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Ouvert il y a 4 jours maintenant, le 4e sujet de débat collaboratif compte aujourd'hui 18 pages de commentaires.
Et puisque, selon Whiteside, la qualité des échanges est au rendez-vous mais aussi pour permettre à tout le monde de s'exprimer, ce CDI restera ouvert jusqu'au 6 janvier prochain.
Ainsi, comme à l'accoutumé, vous êtes invité à suivre et à participer au débat portant sur la "Progression Horizontale des personnages" en vous rendant sur le lien suivant :
=> CDI-Character Progression-Horizontal
Hello Fellow Collaborators,
Welcome to the last CDI topic of 2013 (For Real this time!). In this topic we will be discussing Horizontal Character Progression. The CDI rules are as follows:
1: This initiative is all about discussion.
2: We will not be disclosing information pertaining to what is currently in development.
3: Anger and emotion will have less impact than intelligent discussion.
4: Together we will share and evolve design philosophies which will impact how we develop the game moving forward.
5: Aggression and disrespect to a fellow community member or developer will not be tolerated, and in the extreme could lead to the shutting down of the initiative.
6: The teams primary focus is work toward the development of GW2 and therefore posting of discussion and commentary may not be as frequent as you like. Please do understand that the initiative is taken very seriously by us all and that we will be reading the discussions and joining in as often as it is possible to do so.We will be focusing on Horizontal progression in this thread.
Here is a handy summary of some of the discussion so far. Thanks Bezagron:
https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3410790
A link to the previous Vertical progression thread can be found here:
https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ical/first
Finally please note this is not a competition either between yourselves or the developers in regard to one up man ship. The point of this Initiative is to work together to make the game better.
Note: We will disclose the ideas we do or don’t like as a group but we will not discuss schedules or timing around implementation. If there is still concern surrounding how seriously we take community collaboration then please do take the time to think about how much impact the community has had on the working of this game over the year.
P.S: Here is a discussion about the recent Vertical discussion thread from Massively! for those who are new to the CDI process:
En raison des fêtes de fin d'année et du nombre de commentaires/suggestions postés par les joueurs, Chris Whiteside n'a pas eu le temps de synthétiser les idées retenues tout comme n'a que très peu participé au débat lui même.
Ainsi, c'est aux joueurs eux-mêmes que l'ont doit les résumés des idées les plus récurrentes, et en voici un condensé.
Progression Horizontale
Progression de personnage
New Build - ceci inclut :
* Nouvelles armes
* Nouvelles compétences incluant l'extension des compétences d'armes
* Nouveaux attributs
* Nouvelles combinaisons de stat
* Sub-classes
* Nouvelles runes et sceaux
Cosmétiques - ceci inclut :
* une banque PvE pour les apparences (similaire au skin locker sPvP)
* Mini pets - Des emplacements pour les mini-pets afin qu'ils ne se rangent pas dans la collection et demande d'une activité impliquant les mini-pets.
* Personnalisation de l'instance personnelle - Forte demande pour construire et décorer sa "maison".
* Un "Hall of Monuments" pour GW2 afin d'afficher les succès réalisés en jeu
* Nouvelles apparences : armures, armes, pièces de dos
* Plus d'emotes
* Animations alternatives
* Nouvelles teintures
* Teintures pour armes - possibilité de teindre les armes
* Une forme de customisation des armures
* Une progression/évolution pour les items (sur la base du "fractal capacitor")
* Possibilité d'enchanter les items. Ex : ajouter des flammes à une armure.
* L'idée de "dungeon vainquishing". Exemple : devoir vaincre tous les mobs d'un donjon
* L'idée de "PvE map vanquishing"
* Des arènes PvE
* Des missions de type challenge
* Développer le craft
* Faction progression – Faction missions, armure, compétences, emotes
* Order progression – Order missions, armure, compétences, emotes
* Plus de progression de l'histoire personnelle
* Progression de Guilde – ajouter des halls de guilde
Développement du Monde
* Développer l'exploration
Dernière modification par Neph (26-12-2013 18:15:52)
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le contenu cosmétique j'aime !!!
