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#1 08-02-2013 10:34:20

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[Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle


Tout dernièrement, c'est dans une discussion du forum officiel portant sur nos "Jumping-puzzle préférés" (ICI), que Josh Foreman, level designer, est intervenu en répondant à de très nombreuses questions posées par les joueurs...

Foreman s'est ainsi inséré dans la conversation en indiquant son propre point de vue, en nous relatant ses propres expériences et ses goûts personnels, mais aussi qu'il travaillait sur quelque chose de nouveau, qu'il avait hâte de nous faire découvrir et, que nous ne serions pas prêt à lâcher.

Josh Foreman a écrit :

Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.

Ensuite, tout en parlant de l'intérêt personnel que l'on peut avoir pour tel ou tel puzzle, Foreman a précisé quelques points :
* les jumping-puzzle ont été créé, pendant le développement du jeu, individuellement par chaque designer responsable d'une zone (~1% de leur temps de travaille)
* les jumping sont, aux yeux des développeurs, une activité périphérique au jeu
* et, Foreman nous a précisé que le puzzle sur lequel il travaillait comprenait tout ce que lui aime

Josh Foreman a écrit :

It’s interesting how much love I’m seeing for that one on this thread. In general I’ve mostly heard negative feedback on it. In each JP I’ve done, I’ve tried to explore an element to its fullest. Weyandt’s Revenge was narrative, Griffonrook Run was a 2-part setup where you have to strategically plan your rout, then race to finish it, Clock Tower is straight up race , and Scavenger’s Chasm was all exploration/discovery. I’m a very discovery-oriented player myself, so I loved the building the Chasm and making the little hidey holes. This next one I’m doing is so massive that I’m getting to do a bit of everything in it, so it’s been a super fun experience.

Josh Foreman a écrit :

I hate the term Jumping Puzzle. It really only applies to about 20% of them. I’ve always called them Jumping Challenges which covers the scope of what they offer.

    Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.

    Already on it. I’m currently placing props in my map that will only appear in Baby Mode that will create bridges over the difficult parts. Normal Mode will have none of those. And Stupid Mode… well, if you’ve ever played I Want To Be The Guy or Syobon Action (AKA Cat Mario) you’ll know what to expect. And all with rewards/titles commensurate with the effort involved.

    Everything about it is brand new. I mean… everything. So it’s going to take a while. Give it a couple months.

    No. ALL skills, buffs, or any other un-equalizer will be removed. (including size differences among the races) But if you suck, we will have Baby Mode. So ANYONE should be able to have SOME amount of fun.

    I anticipated that most people would want to be their characters, and wouldn’t want to lose the look they’ve worked so hard to achieve, so I made sure we would not transform you into something else. Just don’t expect to be your normal size.

Ensuite, on lui a posé la question des récompenses des jumping-puzzle.
Sur ce point, il indique que la conception graphique est totalement dissociée des récompenses (du script)

Josh Foreman a écrit :

No, we map artists are teamed up with a scripter, and scripter has to keep all that economy balance stuff in mind. I know little about those issues.

Enfin, la conversation à dérivée sur la "problématique" des puzzles présent en McM

a écrit :

Victory.2879: If they are OPTIONAL, then remove them from wvw as they have no part in it, block real wvw players from getting in and are the cause of a lot of friction between JP2 fans and wvw players.

Josh Foreman:
    I’m not super familiar with how the JP in WvW interacts with the rest of the map, so I can’t really speak to that. I am not an expert on all things GW2 or even JP. I’m speaking from my understanding of the subjects. I would be interested in hearing more about this dynamic though.

Victory.2879: Hell, take up my suggestion from months ago and take all the JP’s OUT of wvw and make it it’s own area with it’s own queue system and I’m sure the fanboys here would all love you for it (and the wvw community would love you for it too). Imagine a whole instance full of your favourite JP’s in a pvp area!

Josh Foreman:
    That’s not something I have any power over. As I said, tell me more about how JP in WvW is ruining your experience. I’d honestly like to know.

Victory.2879: For something that less than 1% of devs time was spent on there certainly seems to be a lot more of them and even more being developed while it been X months and most if not all of the wvw issues still exist.

