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Bill Freist, Gameplay Programmer, est intervenu sur le forum officiel pour faire un état des lieux officiel concernant les lags des techniques et l'optimisation serveur.
I’d like to create a central place for you all to get the current state of where we stand on optimizing the servers and relieving what most of you have come to know as “skill lag”.
Over the past several months we’ve had a small team working on ways to relieve some of the load from the game server while there are large concentrations of players. Most of the work thus far has gone pretty much unnoticed from the player’s perspective, but there have been pretty large steps made towards the issue. This continues to be a large and high priority issue for us so we can continue to make improvements to make this a thing of the past.
The various teams, or as we call internally “Feature Teams”, are now subject to performance reviews both client and server before they can ship. This is one of the many things we’ve put in place to stop the bleeding. Preventing further issues has been the main focus up to this point to ensure we aren’t introducing new issues and constantly cleaning up behind them. Now that we’re to a point where we’re confident that we’ve plugged the holes, larger strides to actually make noticeable optimizations are in the works.
I mentioned sometime last month that I’d like to be more transparent about what steps we’re taking to address the issue. To give you more of an insight of where we stand, we’re starting with taking the bull by the horns. We’ll be going through almost every skill in the game over the coming months and optimizing them one-by-one. This in itself will make an extremely large difference, that when that patch note comes through, expect a very different WvW experience.
I’m going to leave this thread open for discussion, but I urge you to be respectful of one another and keep things civil, otherwise I’ll be forced to lock it.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … imizations
Comme vous pouvez le lire il s'agit d'un topic ouvert à tous, topic ayant pour vocation d'aborder l'optimisation des serveurs et de ce que nous, joueurs, constatons directement en jeu à savoir les "lags de compétences".
L'on y apprend notamment qu'une petite équipe de développeurs a travaillé à "soulager" une partie de la charge du serveur lors de grandes concentrations de joueurs.
Et, alors que cet aspect reste un enjeu important ayant une priorité haute, de "grandes étapes ont été franchies" à ce jour. Les optimisations notables par tout un chacun sont, en outre, en cours de réalisation.
Enfin, Bill Freist précise ainsi que toutes les techniques de nos avatars vont être passées au crible dans les mois à venir. Ainsi, une réelle différence se fera ressentir en McM.
EDIT : Traduction complète en Fr
Soit, en Fr :
Je voudrais créer un lieu central pour que vous puissiez tous connaître l'état actuel et l'avancée de l'optimisation des serveurs et de ce que la plupart d'entre vous connaissez comme étant des "latences de compétences".
Depuis un certain nombre de mois, nous avons une petite équipe travaillant sur les moyens de soulager les serveurs du jeu lors d'une grande concentration de joueurs au même endroit. L'essentiel du travail réalisé jusque là est passé relativement inaperçu auprès des joueurs, mais il y a eu quelques étapes importantes de franchies vers la résolution de ce problème. L'importante priorité de ce problème reste inchangée de façon à ce que nous puissions apporter de nouvelles améliorations jusqu'à régler totalement le problème.
Les différentes équipes auxquelles nous faisons référence en tant qu' "Equipe (en charge) des fonctionnalités" sont maintenant sujettes à des révisions de performance sur les logiciels client et serveur avant intégration. C'est l'une des différentes choses que nous avons mises en place pour mettre fin à l'hémorragie. Anticiper de nouveau problèmes possibles a été l'un de nos axes de travail afin de s'assurer que nous n'introduisions pas de nouveaux problèmes. Maintenant que nous pensons en être arrivés au point d'avoir colmaté la brèche, nous travaillons sur de plus grandes avancées afin d'apporter une optimisation notable.
J'ai mentionné à un moment donné le mois dernier le fait que nous aimerions être plus transparents à propos des processus que nous mettons en place pour corriger ce problème. Pour vous donner un meilleur aperçu de notre position : nous prenons le taureau par les cornes. Nous allons revoir presque toutes les compétences du jeu dans les mois à venir pour les optimiser une par une. Rien que cela devrait faire une énorme différence. Lorsque la correction arrivera, attendez-vous à une expérience très différence en McM.
Dernière modification par Neph (04-11-2013 15:41:23)
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Après quelques temps sans nouvelle, Bill Freist revient vers nous pour nous informer que des optimisations ont été faite du côté serveur afin de soulager les "goulots étranglements" lors de combats intenses.