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* Une progression/évolution pour les items (sur la base du "fractal capacitor")
Ouais bon si on pouvait à chaque fois éviter de claquer 500 ectos pour le niveau max. ça serait pas mal
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Beaucoup d'idées son très intéressante.
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Certaines idées sont vraiment bien et attendues par beaucoup, j'espère qu'ils en développeront vraiment comme l'extension de compétences d'armes, la garde-robe PvE et les halls de guilde...
A contrario le "PvE map vanquishing" me paraît difficilement réalisable, ne serait-ce qu'à cause du repop constant des mobs... Ou alors à la manière des donjons en instanciant les zones d'explo mais seulement lorsque le joueur veut réaliser cet objectif ? Sinon je vois pas trop comment orienter ça
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Un truc qui m'ennuie pas mal:
Pouvoir voir tous les métiers avec leurs lvl par rerolls. Car avec le bridage de deux métier que l'on peut avoir en même temps, ben... avec mes 8 rerolls je me souviens plus trop lequel à quoi ^^
Parce que plusieurs ont développé + de 4 voir 6 métiers puis ont basculé vers d'autre. De ce fait, le jeu n'affiche que ceux en cours et il est donc parfois ( pour ne pas dire souvent ) difficile de se souvenir quel reroll à fait quoi.
Je ne comprends même pas comment cela n'a pas été implémenté dès le début.
Dernière modification par pimpampoum (27-12-2013 20:19:23)
Les avis sont comme les trous du c.. , tout le monde en a un.
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Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
Les fêtes de fin d'année m'ayant tenu quelque peu éloigné du sujet, il est plus que temps de revenir faire le point sur ce CDI qui devrait se terminer prochainement -et qui atteint aujourd'hui 38 pages de commentaires-.
Comme vous allez pouvoir le lire, et parce que cela est inhérent à un processus d'échanges de type "braimstorming", de nombreuses idées/propositions/débats apparaissent, disparaissent, s'entrecroisent, etc.... au gré des échanges ayant lieu.
Quoi qu'il en soit, voici un bilan de ce que vous devez retenir.
Il y a 9 jours, suite aux nombreux échanges, Chris Whiteside a proposé que chaque participant exprime ses préférences par un "top 3" des idées personnelles préférées.
Morning/Afternoon All,
Lots of ideas and discussion. I think it would be useful now to list your top three favorite ideas with either a link to your favorite description of that idea in the thread or a single sentence description of your own.
Let’s start to refine the ideas, filter and reduce them down the core of what makes them great in your opinion.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3425205
Ces "top 3" ont ensuite été aimablement compilés par le joueur lanaTheStrange.1463 comme suit :
Weapon Skills 47
Quests/Order Missions 38
Homes 37
PvE Skin Locker 31
New Skills 30
Faction Reputation/Titles 30
Guild Halls 24
Character Customization 22
Armor+Weapon Skins (non-gem-store) 22
Personality System 19
Hard Mode/Elite Missions 12
Lore 11
Legendary Dye 7
Mini Slot/Improvements 7
Dyeable Weapons 6
Sub-Classes 5
Mounts 3
Skinning Modularity 3
Legendary Skins 2
Monster Arena 2
Fishing 2
Dungeon Achievements 2
Keep Engineers in Mind 2
Town Clothes 1
Modular World 1--------------------------------------------------
These are the perhaps-not-so-horizontal ideas that people still would like to see:Stat Swapping 8
More Account-Binding vs Soul-Binding 4
Permanent Content 4
Build Template Saving 4
Costume Slots 3
Progressive Items 2
Rewards for Consistency 1
PvP Balancing 1
Fractal Reset Compensation 1Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3431340
Suite à ce listing décroissant des "préférences générales" exprimées, Chris Whiteside est revenu vers les joueurs le 3 janvier dernier.
