fractals you do and fractal achievements you’ve done. Or making it like the Magic Find, where you have levels and must do Fractals to up the AR%.
ALOT less clunky and much easier to deal with, manage and to understand.
Is there anyway you would go to a Magic Find type of system for AR instead of what we have now?Hi Faux,
I have asked Izzy to discuss this with you.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3757739
6) A propos d'un ajout de pet pour le rodeur uniquement accessible en fractale
En attente de vérification pour voir si effectivement il existe un précédent (notament avec loup en McM).
A suivre.
madmuffin.3968 a écrit :Chris Whiteside a écrit :I would worry that those Rangers that don’t do Fractals would feel left out. However i think this is a really interesting global reward idea so I will pass it on to the rewards team.
Thanks Wolfey,
ChrisI’m not sure if it’s 100% accurate but right now the wiki says Juvenile Wolves can only be found in the Eternal Battleground (which seems kind of odd, but assuming this is actually the case) that means there is already a precedent for location exclusive pets, else the same argument could be made that “Rangers that don’t do WvW would feel let out.”
If that is the case then we will remedy it. I will check. Thanks for the pointer.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3757889
7) A propos des "fractal weapon container" pré-supposés introduit dans le patch Fracture et qui n'ont jamais vu le jour en jeu.
Chris Whiteside n'en a pas encore touché un mot à l'équipe en charge des récompenses.
A suivre.
Lilith Ajit.6173 a écrit :Chris Whiteside a écrit :Are you referring to Ascended weapon boxes in fractals?
ChrisHe/She’s referring to a box of fractal weapons that lets you choose the weapon.
Ok thanks. I I wanted to ensure we were talking about the same thing.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3758477
McM : Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists - Devon Caver
11 pages.
Ce CDI est terminé depuis vendredi dernier
Signalons que Devon Carver a apporté quelques précisions pour recadrer le débat : certaines choses ne peuvent pas être modifiée dans le jeu actuellement. Et plus particulièrement le nombre maximum de joueurs pouvant être présent en même temps sur une carte McM. Toute proposition/idée d'agrandir et/ou fusionner les cartes existantes ne permettrait donc pas d'accueillir plus de joueurs. La sujet est donc à écarter.
Ce dernier reconnait également la difficulté qu'ont les développeurs à suivre -et donc récompenser- les joueurs positionnés en défense (ex : escorte de dolyak). De réelles lacunes existent ici. Et, tant qu'elles seront présentes les joueurs ne seront jamais récompensés correctement. Sur ce point donc, des modifications doivent être apportées au système.
There have been far too many proposals here for me to directly comment on each of them, so I’m going to try and take a broader stab at things.
Firstly, something that I’ve seen in more than one proposal and something that we just can’t do in our game, is the idea of consolidating maps or making larger maps. It is a problem on multiple fronts, but the most obvious issue is that we simply can’t fit more players onto a map than we already have, so even if we were to make a larger map, we couldn’t have a corresponding increase in the number of players on that map. Proposals that rely on that idea are simply untenable.
The discussion point, proposal, whatever you want to call it, that I think is the most useful in terms of designing WvW maps and gameplay is the talk about how to build objectives that feel like they make tactical sense. I think that it is something that could definitely be improved in a new map or with a major rework to the current maps. Having logical and tactical objectives, like a tower guarding a canyon, is something that I think would greatly improve WvW in terms of moment to moment gameplay and longer term tactical gameplay.
That somewhat feeds into a larger issue that is outside the bounds of this particular topic which is defending objectives. It is absolutely the case that we have a hard time correctly tracking defense and rewarding players for it. It is something that we’d like to address on a system level and something that we hope to have a solution for across the board before we do any piecemeal changes. It ultimately comes down to a similar issue to that with the dolyaks, which is that the game isn’t able to track who is escorting a dolyak unless they do something like kill another player which doesn’t usually happen. Until we fix that gap in the game’s knowledge of what is going on, we can’t accurately reward players.
Both of the above things are ways to substantially change the necessity of tactics in the game and to make WvW more about well-organized groups. That’s something we still aim for when we make changes to the game.
One final note about the CDI generally, I’ve said it before and will say it again, the purpose of these threads is to discuss design not to create a work order. What we discuss here is not a promise but an avenue for us to discuss our views on aspects of the game with you all. That means we challenge each others assumptions and hopefully come to a better understanding of what will make GW2 better. Some times that manifests in things we talk about being made and sometimes it manifests in us having a better vision for other things we are working on. I hope that correctly sets expectations about things here. Thanks for contributing as it makes us better designers and hopefully means GW2 will be better off in the long run.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3748611
Par la suite, Devon Carer a rebondit sur l'escore de dolyak et ses problèmes. Que penser de l'idée de les supprimer purement et simplement (ie : éliminer la chaîne de ravitaillement comme sur la Lisière des Brûmes) ? ou alors de créer un compromis (minimum de ravitaillement garanti + dolyaks )?
While I appreciate the discussion around the dolyak issue, it wasn’t my intention to refocus the discussion there so much as provide an example of a point.