Josh Foreman:
    The reason more of them are coming out is because it’s something the Map Artists can create relatively quickly in small areas that are low-impact and low-risk for creating new bugs and mucking with currently stable systems. I know that we have a good sized team that is dedicated to WvW, so it’s not like anything is being ignored in favor of making JPs.

Victory.2879: Maybe the JP team should work on wvw and the wvw team can play with designing JP’s, then we might see some results on wvw.

Josh Foreman:
    It doesn’t really work that way. All of our teams have people from all disciplines working on them. There is no JP team. Unless you count my tiny little team working on this short special project. But there is no single team that makes all the JPs. Like I said, they get put in by Map Artists as the inspiration and availability permits. They are not a priority, nor a main feature.

Victory.2879: but on the whole GW2 is not about jumping at all.=== so then they didn’t appear in Xmas event as a major part of it, or most other added content doesn’t contain at least an element of either ‘jumping’ or a ‘puzzle’? Fractals has at least one where jumping is a major part of it- of the 3 I saw there was plenty of jumping and opportunities to fall to your death.

Josh Foreman:
    Well, I did the JP for Halloween, but I also did a pumpkin patch map, and a boss map, as well as spending a lot of time decorating LA. And our other Map Artist made the maze. On Wintersday I did the airship interior. As far as content distribution the vast majority is still on other things. If your argument is “Why are you making content that I don’t like while X is still a problem.” then you will never be satisfied because the game will never be perfect. We are always trying to make it perfect, but sometimes our solutions will not be the same as yours. And sometimes X is what our designers have decided is the best solution so it won’t change. We can’t make a game that is 100% everyone’s cup of tea. We will spend resources in ways that you would not if you ran ArenaNet. We spend resources in ways that I would not if I ran ArenaNet. The same can be said for any individual in the universe. I hear what you’re saying. You don’t like JPs and wish we would put those resources into other areas. My only contention is that “resources” are not a uniform descriptor. Map Artists can’t fix whatever it is you dislike about WvW. But they CAN make content that appeals to a niche community like the JP crowd without impinging on other systems or turning the game into Super Mario Bros.

Victory.2879: I’ll stop being ‘silly’ when you start being ‘sensible’ in your replies to a customer.

Josh Foreman:

En sommes, une petite discussion ouverte à bâton rompu et plaisante à suivre.

Note : Pour ceux qui ne le saurait pas, Josh Foreman est le concepteur du jumping-puzzle d'Halloween : Mad Clock-Tower et si vous voulez voir à quoi il ressemble... => ICI

Dernière modification par Tree Selectif (23-02-2013 12:42:53)

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#2 08-02-2013 10:55:39

Miss Vandella
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Re : [Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle

Je rejoins Victory.2879 sur sa conception des JPs en WvW. Comme lui, je trouve qu'ils n'ont pas un grand intérêt, à part empêcher certains joueurs de rentrer sur les maps, venus pour faire du WvW.

Sinon, j'espère pour les fan de JPs que sa dernière création vaudra le coup. smile


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#3 08-02-2013 11:53:22

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Re : [Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle

De mon point de vu, c'est amusant les Jps en WvW.

Une zone, ou en plus de réussir à faire le puzzle, il y a des troupes ennemis.

Pour moi aucun puzzle n'a posé de soucis, et même si ceux présent en WvW reste facile la présence d'adversaire rajoute du challenge..

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#4 08-02-2013 12:22:42

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Re : [Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle

j'en profite pour rappeler que la moitié des armes de sieges posées en mcm sont issues du coffre du puzzle, donc si, il y a un interet...

ca permet au gens moins invéstie (et donc pas prêt a claquer 5po de sieges) en mcm, de se rendre tout de même utile.

Heureux est l'élève, qui comme la rivière, arrive à suivre son cours sans quitter son lit.

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#5 08-02-2013 17:45:08

Pseudo IG : Joey W
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Re : [Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle

Here we go again avec cette saleté de débat des JP en WvW hmm Même si Victory est un tantinet agressif, on voit clairement que Foreman en a un peu rien à faire de ces JPs-là et qu'on est pas prêts de les voir disparaître lol

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#6 08-02-2013 17:49:07

Miss Vandella
Pseudo IG : Sheyna Vandella
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Re : [Annonce] Josh Foreman : A propos des Jumping Puzzle

Je reconnais que l'acquisition d'armes de siège dans les coffres est une bonne chose. Mais il y avait peut-être un autre moyen..


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