Dans cette nouvelle prise de parole, il a tout d'abord tenu à préciser que le CDI en cours pourrait voir sa durée prolongée encore un peu puis, à souhaiter faire progresser la discussion en proposant à chacun d'exprimer/choisir l'unique idée (personnelle) à retenir parmi toutes celles exprimée et qui toucherait toute la communauté.
Hi All,
Happy New Year! Thanks for being so patient with me. Regarding other dev’s posting during this period it is unlikely as it is the holiday period and I don’t expect them to emulate my behavior.
Note this CDI will only end when we are happy for it to do so ( and by we I mean all of us).
I am up to date with all the posts, thanks for all hard work, ideation, and discussion.
We are in the process of pulling the net in now and so I am going to ask you all to do something very difficult now (As in you won’t feel comfortable doing it). Previously I asked you to name your top three ideas. You did, and then everyone discussed them which led to a refocusing of many of your ideas and the birth of some new ones.
What I would like us to do is pick ONE idea that you would hold above all others as it relates to the community as a whole. Note I to found this very difficult but my one is blow. Also note I consider Wardrobe to be QOL, however any Wardrobe ideas that are Systemic or build on existing mechanics can be included.
Please also understand this is not a vote that leads to development, this is part of the ideation process. I would recommend looking at ideas that are built on existing systems or mechanics within the game. This is a nice to have however. Many have mentioned giving info on the relative weight of each idea that is put forward, we should do this after this phase but to be honest (having given it a lot of thought) I wouldn’t want to see this weighting get in the way of great ideas.
Remember at the end of the day we are not going to give details on what is in dev or what we plan to build. We will talk about what we like however and thus knowing details about Feature Cost is interesting to know but should not be something that inadvertently hampers the CDI or your ideas.
My original three were:
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
And my top one is:
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
The other two were extremely close but I feel this one would have the best bang for buck for the community.
Finally note we are working on horizontal progression, with many of ideas (some of which may even be in this thread), so I can’t stress enough that this exercise is about further ideation focus refinement. Not a dev list.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3444858
Comme vous pouvez le lire, dans le "top 3" personnel de Chris Whiteside, l'idée principale qu'il retient est la "Diversification Sociopolitque". Terme comprenant les notions de "Player Housing, Halls de guilde, Alliance Factions", le tout menant à de nouvelles possibilités de jeu, de nouvelles récompenses et du nouveau contenu.
L'on notera à ce stade des échanges que de nombreuses idées (les n°1 à retenir) ont été jugées comme intéressantes par Chris Whiteside.
Toutefois, aucun "bilan" n'a -encore- été fait (ni par un les joueurs, ni par Chris Whiteside) et nous n'avons donc pas la "substantifique idée" à retenir exprimée par la communauté.
Parallèlement à la discussion sur les "idées n°1", il y a quelques heures de ça l'on retiendra que, l'idée de "sub-class" étant revenu plusieurs fois dans les propos des joueurs, Chris Whiteside a désiré faire évoluer encore la discussion.
Il désire savoir s'il s'agirait la aujourd'hui dans le jeu (la "sub-class"), d'une "notion" pertinente de progression horizontale ?
(NdR : "sub-class"... Cela me ramène en Mai 2005 et me rappelle fortement une des grandes évolutions qu'avait connu un autre jeu de NCSoft... Lineage2 pour ne pas le citer. Nostalgie, quand tu nous tiens... )
There has been a huge amount of discussion around sub classes. I would love to see you guys close out this particular area by either putting a sub class proposal together (Sentence detailing how it would work) or deciding as a group that it isn’t relevant at this point.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes and see quite a few of the counter arguments based upon assumptions around balancing etc. Where possible we should try not to make decisions around feasibility of ideas through assumptions.
In short I would like to see if the CDI group thinks it is a relevant part of Horizontal Progression at this stage of GW2’s life?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3455752
Ok so I am heading out for the day and will be back later.