To pivot from that discussion, however, would WvW be better or worse off if we removed dolyaks entirely and went with the setup we use in EotM or something similar?
I think there are good reasons to keep dolyaks, but I wonder if we might be able to solve many of the problems we’ve discussed here by eliminating that sense of the supply chain of battle? It might just have the effect of making supply far less limiting.
Would it instead work to go with a combination of the two and have a guaranteed minimum amount of supply from holding a camp and have dolyaks carrying the extra? I’m curious what you all think.
As for the discussion around how to more closely involve guilds it’s definitely something we think about and I think there are intriguing ideas in here.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3758657
En conclusion du CDI, Devon Carver a effectué un récapitulatif. A retenir ici :
1) Consensus général : la Lisière des Brumes constitue une part intéressante du McM mais soufre d'un manque de choses plus apprécier dans le McM
2) L' absence d'identité (du monde représenté) est vu comme un point négatif
3) Le concept de goulets d'étrangelement est à retenir. Sur ce point tout de même les joueurs ont noté une surabondance de ponts sur la Lisère des Brumes ce qui cause d'autres problèmes. Le concept d'une tour devant l'entrée d'un canyon est plus appréciée.
4) Beacoup de divergences à propos du nombre de point de passage. Le consensus est que les joueurs n'ont pas le sentiment de trop courrir sur la carte de la Lisière des Brumes, mais un juste milieu serait apprécié.
5) Pas de consensus sur la durée des matchs McM.
Hey all,
I’m going to close down the thread, but I wanted to chime in with some general thoughts and just say how great the discussion of a lot of points has been.
1) I think there has been a general consensus that the Edge of the Mists is an interesting part of WvW, but that it is missing a number of the things that people most like from WvW.
2) Perhaps the largest of those things is the fact that the lack of world identity is a negative for a lot of folks.
3) We talked a bit about the idea of chokepoints and how they can be a useful tool if they are well integrated into the design and layout of the map and how they can easily be overused. People like some aspects of the bridges in EotM, but feel like they are too numerous and cause other problems. The concept of a tower guarding a canyon was more favorably received than the bridges.
4) There is a wide variety of opinion about waypoints. There seems to be a consensus that the amount of running in EotM isn’t great but that there might be some middle ground to be found.
5) There was a very wide ranging discussion about match times. I think we came to the consensus that there isn’t a consensus, see what I did there?, about if shorter matches would be good. I think there is some room to experiment, but it does seem like people feel there is value to the length that WvW currently runs.
6) Matipzieu KyA, ManaCraft, Kraag Deadsoul, Heezdedjim, and Yoh were some of the most prolific posters who also, in my opinion, put a great deal of thought into their responses and had a real solid back and forth. Thanks to all of you as well as everyone else who participated.
7) We bandied about some thoughts for changes to Stonemist and I think there are some interesting ideas, but several people raised the very real concern that we not make Stonemist impossible for smaller groups to capture.Generally I think there was a lot of good discussion here. I think we talked a great deal about some very core issues that some of the proposals had as well as some things we could do to improve WvW overall.
I look forward to future CDIs and to hearing more of your thoughts about another topic. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and input. We really believe it helps us to make a better game for you all to enjoy. Please feel free to continue discussion of individual ideas in new threads.
Devon Carver
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/w … ost3761390
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
4 pages.
John Corpening rebondit sur certaines remarques :
- Aux joueurs relevant la dérive possible des ventes d'emplacements dans une équipe sPvP (contre de l'or) ce dernier propose, par exemple, la solution des "récompenses temporaires" (coup de grace, étoile-icone sur le compte de jeu...)
- retient l'idée de badges (obtenus par progression dans le classement)
This is some pretty incredible feedback thank you for taking the time to post. There were a couple of items that struck me and I was interested in exploring a little more.
sorrow.2364 a écrit :Also, I prefer to avoid guild-based rewards, because it will happen what happened in GW1: people selling slots in gold-caped guilds.
Do you think this is alleviated by temporary rewards? Like a travelling trophy. What if everyone in your guild got something like a finisher that lasted until the end of the next season? Another thought is if the season reward was strongly themed, for example the “map star” that was suggested could be the very specific Season 1 star and we have a different one for Season 2. Basically, what if the big forward facing, public, reward was something that you had to earn from season to season to continue to show off that your guild is the best.
Credo.7231 a écrit :…In order to let player have a sense of progression I would implement certan badge sistem into each league,as players hidden MMR improves he is awarded with badges (let`s say there are 5 or ten of those).When he gets max badges he is promoted to the higher league.As an option I would also suggest to have 3 red badges that player gets by leaving games or by droping his hidden MMR dramaticly.When he gets 3 of those he gets moved to the lower league … Leaving two games in short period of time would grant a player that red badge…
This was an interesting thought that I wanted to riff on a little bit. I like the idea of having badges that you earn as you play to progress to the next tier and that you can lose to go back down. Tying it to hidden MMR is a little tricky because of how algorithms like Glicko2 work but incorporating it into the points used for progressing on the ladder would be much more straightforward. It would basically mean you could earn badges based on your performance especially against stronger opponents. It would almost be like tying it to hidden MMR but more manageable for players to understand and for the game to present. That was an interesting thought Credo. Wanted to see if anyone else wanted to riff on it a bit more?