Les premières modifications ont été testées et, certaines, pourraient être déployées lors de la mise à jour du 12 Novembre prochain.
Hello again!
I disappeared into my Bat-Cave again and finally emerged, and with some good news to share. I’ll start off with what exactly that is.
Since my last updates, we’ve been hard at work prepping some serious server-side optimizations to relieve the bottle-necks during heavy combat. We’ve made some large steps and are almost ready to start rolling out these changes. The first batch of changes have been in testing and we hope to have them start trickling in as soon as the release on Nov. 12th. We’ll know for sure once we’re closer to that date, and so will you.
I can’t stress enough how dangerous it is to optimize a live game. I know how upsetting it can be to be in the thick of a choppy battle, but things are going to be getting better, and soon. We’ve done some temporary things on the back-end to try to ease the influx of players in Wvw, but those changes only go so far.
On to answering some of the common questions.
A lot of you have noticed what seems like an increase in skill-lag in Wvw since the beginning of Season 1. Really, this is just a large influx of players playing Wvw, mostly in servers that usually don’t have queues to get into the map. A lot of the higher tiered servers are pretty used to large battles running into this issue, but obviously that isn’t a valid excuse for it happening. We’ve only increased the focus on relieving this since the season start, and rest-assured, its a top priority.
Some other common suggestions/questions is about a method other games used, which is known as “time-dilation” or “time-scaling”. Well, for starters, this method is extremely risky. We’ve discussed this, among quite a few other alternatives, and it has boiled down to causing more problems than it’ll solve. I know you might ask, “but the current experience is bad enough, how could it be worse?”. Well, to be completely honest, it would just open another can of worms that would end up breaking the game and causing things much worse than a couple seconds of input delay. We opted instead to focus on fixing the issue by simply making the game run better, instead of sweeping it under the rug by watering down the experience. Internally we have the ability to slow down time-scale of the game, and it just feels terrible. Not to mention breaks key mechanics of the game, such as the physics simulation.
Some other assumptions I’m seeing is about our server hardware and inefficient use of communication between them and the game’s database. I’ll go ahead and put these assumptions to rest. Our server hardware was actually purchased new right around the launch of the game, rest assured its not out-dated. And you can sleep at night knowing that our combat doesn’t connect out to the database for information. All of the information it needs is already loaded into memory. The game database is simply for storing persistent character and account information, which is for the most part only accessed when loading in/out of a map or periodic saves which are handled asynchronously. I suggest checking out the links below for more information on our servers.
As far as skills just not executing (noticed some people claiming utilities are more susceptible to this), its mostly just a race-condition as far as processing on the server. You’ll notice that your auto-attack skill seems to process more reliably than other skills. This is mostly due to the fact that we process things like auto-attack timers before player input. Obviously that sounds like a bug (and honestly now that I think about it, I want to look into doing something about it), but the reality is that under normal circumstances, the player input would process before the auto-attack timer triggers. Something you can try to verify this is disabling your auto-attack and see if your other skills become more responsive.
For you tech savvy folks, here’s some good links to help understand our server infrastruture and some other pretty neat things: Link – Another Link!
Well, that’s it for today. I’ll be sure to update you all on our progress and when you can start looking for major improvements. Like I mentioned above, we’re pretty optimistic that this could be as early as our next release. Have a good weekend!
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3141560
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En tout cas , la moitié du temps sur CBE, c'est surtout bagdad pour lancer des compétences
Mais ça donne des rencontres intéressantes dans BP, quand t'es en face d'un adversaire, et que vous êtes tout les deux à vous regarder, sans pouvoir rien lancer
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Bill Freist nous a informé que des correctifs, pour diminuer les lags (en PvP/McM et dans les zones à forte concentration de mobs en PvE), ont bien été déployé lors de la MàJ du 12 Novembre dernier.
Alors que d'autres améliorations sont en cours, Bill se dit curieux d'avoir déjà dans un premier temps notre avis sur la question.
Si l'envie vous prend de vouloir exprimer vos derniers ressentis, cela se passe sur ce topic :
=> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … imizations
So during the November 12th release, we rolled out a couple of changes that significantly reduced skill lag. One mostly targetted PvP and WvW, whereas the other was more high creature concentrated PvE areas.
Curious to see if you, as players, have noticed the impact (or haven’t noticed it because the game feels as it should). Of course WvW will still see occasional spikes during large 3-way encounters, but those a significantly shorter and the server can now recover from them almost immediately.