Meanwhile please keep the conversation going in regard to Sub Classes. I do appreciate that the initial reaction is to do a separate CDI on it, but I would like to see if we feel it could be part of a Horizontal Progression proposal at this stage or that we think it is currently not relevant and thus making it a topic for the future makes sense.
I am going to bump the phase post I did a few days ago as well to get some more opinions on the groups ‘Ones’.
Et ici s'arrête le récapitulatif des échanges ayant eu lieu dans ce CDI jusqu'à présent.
A titre de "parenthèse" intéressante, l'on retiendra tout de même l'intervention de Isaiah Cartwright ayant eu lieu il y 2 jours à la page 32 du topic.
morrolan.9608 a écrit :How about some of the more egregious vertical progression imbalances get fixed before implementing purely horizontal progression suggestions such as the fixing ascended armor crafting so that it is more equitable instead of light armor taking 36 days to craft, medium armor 24 days and heavy armor 25 days due to the time gating on bolts of damask.
The goal of the T7 materials is not to be a pure time gate for crafting it’s to allow those materials to have value above their cost. This does mean weapons and armor that only take one material take longer to craft if you craft all the T7 mats yourself but you could also buy those mats thus it isn’t a time gate.
We do recognize that cloth prices are a bit high this is a factor of how hard it is to focus farm for leather and cloth. This is something we are looking into.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3448480
Dans cette simple et courte intervention, Isaiah Cartwright reconnait que l'actuel cours (ie : prix) des tissus à la CCLN est relativement élevé et, que les devs y portent une certaine attention.
Dernière modification par Neph (06-01-2014 11:07:29)
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D'accord avec Chris Whiteside je pense que le côté inter-guilde et housing doit être mieux développé (surtout la possibilité de créer des alliances, c'était un gros plus sur GW1).
Et merci à Isaiah de reconnaître enfin que les prix sont abusés
Dernière modification par joeyw (06-01-2014 11:13:14)
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Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
Le CDI se poursuit et atteint désormais 48 pages.
Actuellement c'est Colin Johanson qui a prit le relais de Chris Whiteside dans les échanges.
Colin est donc intervenu pour nous poser une nouvelle question : Quel genre de systèmes de déverrouillage en progression horizontale souhaiterions-nous voir et qui accompagnerait un système étendu de progression de classe ?
Reading through a lot of the comments on various class diversification (or just stronger trait/skill diversification) concepts, one of the things that seems to be missing is a discussion on how you’d actually earn/unlock these additional abilities to make it a progression system.
One of the goals of progression, in this case horizontal, is to create an extended sense of game play and thus = reward for playing it.
For example, we’ve added more skills to the game recently, but those simply unlock with skill points, which basically means → play any part of the game that gives exp, or kill champs to get skill point books. That’s ok as systems of unlocking horizontal progression go for the extended class diversification, but game play wise it generally means find the easiest place to get XP/champ-loot and do it over and over again for a large % of players, since folks most often gravitate towards the path of least resistance.
What sort of systems of horizontal progression unlocking would you like to see that’d accompany a system like extended class progression?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3459005
Suite à cette question, Colin a exposé les différents systèmes de progression horizontal existant actuellement en jeu.
Which current system do you think works great specifically? In theory, we have a lot of systems already
For me, I think some our current systems of horizontal progression and their earn systems are:
- Collect skins: Purchase them for currencies (which becomes play the fastest way to earn currency X), get them as rare drops (play fastest way to kill mob/content type X), or purchase them off the trading post. (Play the fastest way to earn gold)
- Skills: Collect skill points. (Which becomes play the fastest way to earn XP, or skill points.)
- Achievement Horizontal Rewards: These are things like achievement point skin unlocks, titles, etc. This is more just sort of play everything that gives achievement points, since very little of it is repeatable.