Again, thanks a ton guys for an excellent discussion. Sorry for the span of a few days since my last post but things got a little crazy this week. Its been fun kicking around ideas with you all. Please feel free to discuss anything related to this topic or to riff on some of the great ideas in this discussion.
To let you all know, I’m probably going to close out this thread in a couple of days. I think we got some really great stuff here so it’s been a fantastic CDI.
Thanks again guys!
JohnSource : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … ost3765312
Dernière modification par Neph (17-03-2014 19:01:48)
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Récapitulatif des derniers échanges
Équilibrage de Profession : Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession - Allie Murdock
67 pages.
Ce CDI s'est terminé hier soir, sans annonce préalable.
Aucun résumé final n'a été proposé à lire.
En l'état actuel des choses, il faudra donc se contenter de celui de la page 42 et dont nous avions parlé ci-dessus.
Hey everyone!
You have all provided some amazing feedback. We’ve started to notice that some of the feedback has just been repeat posts, so I’m thinking we’re at the end of this CDI.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your feedback and be so constructive at the same time. The team has a lot to think about, and we will for sure be referencing this CDI in our coming design meetings!
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/p … on/page/67
PvE : CDI- Fractal Evolution - Chris Whiteside
30 pages.
Ce CDI s'est terminé hier soir.
Tel que prévu, Chris Whiteside nous a proposé à lire un résumé complet des échanges ayant eu lieu.
Voici donc les points retenus (ie : ayant fait l'objet du plus grand nombre de commentaires de la part des joueurs) :
Fractale Draguerre : frustrante et situation aggravée par sa longueur
Proposer des récompenses plus accessibles et plus pertinentes
"re-rolling" : travailler sur d'autres éléments plus prioritaires avant d'aborder la question
Ne pas effectuer de réinitialisation de niveau
Proposer de nouveaux challenges
Continuer à faire du "lore" un des piliers de conception des fractales
Revoir les tiers de fractales
Accessibilité : trouver des moyens de facilité l'accès aux fractales (notamment entre joueurs avec AR différents)
Hi All,
I am not going to summarize every point raised in the thread but I am going to provide a summary of the points that stood out to us the most that you all made:
1: Dredge:
Dredge is frustrating and this is compounded by the overall length of the Fractal.2: Make rewards more accessible and relevant:
- Allow players to spend their unwanted rewards to get rewards they actually need.
- Look at the general drop rate within Fractals.
- Take a look at the delivery of items to ensure they are more useful to individual players.
- Create a global dungeon reward system using a token system for example.
- Think of new rewards that cater more toward to Fractal players in general.
- Think about risk vs reward vs Time with global rewards.
- Do not depreciate the significance of certain rewards like Fractal skins.
- Clearer communication/info i needed around the Fractal Weapon boxes.3: Re-rolling:
Work on the higher priority issues before tackling this area.4: Level Reset:
- Do not do a reset moving forward.5: Challenge:
- More of an emphasis on Instabilities and core game play challenge rather than simply agony moving forward.
- Add new types of challenge rather than reworking existing areas.
- Focus more on additional paths that reward players dependent on the interaction of said path. Note this also includes different strategies of goals achieved in certain encounters.
- Thanks for the tons of ideas for new encounters which the team has read and will impact our design moving forward.6: Lore:
- Continue to have lore be a pillar of Fractals but ensure it doesn’t get in the way of the flow of the experience. For example, no un-skippable cut scenes.
-Thanks for the tons of ideas for new lore themes and gameplay which the team has read and will impact our design moving forward.7: Tiers:
- Do a pass on which fractals are included in which tier in regard to risk vs reward vs time.8: Accessibility:
- Think of ways to make it easier to get player’s into the Fractals, especially friends of existing players, specifically in regard to AR.Please post if you think I have missed a significant area from this summary.
Thank you all for partaking in this CDI. The use of the proposal format worked out really well I think.
I will check back later today, update if necessary and then sticky the thread in the CDI section.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3769958
PvP : Collaborative Development: Ladders & Seasons - John Corpening
4 pages.
Aucune nouveauté à signaler.
Fermeture du CDI
Thank you all for making this a great CDI. In this round we talked about league structure, season duration and rewards. There was also discussion on how to get more players involved and how to better incorporate guilds not just as participants but as fans and supporters of PvP.
Additional discussion came up on how to handle balance patches in conjunction with the season. There were also some great suggestions on including an end of season tournament as well as many other great ideas and suggestions.
The team has been following the thread and the ideas we have brainstormed here have become part of the discussion in the studio.
Thanks again for your participation in this CDI. I had fun bouncing these ideas around with you and I look forward to our future discussions.
Dernière modification par Neph (21-03-2014 13:00:13)
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