Needless to say, more improvements are well underway.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3214783
Dernière modification par Neph (19-11-2013 09:48:15)
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Hier, Bill Freist, en plus de nous souhaiter la bonne année, est venu nous informer que de nouvelles améliorations faites -sur le client de jeu- vont être déployées prochainement.
Ainsi, celles-ci devraient permettre de faire baisser l'utilisation de la mémoire et améliorer le frame-rate, en particulier pour les configurations les moins performantes.
Quick update:
Happy new year everyone! Now that we’re back from holiday vacations, we’ve got more improvements that’ll be rolling out soon. A handful of client improvements will also be making their way (soon hopefully), that should see a drastic memory usage drop and client frame-rate improvements, especially for lower-end hardware.
I’ll make sure to update once I have a better idea of what release you can start seeing these changes trickle in.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3516573
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Tel qu'évoqué dans les changements non documentés du patch "La lisière des Brumes" du 4 Février 2014, Bill Freist a confirmé qu'une optimisation du client de jeu a été déployée hier soir.
To follow up, the client optimizations that I mentioned before went out with the build today. Let me know if you saw improvements. Feel free to list your specs too!
D'une manière globale, les utilisateurs PC s'accordent à témoigner de gains en FPS alors que les utilisateurs Mac subissent une perte drastique de FPS (impossibilité de jouer dans des environnements "denses" tels le McM ou les world-boss).
A suivre...
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De nouvelles optimisations vont être effectuées comme nous l'annonce Bill Freist :
Keep in mind that there are a few very different issues being mixed up here. “Skill Lag” as discussed in the original post here is referring directly to Game Server CPU usage. I want to ensure we are all on the same page, so here’s a little refresher:
Game Server CPU usage (which is the #1 issue discussed here)
Let’s be honest, Guild Wars 2 has a lot of moving parts, and the Game Server is pretty much always in the thick of it.Player/Client → GameServer bandwidth
Most cases usually come from players having other heavy traffic going on while playing the game, weak WiFi signals, or their ISP is having difficulties.GameServer → Player/Client bandwidth
This can happen sometimes in our datacenters during peak hours or when hardware is having difficulties, but normally resolves very quickly.Client frame-rate
CPU and/or GPU bound hardware
Extremely heavy combat, dense populated areas, and/or effect spam (which causes a lot of overdraw, which can cripple even the beefiest hardware)
So how about what you actually want to hear… When are more improvements coming?
Like always, I don’t have a date to toss around (yet), but I do have a couple things that are well on their way, and hopefully will make it in the next few releases (fingers crossed). So, what can you expect?
Another round of Game Server optimizations
With most of the previous improvements to the Game Server, I’ve tried to focus on improving combat responsiveness. Its just not a fun experience when you try to execute a skill and either: A: Nothing happens, or B: It just doesn’t execute in a timely manor (which is arguably worse). The changes coming should make a nice impact on content that has large densities of creatures and/or zergs of players.
Though, not all “Skill Lag” scenarios are a product of the bullet points stated above. There are other causes of input delay, and a good example of this would be Ranger Pets. I’m sure plenty of you agree that their responsiveness has been arguably, well, next to none. I recently spent time working on improving the interaction Rangers have with their Pet using the Command Bar. I’d love to hear your feedback on this once it ships. Issues like this are something I definitely plan to continue improving upon (Necromancer Minions also come to mind).
Another similar issue that has been extremely frustrating in combat is trying to hit objects like Engineer Turrets (I’m still having nightmares of Graveling Burrows). Or, rather, turrets getting hit by attacks that seemingly shouldn’t have hit them, resulting in what seems to be “lag”. This is something that myself and a designer spent some time tuning, and the results are pretty self-explanatory. I believe some of these changes are actually coming as soon as the next release, though this will only affect attackable objects that don’t have navigation-blocking collision (turrets, some siege equipment, etc).
And, of course, there’s more non-performance/optimization related improvements well on the way that’ll increase the general experience and responsiveness of combat. An example would be Mesmer Illusions/Clones/Phantasms that unreliably attack their target – Warden, I’ve got my eye on you!
Lastly, client frame-rate and memory usage is still being actively worked on. I’ll have to follow up on when more improvements will ship, but I know there are some exciting things in the works.
Source : https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/g … ost3699821
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