- Legendary: This one doesn’t really have a totally clear path to acquisition other than earn crazy amounts of gold, which goes back to play the fastest way to earn gold. (note legendary is only horizontal if you already have ascended)
- WxP Abilities: Complete objectives worth points in WvW. (Complete objectives as fast as possible, find a group to help you do this. Of all the above this is basically just telling you to play WvW, and though it is as some degenerate aspects is probably the least so)
- PvP Skin Locker & PvP Ranks: Play PvP. (This is basically just play PvP since the latest release.)
Not everyone plays the way I described above, but many of the systems above encourage you to want to play the fastest way possible to earn the rewards, sometimes at the cost of not playing the way you’d find the most fun. The upside of Gw2 is you can play the things you enjoy most and still be rewarded for them in most cases, even if it’s not at the fastest rate. The downside is because almost everything can earn you most of the same rewards, this becomes a matter of choosing to do the things you enjoy the most, but getting rewarded slower because of it.
Potential different systems would create more diverse game play, but the challenge is making it not overly complex, and running the risk of driving players to force one specific type of game play they may not enjoy since they can’t earn it other ways. These are some of the challenges we face we looking at any form of horizontal progression, and some of the discussions that come up when looking at new potential systems as well.
Et enfin, et pour clarifier au mieux sa question, Colin pense que la chose la plus importante qu'il tente d'obtenir ici est : Comment devrait se faire l'évolution vers un autre système de progression horizontale ?
Thanks folks lots of really great ideas, concepts and discussion here!
I think the biggest thing I was trying to get at with my question is: what should the journey towards an alternative system of horizontal progression really be like?
Folks talked a lot about different ways you could say acquire skills other than the current system, but that’s really more a change to an existing skill acquisition system, as opposed to the journey of unlocking something like an advanced profession (or masteries) as some of you discussed.
Say for example, we decided to allow your profession to gain an additional mastery as Nike and Chuggs in particular discussed above. I think we have a lot of fun ideas in here for the journey unlock specific aspects of that mastery, but what if you first had to unlock the core “mastery” track, which then allowed you collect the smaller components? What kind of experience do you think would be compelling here as an over-all journey?
Some of the ideas I’ve really enjoyed so far from this thread include →
Additional story lines with your orders that allow you complete or unlock new masteries/abilities.
Adding new content to the existing maps (or re-using existing moments) that serves the purpose of being a bit like skill challenges, content on demand that allows you to overcome challenges to allow you unlock various abilities/masteries.
A lot of the ideas boiled down into variations of one of these two options, and really both have a lot of cool concepts and ideas. Can folks think of anything else that’s a bit more outside the box for something bigger?
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3468648
Dernière modification par Neph (09-01-2014 10:15:58)
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Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
Le CDI approche doucement de son terme et atteint désormais 62 pages.
En guise de résumé signalons dans un premier temps ceux réalisés par le joueur Bezagron.7352, qui a synthétisé fréquemment les prises de paroles des joueurs.
Grâce à son travail nous sommes en mesure de dresser, notamment, les classements suivants :
* des "idées n°1 des joueurs" dont nous faisions référence ci-dessus.
Sociopolitical Diversification (26)
Role Diversification (25)
Zone & Order progression (12)
Hero Recognition (10)
Skin Locker / Wardrobe (2)
New Permanent Zones (1)
* des "Top 3 des joueurs" dont nous faisions référence ci-dessus.
Skills, traits and weapons (77)
Cosmetic customisation tools (76)
Quests, challenge missions and order progression (64)
Housing, guild halls and customisation of the home instance (57)
More new skins (27)
Build diversity (26)
Expansion of the personality system (22)
Zone progression (17)
More titles (13)
Hard mode (10)
More character customisation (9) and Lore as a reward (9)
Game world to actively respond to the choices we make (8) and Total guild system expansion or overhaul (8)
Expansion and secondary crafting skills (6)
Visible rewards for completing heroic feats (5), Expansion of the emote and verbal call-out system (5), Improvement or overhaul of the personal story (5) and Improvement to the interface for minis (5)
Skins that show progress via cosmetics (4)
Mounts and mounted combat (3) and Arena-style combat (3)
More activities (polymock in particular) (2)
Again a handful of other ideas with only one mention.
Tels que tous ces points le suggèrent, de nombreuses choses ont été argumentées et discutés depuis l'ouverture de ce CDI.
Et aujourd'hui, Chris Whiteside vient de coucher noir sur blanc la proposition relative à la progression horizontale.
Assurez-vous de lire cette proposition, car il s'agit du résultat brut de cette discussion.
Discussion qui devrait prendre fin très prochainement.
En outre, ce résumé servira de base aux discussions internes entre développeurs et donc par extension aux développements que nous pourrions (conditionnel) voir apparaitre en jeu à l'avenir...
Hi All,
Here is the proposal I believe we are making, please discuss and let me know if anything should be added or removed. Note many of us have read the thread internally and thus there has already been valuable impact.
Our Horizontal Progression Proposal
The Reward and Associated Journey
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing (Customizable from rewards gained in the open world), Guild Halls (Customizable from mass play rewards) and Map Wide Meta events unlocked through Faction progression (Leading to both individual and group rewards such as titles and skins)
— Role Diversification: ‘Grail Quest’ (Personal rights of passage) style adventures through the open world (testing the player in combat, discovery, and puzzle solving) which others can engage in once the activities are activated which could reward the Hero with New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, and infusions.
— Hero Recognition (Reward) is a by product of the above two types of Horizontal Progression leading to Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Global Rule Proposal governing the above:
- Where possible use the above design paradigm to reinforce and evolve the existing world.
- Players should be able to have multiple methods of achieving ‘Grail Quests’, rather than a section of the journey being based on Jumping Puzzles and that alone for example.
-A reworked (cleaner) version of Signet of Capture would work very well for Role Diversification.
- Sub-classes will be discussed again in a CDI once Arena finishes its current balance work in regard to roles.
- QOL features such as a wardrobe should support this global design.Once we have discussed the proposal and the thread reaches conclusion we will sticky it and move onto CDI Process Evolution Phase 2.
Note this is the formulation of a collaborative proposal for discussion. Once the proposal is finalized it will be discussed internally. However there will be no promise of associated actions or schedule.
Thank you all so much for your hard work and your passion toward making GW2 awesome. This has been a really good CDI and I want to thank you on behalf of Arena for caring so much about the world we love.
Bump. The following reminder added:
Note this is the formulation of a collaborative proposal for discussion. Once the proposal is finalized it will be discussed internally. However there will be no promise of associated actions or schedule.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3491928
Résumé Fr :
Proposition de progression horizontale
La récompense et le voyage associé
- Diversification sociopolitique : "player housing" (personnalisable avec récompenses acquises dans le monde ouvert) , halls de guilde (personnalisable avec récompenses de jeu en groupe) et Meta événements larges débloqués par la progression de la Faction (offrant des récompenses individuelles et collectives tels que des titres et apparences)
- Diversification de rôle : des aventures du type "Quête du Graal" (rites personnels de passage) à travers le monde ouvert (tester les joueurs en combat, la découverte et la résolution d'énigmes) auxquelles l'on peut se livrer à la fois quand des activités sont activés et qui pourraient récompenser le héros avec de nouvelles compétences/attributs, de nouvelles armes, l'accès aux armes existantes inaccessibles, et des infusions .
- Reconnaissance du Héros (récompense) est le produit des deux points de progression horizontale ci-dessus.Il mène donc à des apparences uniques, des titres, des récompenses, des partisans et des réactions/opportunités auprès de PnJ sur la base des exploits individuels des joueurs dans le monde de Tyrie et indépendamment de la façon dont il/elle choisit de jouer.
Proposition de règle globale régissant les points ci-dessus
- Les joueurs doivent être en mesure d'avoir plusieurs méthodes pour accomplir leurs "quêtes du Graal", plutôt que d'une portion d'aventure basée sur des Puzzles de saut comme seul exemple .
- Une version remaniée (propre) de "Signet of Capture" fonctionnerait très bien pour une diversification de rôle
- Les subs-classes seront discutées à nouveau dans un CDI une fois le travail d'équilibrage des rôles terminé
- Les ajouts de type "qualité de vie", tels la garde robe, doivent soutenir ce design global
Dernière modification par Neph (14-01-2014 09:16:34)
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Récapitulatif des dernières interventions
Le "CDI - Progression horizontale" s'est terminé le 16 janvier dernier au bout de 67 pages de commentaires.
Voici donc la dernière mise à jour de la proposition faite par Chris Whiteside sur le sujet.
Hi All,
Thanks for all of your feedback. The stakeholders have been sent the proposal (and have already been impacted by the conversation anyway, which is the most important element). Note the RP elements are not lost on me.
As such we will be stickying this thread and will be opening up Process Evolution Phase 2 on the 22nd of Jan.
Thank you all so much for you contributions to the topic and also for helping to shape the best working practices of the CDI.
We are starting to get there as a collaborative design group.
Here is the proposal:
Our Horizontal Progression Proposal
The Reward and Associated Journey— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing (Customizable from rewards gained in the open world), Guild Halls (Customizable from mass play rewards) and Map Wide Meta events unlocked through Order progression (Leading to both individual and group rewards such as titles and skins)
— Role Diversification: ‘Grail Quest’ (Personal rights of passage) style adventures through the open world (testing the player in combat, discovery, and puzzle solving) which others can engage in once the activities are activated which could reward the Hero with New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, and infusions.
— Hero Recognition (Reward) is a by product of the above two types of Horizontal Progression leading to Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.Global Rule Proposal governing the above:
- Where possible use the above design paradigm to reinforce and evolve the existing world.
- Players should be able to have multiple methods of achieving ‘Grail Quests’, rather than a section of the journey being based on Jumping Puzzles and that alone for example.
-A reworked (cleaner) version of Signet of Capture would work very well for Role Diversification.
- Sub-classes will be discussed again in a CDI once Arena finishes its current balance work in regard to roles.
- QOL features such as a wardrobe should support this global design.
- QOL: More customization options regarding our armor and weapons. (Things that came up in this regard were: pattern dyes, texture options (other types of wood and different metal polishes), customizeable features like long sleeves vs short sleeves, emblem design.Note this is the formulation of a collaborative proposal for discussion. Once the proposal is finalized it will be discussed internally. However there will be no promise of associated actions or schedule.
Thank you all so much for your hard work and your passion toward making GW2 awesome. This has been a really good CDI and I want to thank you on behalf of Arena for caring so much about the world we love.
Here is a write up about the current CDI from Anatoli at Massively:
http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/01/14 … ization-t/
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3505319
Depuis la dernière proposition en date, nous ne constatons donc que l'ajout de cette nouvelle ligne :
- Plus d'options de customisation [cosmétiques] pour les armes et armures
- QOL: More customization options regarding our armor and weapons. (Things that came up in this regard were: pattern dyes, texture options (other types of wood and different metal polishes), customizeable features like long sleeves vs short sleeves, emblem design.
Pour terminer, retenons bien que des propositions donnant lieux à des discussions internes entre développeurs ne constituent aucunement des promesses d'ajouts futurs au jeu.
Enfin, signalons que le prochain débat (CDI-Evolution) devrait débuter le mercredi 22 Janvier prochain.
Tobias Trueflight.8350 a écrit :@Chris
Looks good, don’t see anything to correct on it.
I’ll be working up something for the “subclass CDI” whenever it comes out. Any idea on what the next one is so I can start studying?I think we should discuss that in the CDI Process Evolution Phase 2 which will start on Wednesday 22nd. Among other things we need to chat about what topics to discuss in the next CDIs and how to go about choosing them. I would personally like to have a week long PVE CDI on Fractals next (Running in conjunction with a PvP and WvW CDI) but we should discuss it as a group first.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3497875
Dernière modification par Neph (20-01-2014 12:19:09)
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